

答案:3  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-05-01 13:37
  • 提问者网友:沉默的哀伤
  • 2021-04-30 13:37
  • 五星知识达人网友:青灯有味
  • 2021-04-30 13:48



  • 1楼网友:一秋
  • 2021-04-30 15:23

<a href= http://www.pass-e.com>真题网提供</a><br> 1.不要选择专业术语、专有名词较多的材料。   专业术语之类难词、生僻词对于绝大部分同学来说不需要掌握,因此练习时可以忽略掉。而如果选择的材料中这类词汇较多的话,无疑给自己设置了很多不必要的“拦路虎”,会影响练习的流畅性,应予以避免。   2.注意语段材料的时效性,时效性越强越值得练习。   不宜听写已经过时的英语语汇内容。如一些出自名家之手的英语美文,文采固然是好,但可能是百多年前创作的作品,其中一些用词,可能现代英语中已经不用了,或者用词比较艰深晦涩,这种材料就只适合单纯欣赏,和同学平时的英语使用情况相去甚远,对大家所面临的考试更是没有针对性,不适合用来练习听写。   3.基础不佳者不宜用影视剧对白练习听写。   这类材料可能含有过多口头语或俗语,且语速非常之快,对于英语程度不扎实,听写能力有待提高的同学来说很难听懂,更别提听写了。对于面向四六级的大部分同学而言,影视剧作品是可以作为听力和口语的练习素材的,但前提是,不要直接听写,应先结合中文字幕把大意听懂,然后作为泛听材料,单纯地通过听练习一下语感,使自己在听觉上习惯地道的英语语音语调,并起到口语纠音的作用,同时听加深记忆,学习一些剧中的口语表达。   4.刚开始练习时,材料篇幅不宜过长。   篇幅过长容易导致过度疲劳,会使练习者丧失兴趣。可先从简单、短小的材料练起,循序渐进,不断体会自己的进步和成就感,这样比较合适。随着练习的深化,可慢慢地逐步接触长篇材料。   5.不推荐听收音机节目来做听写练习。   这是因为收音机里的内容不可重复,万一第一遍没有听懂,则无法反复听,做循环练习。而且,收音机里的英语内容没有录音文稿,也就意味着听完没法对答案,这对实际提高能力帮助甚微。建议使用磁带或MP3材料,这样可以根据各人需要反复聆听,且所选材料一定要配备录音文稿。   有了合适的训练素材,练习方法也颇有讲究。一定要以句子为单位进行听写。有些同学为了片面追求听写的正确率,每次只听两三个单词就直接按暂停并开始写,把听写句子变成了听写单词或词组,这是不可取的。要知道,像这样给自己降低难度,减小压力,最后纸面上看起来是很漂亮,仿佛全听写正确了,但其实没有任何提高。所以听的时候要一定要有全局观,要听整句话在讲什么内容,而不是这句句子里包含哪些词汇。笔者在四六级听力授课过程中,发现不少同学有这样的困扰:每当听完一段材料开始做题,只记得所听到的只言片语,而没能理解材料的整体含义,导致解题错误率较高。这是因为他们只能以极短小的英语意群(如单独的单词,或者词组)为单位来接收信息,一旦听到长句,马上前听后忘。而如果经常练习句子听写,可以大大改善这种状况,增强短期记忆力,对应付考试很有帮助。   具体可按如下步骤进行训练:   第一步:一句话先听一遍,要求自己严格地把所听到的内容一词不变地记录下来。如果有记不下来或不确定的,就先留出空格,然后再听一遍。基本上一句话可以反复听三至五遍(具体依据训练者本身水平而定),如果有某些部分听了五遍还是无法攻克,就先放一放,听下一句。就这样逐句把整篇材料听完。   第二步:对照录音原文,把之前没有写出来的,或者写错的部分圈出来,并进行分析。四六级考生常见错误原因往往有二:第一,没有听出来的单词确实是不认识的,反复听也没感觉;或者听的时候似曾相识,但拼写发生了错误,那么就利用对答案的机会把单词背熟。通过这个过程背单词印象深刻,效果绝对优于死背词汇书;第二,许多学生向笔者反映,在练习听写时,有一个词反复听也听不懂,但最后对照原文一看,马上就认识了——原来是自己背过的单词,只不过听的时候意识不到。为什么有的单词会看得懂而听不懂呢?很可能是因为考生对于该单词的发音存在误解。比如lamb这个词,表示小羊羔,最后一个字母b是不发音的,但很多考生在积累词汇时,总是以为这个b是要念出来的,所以对于这个词的发音便留下了错误的印象。试想,听写时,考生从录音中听到的发音肯定是标准的,而这个发音和你对lamb这个单词的记忆对不上号,自然就听不懂了。碰到这种情况,应该马上在把录音再听一遍,并跟读,把自己的发音纠正过来,以后就不会犯同样的错误了。   可见,重要的不仅仅是练习本身,对答案时的分析总结也有很多值得注意的学习方法。这让笔者联想到了中医学里面的“刮痧”——它的原理是,用牛角梳沾取精油在病患的背部来回刮拭,刮过以后,背部会呈现出红色的斑点,也就是中医学上所说的“出痧”。医生会根据出痧的部位和性状进行诊断。其实我们练习听写,并在原文上圈出错误部分,让自己学习中的薄弱环节呈现出来,和刮痧是一个道理。这可以帮助我们发现和判断自己英语老提不高的“病根”究竟在哪里,然后“对症下药”——单词不认识的背单词,拼写不熟悉的记拼写,发音不正确的纠正发音,从而全方位巩固自己的英语听力基础。


