
请先阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的词中选出最恰当的单词填空。每个词限用一次。(每小题1分)trouble, yourself, feelings, situation

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-20 15:17
  • 提问者网友:那叫心脏的地方装的都是你
  • 2021-03-19 19:49
trouble, yourself, feelings, situation, lie, control, alone, understand, few, with
Sometimes you might find【小题1】 in bad moods(情绪). Here are some things you can do to improved your moods.
★Catch your breath or do something that lets you relax for a 【小题2】 minutes, especially when you’re in a 【小题3】 where you feel angry or hopeless.
★Talk to people you believe in . They make you realize (意识到) that you’re not 【小题4】 . Friends can help you when you are in 【小题5】 . Talking to parents is important, too. Parents may
【小题6】 your easily because they have experience in dealing with bad moods. Keeping 【小题7】 inside can make them seem much worse.
★Exercise. Exercise can improve your moods quickly. You can go for a run, play tennis or ride your bike.
★Get enough sleep. You can【小题8】 down and get some rest. Being tired can result in more sadness.
★Cry(哭). There’s nothing wrong 【小题9】 crying. In fact, it often makes a person feel better.
★Ask a doctor for help. If your bad moods are out of【小题10】 , for example, they interfere with(妨碍) the way you deal with friends, parents, studies or activities, you need to talk to doctors about what you can do to feel better.yourself
  • 五星知识达人网友:玩家
  • 2019-04-18 09:44
(答案→)yourself 解析:本文介绍了改善坏心情的几种方法:深呼吸休息几分钟,向你信任的人诉说,锻炼,得到足够的睡眠,哭,向医生求助。【小题1】Sometimes you might find in bad moods(情绪).句意:有时你可能发现自己情绪低落。此处要用反身代词,因为主语是you,故填yourself。【小题2】Catch your breath or do something that lets you relax for a minutes,句意:屏住呼吸或者做一些事情让你休息几分钟。for后跟一段时间,a few minutes几分钟,a few后跟可数名词的复数形式,故填 few。【小题3】especially when you’re in a where you feel angry or hopeless.句意:特别是当你处在生气或无望的境况下。situation情况,处境,结合上文,情绪不好时要深呼吸或休息几分钟,让自己冷静一下,故填situation。【小题4】They make you realize (意识到) that you’re not . 句意:他们让你意识到你不孤单。结合上下文,要跟你信任的人谈心,说出你的烦恼,朋友、父母会帮助你,所以你不是孤立无援的,故填alone。【小题5】Friends can help you when you are in . 句意:当你处于困境中时朋友会帮你。be in trouble处于困境中,“in+名词”表示处于一种状态,故填trouble。【小题6】Parents may your easily because they have experience in dealing with bad moods.句意:父母可能很容易理解你,因为他们在处理坏心情方面有经验。父母经历的事情较多,他们有过处理各种坏心情的经验,所以应该是很容易理解你现在的心情,故填understand。【小题7】Keeping inside can make them seem much worse.句意:把事情闷在心里不说出来会让它们变得更糟。feelings在此处指不好的情绪,故填feelings。【小题8】You can down and get some rest. 句意:你可以躺下来休息一下。lie down躺下,故填lie。【小题9】There’s nothing wrong crying. 句意:哭并不是什么错事。There’s something wrong with…在某方面有错,故填with。【小题10】If your bad moods are out of , for example, they interfere with(妨碍) the way you deal with friends,句意:如果你的坏心情失去控制,例如,它们妨碍了你处理与朋友关系的方式。out of control失去控制,故填control。
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