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解决时间 2021-03-09 00:41
  • 提问者网友:却不属于对方
  • 2021-03-08 19:51
  • 五星知识达人网友:拜訪者
  • 2021-03-08 20:53
Mrs. Thatcher'sFarewell Speech


Government apart,thestrength of a civilized nation depends on the natural authority of the family,the school,the churchand our great institutions. Who is to answer the child crying for help?Who is toprotect the elderly couple?Who can win back the youngster hooked ondrugs?Police,socialworkers,thevoluntary organizations all must do respond. But that is not enough. We are theneighbors of that child,of that elderly couple,of thatyoungster. Upholding the law can't be left to the police and the courts alone.We are all involved. We can not pass by on the other side.

Come with us then towards the next decade.Let us together set our sights on a Britain that three out of four families owntheir homes,thatowning shares is as common as having a car,where families have a degree of independencetheir forefathers could only dream about:a Britain where there is a resurgence ofenterprise,ofmore people self-employed,more businesses and therefore more jobs;a Britainwhere there is a standard health care far better than anything we have everknown.

Yes!We have set our sights high,but thesegoals are within our reach. Let us ensure that we'll bring them within ourgrasp.

In the past eight years something haschanged in Britain,perhapsthe most important change for a generation. Quite simply,it is achange of the spirit. People all over Britain are finding a new confidence anda new pride.TheConservative Government didn't create that spirit. It's the true spirit of theBritish people. What we did was just set it free.We were determined to give people back theincentive to work and the confidence to save.That’s why we have to cut inflations:that’s whywe would determine to take power from the trade union bosses and give it backto Union members;andthat's why we abolished a whole mass of controls,and we stopped government trying to runbusinesses,whichis something politicians have never been much good at. So we privatised them.The manager is managed,theworkers shared in the ownership and the industries turned from losses intoprofit. As a result of all this,the living standards in this country are thehighest there have ever been. Britainreally is a country again and his prosperity is spreading steadily through theCommunity.

Thirty years ago only thirty people in ahundred owned their own homes. Today it's sixty-five in every hundred.

It's always the dream and the ambition ofthe Conservative Party that what used to be the luxuries of the few shouldbecome the daily experience,indeed the necessity of the many.It'shappening with homes:it’shappening with shares,andit is happening with savings. And the result has been a greater prosperity.It's not only our standard of living that has increased,it meanswe’ve been able to put greater resources into health and social security,but you canonly do that when you first created the prosperity. And all this has beenachieved by government and people together,the government running things well,like anygood housekeeper and the people responding,and that partnership is even more vital inkeeping the law.

Yes!This government has increased the numbers ofpolice and we will increase them still further. There are more bobbies on thebeat!taut crimeis not a matter of the police alone. It never was. Police needs support fromall of us. Indeed,theenemies of the British bobby are the enemies of liberty itself. The policeserved the rule of law impartially. They need our support. They deserve ourtrust.

And there's one thing that only governmentcan and must do. It must secure the country's defence,and in anuclear age,thatmeans we must have a nuclear deterrent. Winston Churchill,who knew somuch about the dangers of weakness in appeasement,warned us thirty-five years ago. He said,be carefulabove all things,notto let go of the atomic weapon until you are sure and more than sure that othermeans of preserving peace are in your hands. For a government to surrender ournuclear deterrent willbe an unprecedented act of folly that will put the nation in jeopardy. Thenuclear deterrent haspreserved peace in Europe for forty years.

And I believe peace is the heart of what wein Britainask our government to safeguard. Peace in industry has enabled people to honourliving without fear of intimidation or been called out on strike against theirwill and without a ballot. Peace of mind,that comes with knowing that this willcontinue to be a safe country,a good place for us to live and for ourchildren to grow up in. Peace that comes from being independent and being ableto run your life and spend your own money in your own way,above all,the peaceof a country that is properly defended against any adversary,that's whatthis government and this people in partnership have been building for the pasteight years.Yetall of it will vanish unless we preserve the economic strength,the strongdefence and spirit of enterprise that have made us prosperous at home andrespected throughout the world. It is that which is at issue on Thursday. Ofcourse,we feelpassionately about it because for us it is about the very heat and soul of Britain.