1。肯定句   That’s true (1991/8)   Yes, thats about everything. (1993 01/1)   So did I (1993 01/7)   Yes, indeed. Im planning to……(1994 01/5)   Yes, and he liked it so much that……(1994 01/10)   Take it easy ,Things will work out (1995 01/1)   Yes, you are right(1995 01/2)(2003 01/8)   we didnt mind at all(1995 01/5)   Yes, but its my treat this time. (1995 06/5)   It’s my turn ( 2003 01/1)   Thats all right (1996 01/2)   The ideas are good. (1996 01/9)   Dont worry…… (1996 06/1)   Not at all. Go ahead, please? (1996 06/5)   Im sure it would be……(1996 06/7)   It is,especially if you……(1997 01/2)   So do I (199701/3)(199806/3)(200101/9)   I think everyone felt the same. (1997 01/10)   Yes. I have found great pleasure in doing sth. (1997 06/3)   I cant agree with you more. (1997 06/6)   I agree (1998 01/2)   Yes, isnt it exciting …… (1998 01/7)   Thats so. (1998 01/10)   Here it is (1998 06/5)   Certainly……(1998 06/5)(2001 01/8)Sure I will, if ……(1999 06/2)   She is counting the days。(1999 06/7)   Very delicious indeed (2000 01/2)   I realize that now。(2000 01/7)   Thanks, if its not too much trouble. (2000 06/1)   Ill try to …… (2001 01/3)   Certainly, in fact…(2001 01/8)   Thanks! Im sure you also did a good job. (2001 06/1)   OK, we can drop it this time (2002 01/4)   Yes, I feel ready for it (2002/10)   Good idea. I really can’t wait another minute. (2002 06/3)   It’s worthwhile to make the effort (2002 06/10)   Never mind. (2003 01/7)   Sure, Id love to(2003 06/2)   There is no hurry(2003 06/6)   believe it or not (2003 06/10)   Yeah, I guess so。(2003 09/10)   Thats okay. Im glad……. (2004 06/2)   Youve asked the right person (2004 06/7)   I share your feeling (200406/10)   2。建议句型   Would you like to…? --(199301-9)(199401-3)(199501-6)(199506-5)(199706-9)(200001-8)(200006-1)(200312-8)   If I were you I’d…… (199306-7)(200006-4)   I hope you will……(199501-7)   How about…? (199506-10)It would be better for you ……(199601-3)   Let’s ……(199601-8)(199701-1)(200101-7)(200106-5)(200306-9)   Why don’t we (you ) ……(199606-7)(199906-3)(199906-4)(200106-6)(200106-9)(200406-6)   I wish……(199806-3)   Wouldn’t ……be wiser? (199906-5)   Why not ……(199906-8)(200101-1)   Why +V. ……(199906-10)(200301-5)   Id better do ..。(200001-4)   Want to join me for……(200101-10)   Shall I/we ...? (200201-4)(200301-1)(200501-3)   what about....? (200206-3)   Would you ……(200301-1)   Listen to me ……(200301-9)   Just forget about it (200301-9)   Id like you to (200306-2)   You should ..。(200306-5)   Isnt it nice to....?(200312-3)   3. 询问句   What   what’s the matter with …… (199306,2)   What do you want……(199306,6)   What do you think of ……?(199601,9)(199801,3)(200001,2)(200501,4)   What happen to you (199801,8)   what can I do for you ?(200001,1)   what are we going to do(200206,4)   what happens if ……?(200206,4)   What should I (we) do? (200309,4) Why   why do you ...? (200312,9)   Who   Who can do ...?(200406,10)   Would   Would you like to……?(199301,9)(199401,3)(199501,6)(199506,5)(199706,9)(200006,1) (200312,8)   would you get me through to sb? (200001,10)   wouldnt you do……? (200006,7)   Would you pass me the sports section please? (200501,9)   Do   Do you want……?(199306,10)(199506,4)   Do(Did) you mind……?(199401,2)(199501,5)   Do you enjoy……(199401,5)   Do you know……(199501,9)(199606,6)(199901,4)(199906,6)(200101,8)   Do you think its worth…… (199806,2)   Do you think I (we)should ...? (200306,6) (200309,1)   Can/May/Should   Could you please tell me ……(199401,6)(200101,2)   Could you give me a ride ? (200309,6)   Can I help you?(200312,4)   Can you give me a hand? (200312, 6)   May I ask you a few question…… (199906,3)   should he do that.....? (200206,6) How   How about you ? (199701,3)   How are you doing……? (200006,5)   How could you do ……? (200101,5)(200201,9)   How did you like sth.? (200106,10)   How is it going ? (200206,5)   Am/Is/Are   Is there any possible of ……(199401,7)   Is that really the good reason to do sth.? (200501,2)   Are there any more question ……(199701,7)   Are you going to do...? (200201,6)   Anything wrong ……?