
Randy Orton voices 千千歌词

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-08 08:24
  • 提问者网友:佞臣
  • 2021-02-07 17:38
哪位大侠给个带分钟的那种 感激不尽!!!!!
  • 五星知识达人网友:千杯敬自由
  • 2021-02-07 18:30
用千千可以搜到Randy Orton.voices的歌词 我用的是千千5.3版本
在歌词秀上点右键 选在线搜索

  • 1楼网友:想偏头吻你
  • 2021-02-07 19:38
I hear voices in my head 我听到有一个声音在我脑海中 They council me, they understand 他们在谈论我 他们很清楚 They talk to me. 他们是在对我说 You got your rules and your religion, 你用你的规则和你的信仰 all designed to keep you safe. 和设定好的一切来保证你不受伤害 But when rules start getting broken 但是当规则逐渐被打破时 you start questioning your faith. 你开始质疑你的信仰 I have a voice that is my savior, 我有一个声音 那是我的救星 hates to love and loves to hate. 恨变为爱 爱变为恨 I have the voice that has the knowledge 我的声音 那是智慧与力量 and the power to rule your fate. 来支配着你的命运 I hear voices crying 我听到哭泣的声音 I see heroes dying 我看到英雄们就要死去 I taste blood thats drying 我品尝着干枯的血液 I feel tension rising. 我感觉到紧张在攀升 I hear voices in my head 我听到有一个声音在我脑海中 They council me, they understand 他们在谈论我 他们很清楚 They talk to me, they talk to me. 他们在对我说 他们在对我说 They tell me things that I will do 他们告诉我的那些事 我做得到 They show me things I'll do to you. 他们向我炫耀的东西 我会做给你看 They talk to me, they talk to me... 他们在对我说 他们在对我说 All the lawyers are defenseless, 律师全都无法自卫 All the doctors are disease, 医生都得了疾病 And the preachers all are sinners 牧师们都是罪人 And police just take the grease. 警察只是想拿好处 All you judges you are guilty, 你宣判你全部罪行 All the bosses I will fire, 我将老板全都解雇 All you bankers will have losses 所有的庄家都会受损失 Politicians are all liars. 政客都是骗子 I see darkness falling 我看到黑暗降临 I hear voices calling 我听到了呼喊 I feel justice crawling 我感觉到正义在爬行 I see faith has fallen. 我看到信念已经沦陷 I hear voices in my head 我听到有一个声音在我脑海中 They council me, they understand 他们在谈论我 他们很清楚 They talk to me, they talk to me. 他们说的是我 他们说的是我 They tell me things that I will do 他们告诉我的那些事 我做得到 They show me things I'll do to you. 他们向我炫耀的东西 我会做给你看 They talk to me, they talk to me... 他们在对我说 他们在对我说 I hear voices crying 我听到哭泣的声音 I see heroes dying 我看到英雄们就要死去 I taste blood thats drying 我品尝着干枯的血液 I feel tension rising. 我感觉到紧张在攀升 I hear voices in my head 我听到有一个声音在我脑海中 They council me, they understand 他们在谈论我 他们很清楚 They talk to me, they talk to me. 他们说的是我 他们说的是我 They tell me things that I will do 他们告诉我的那些事 我做得到 They show me things I'll do to you. 他们向我炫耀的东西 我会做给你看 They talk to me, they talk to me... 他们在对我说 他们在对我说 我没找到 带时间的 抱歉了 楼主