
信用证通知费,信用证修改通知费等费用 求助翻译,谢

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-22 18:35
  • 提问者网友:姑娘长的好罪过
  • 2021-03-22 05:45
信用证通知费,信用证修改通知费等费用 求助翻译,谢
  • 五星知识达人网友:廢物販賣機
  • 2021-03-22 07:06
  • 1楼网友:梦中风几里
  • 2021-03-22 08:24
呵呵,有的同一条款,你有几条不同的词儿,估计你是搜集了好几个信用证的吧。请看翻译如下,逐句的: this letter of credit is inoperative pending receipt of amendment nominating vessel.----本信用证未生效,除非是否收到关于指定船只的修改。 信用证软条款 the certificates of inspection would be issued and signed by authorized the applicant of l/c before shipment of cargo, which the signature will be inspected by issuing bank.-----发货之前检验证书由授权的开证申请人签署,且此签字须经过开证行验证。 the goods will be shipped upon the appointing vessel by the applicant of l/c and adding a cable/telex amendment of l/c by issuing bank to advising bank, which an amendment should be negotiated accompanied with the original documents.----货物须装于开证申请人指定的船只,开证行会发给通知行一个电报/电传修改,此修改需要跟随其他正本单据一同交单议付。 the goods will be shipped upon receipt of shipping advice issued by opener of l/c appointing the name of vessel, which will be issued by way of an amendment to this credit by the issuing bank.----货物的装运,须在收到开证人的装运通知书之后进行,装运通知书上会指定船名,且此通知书须是按照开证行改证的方式。 commercial invoice in triplicate, all duly signed and countersigned by mr.xxxx and mr. xxxx of l/c applicant whose signatures must be in conformity with the specimen signatures held in xxxxbank.----经签署的发票三份,且发票须经过信用证申请方的mrxxx和xxx联署,此联署签名须符合在xxx银行备案的签名。 自动延期条款 shipment from kunming to genoa port not later than february 28,2008, “documents to be presented within 15 days after the date of issuance of the shiping document but within credit validity. in case shipment is not effected within the time stipulated above an automatic extention of 15 dayss is allowed both for the time of shipment and that of expiration of the credit.------装运(起运港和目的港)自昆明至热那亚,不迟于20080228。单据须在运输单据日期之后15内提交,且在信用证有效期内。如果装运未能在上述日期进行,则上述装运期和信用证有效期各自自动顺延15天。 in case shipment is not effected in time stipulated, an automatic extension of the date of shipment and validity for 10 days is acceptable.-----如果装运未能在上述日期进行,则上述装运期和信用证有效期各自自动顺延10天。(类似于上一句后半截) if the sellers fail to ship the goods within the validity of this credit, this credit will be extended automatically for 20 days, provided the shipment date is not stipulated in this credit.---如果卖方未能在信用证有效期内安排装运,且信用证未规定装运日,则此信用证自动延期20天。 if the shipment is not effected within the shipment date mentioned above, an automatic extension of 45 days for shipment and negotiation is acceptable..-----如果装运未能在上述日期进行,则上述装运期和议付期各自自动顺延45天。(类似于前面有一句) 15 days grace period permitted in respect of shipment and negotiation of documents in case vessel not auailable for shipment during the stipulated period.---如果在上述期间无船期可用,则对于装运期和交单议付期限允许15天的宽限期。 10、不符点条款 an additional charge of us$15.00 for us $l/cs, cad 20.00 for canadian dollar l/cs, equivalent of cad 20.00 for l/cs, in order currencies is payable by the beneficiary for each drawing presented which does not strictly comply with the term of this letter of credit and which has to be referred to the applicant, and the relative amount will be deduted from proceeds at time of reimbursement.----如果提交的单据没有严格符合信用证规定,此须通报开证申请人,则受益人承担额外的电报费(美元信用证按15美元,加币信用证按20加币,或等值于20加币的),此费用须在索偿时扣除。 if documents contain discrepancies, a special discrepancy handling fee of hkd 200.00will be charged..----如果单据含有不符点,需要收取不符点处理费200港币。 a discrepancy fee of usd 50.00 will be imposed on each set of documents presented to us for payment with discrepancies under this letter of credit, this fee will be deduted from the payment proceeds----本信用证下提交的每套单据如果有不符点,则会导致不符点费50美元,此费用会在付款时扣除。 11、电索条款 upon receipt of your tested telex certifying that the sipping documents are strictly in compliance with l/c terms, we shall effect payment by t/t same working day.----如果收到了贵方的核押的电传,声明了单据严格符合信用证条款,我们会在当天以电汇的方式安排付款。 you may claim rembursment from us by telegraphic transfer at the time of negotiation----在议付时,贵方可用电报方式向我行索偿。