(199506,6)   Anything else……?(199601,2)   Have   Have you done sth.? (199706,2) (200306,7) (200406,9)   Havent seen you for quite a while. Are you fine? (200306,8)   I/You/He/She   I hear youre doing …… (200101,4)(200106,3)   I wonder if……(200106,7)   Tom looks ……,doesnt he ? / .you seem……,dont you ?(200001,7)/ (200201,10)   4. 虚拟语气   (1)条件句   If I were you I’d…… (199306-7) (199601-9) (199706-10) (200006-4)   If only…… (199401-9)(200312-3)   It would be better……if……(199601-3)If it hadn’t …… I might have…… (199606-3)   If you try doing sth ,you’d ……(200001-5)   I wouldnt have trouble him so much if I had know…… (200006-3)   Wish   I wish I could……(199301-9)(199306-3)   I(only)wish …… (199401-9)(199806-2)(199806-3)(200106-4)   Its high time… --(199706-6)   (2)强调句   It is……that/ who……   It was the third time……(199501,4)   It’s difficult to ……(199501,4)   It’s high time (that)……(19976-6)   Its one of the best that Ive heard on this topic. (200101,5)   It was very important……(200201-9)   (3)助动词DO:   We do need …… but……(199506,10   But if it does rain, the whole thing will have to be canceled. (200206,4)   (4)反问   How could you do ……? (200101,5)(200201,9)   should he do that.....? (200206,6)   This is ……,didn’t you ……(199906,09)   Isn’t it nice to ……(200312-3)   (5)反意疑问句:   You dont feel very well, do you? (199306,1)   It sounds as if its coming from next door, The Nelson arent back yet, are they? (199306,9)Four, isnt it? (199501,9)   Janet is quite interested in camping, isnt she? (199606,4)   You really get to know the country when you go by train, dont you? (199806,10)   So I don’t have to write to him, do I? (199901,3)   Tom looks awfully nervous, doesnt he? (200001,7)   We havent had such a severe winter for so long, have we? (200006,9)   You were seen hanging about the store on the night when it was robbed, werent you? (200006,10)   Wonderful day, isnt it? (200101,10)   You seem very confident about the job interview, dont you? (200201,10)   You took an optional course this semester, didn’t you?(200206,5)   5. 否定句   But   So did I. but… (199301-7)   I wish…but… (199301-9)   I want to…but… (199301-10)   plan to …… but…… (199306-3)   I’m sorry to hear it but ……(199306-4)   I’d love to but……(199301-8)(199401-3)(199501-7)(199701-8)(199801-9)   I’d like to but……(200309-2)(200312-6)   I’m sorry you feel that way but……(199506-3)   sure…but…(199506-4)   But the problem is that……(199601-6)   That may be true for you , but it certainly isn’t true for me (199701-6)   I will… but…. (199706-9)   Thank you for your advice but……(199706-10)That is true…but… (199801-6)   But …isnt everything (200312-3)   I thought…but…(200312-5)   Sounds great. But ... (200501-3)   Not/Never   ……doesn’t agree with me (199306-1)   I don’t think so (199306-9)   No, thank you. (199501-6)   I’m not used to doing sth (199501-6) (200001-7)   I’ve never… (199606-6) (200501-1)   There is no need to…… (199901-3)   It doesn’t matter (200001-3)   I don’t think it …… (200006-7)(200501-8)   I dont know for sure (200101-2)   Im afraid I cant …(200301-7)(200312-1)   I can’t believe it …… (200309-4)   I dont care(200312-8)   I really can’t afford…… (200312-10)   “弄错”   You must be thinking of someone else (199606-2)   You must have made a mistake (200006-10)   5、反问表否定   How could you do sth (200101-5) (200201-9)   really? (200201-8)   Should he do that……(200206-6)6、其他形式   As far as I know …… is yet to be decided (199701-9)   That’s his opinion (200206-7)   That’s easier said than done (200301-9)   Too…to… (200306-3) (200312-7)(200406-2)   to tell the truth (200312-8)   I doubt it. (200501-4)


  • 2楼网友:第四晚心情
  • 2021-04-30 15:06

