
jeep服饰英文简介 急~~~

答案:1  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-05-01 03:33
  • 提问者网友:抽煙菂渘情少年
  • 2021-04-30 23:30

各位朋友帮帮忙 我现在急需吉普服装的英文介绍 谢谢了!翻译个大概也成


面料成分仍以天然纤维面料为首选,其中以全棉为主, 增加了绵麻,天丝棉,纯天丝、棉、麻混纺,以及竹纤维的面料,丰富了面料的种类。面料结构以高支数,紧密织法结构为主,表面作轻磨毛、提花再加刮色、或涂层处理,着重体现表面的机理感和质感。

  • 五星知识达人网友:毛毛
  • 2021-05-01 00:02

呃...文字够多的,还有中国语法...专业名词也有点多,翻译起来比较费时间...先给你个JEEP clothing的官方介绍吧,你看看够用不...

The history of the Jeep® vehicle is the history of heroes. The original Jeep® vehicle was created in only 49 days. In 1940 the world was burning. The US army…and the world…needed a fast, lightweight, all-terrain vehicle. Over 130 car-companies were invited to design a truly heroic 4x4. Only Willys-Overland and The Bantam Car Company responded. After several tests both companies took the best of both worlds and designed the Jeep®. During World War II Willys and Ford filled more than 700,000 orders. The end of the story is well known.

The Jeep® vehicle became legendary and was ready to conquer the world.

What's in a name…
A couple of anecdotes.

The source of the Jeep® name remains unresolved…so choose the best story.

Some people say the name came from slurring the G.P. acronym: G for Government contract vehicle, P for 80-inch wheelbase reconnaissance car.
Another explanation, according to Col. A.W. Herrington, is that Jeep® was used in Oklahoma as early as 1934 to name a truck equipped with special equipment for drilling oil wells.

Others think the vehicle was called a Jeep® in reference to the character 'Eugene the Jeep' in the Popeye strip by E.C. Edgar. Eugene the Jeep was a small, impish-looking animal that had the power to travel back and forth between dimensions and could solve all sorts of problems.

Another version is that Irving 'Red' Hausmann, a Willys-Overland test-driver who tested the first pilot model picked up the Jeep® name that some soldiers at camp Holabird had been using.

What we do know is that the Jeep® brand of vehicles is one of the most recognized brands in the world. It has become a timeless symbol of adventure, the ultimate feeling of freedom. It reflects an all-adventurous lifestyle.

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