
Federalist papers译文 跪求

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解决时间 2021-03-17 16:18
  • 提问者网友:记得曾经
  • 2021-03-17 13:02
Federalist papers译文 跪求
  • 五星知识达人网友:野慌
  • 2021-03-17 14:36
  • 1楼网友:夜余生
  • 2021-03-17 17:34
考试难度如何?通过率如何? ACCA考试的难度是以英国大学学位考试的难度为标准,具体而言,第一、第二部分的难度分别相当于学士学位高年级课程的考试难度,第三部分的考试相当于硕士学位最后阶段的考试。第一部分的每门考试只是测试本门课程所包含的知识,着重于为后两个部分中实务性的课程所要运用的理论和技能打下基础。第二部分的考试除了本门课程的内容之外,还会考到第一部分的一些知识,着重培养学员的分析能力。第三部分的考试要求学员综合运用学到的知识、技能和决断力。不仅会考到以前的课程内容,还会考到邻近科目的内容。 全球单科通过率基本在30-40%左右,中国学员通过率为50-60%。我校约在75-85%。详情请访问 ,请任选一门课程(如Paper1.1),然后再选"Pass Rates"打开即可 考ACCA英语程度要求多高?没有英语水平证明能否注册? 由于ACCA专业资格考试全世界统一标准,教材、试卷、答题全用英语,所以学员最好有大学英语考试六级左右的英文程度,当然这也是因人而易的,所以建议想报名的学员到代表处看看教材,再在ACCA网站上看一看历届试题,然后决定是否报考。 了解试题可访问 ,请任选一门课程(如Paper1.1),然后再按需要选相应栏目(如Past Question Papers(历届考题)、Past Answer Papers(历届考题答案)、Pilot Question Papers(新大纲模拟试题)、Pilot Answer Papers(新大纲模拟题答案)等)打开即可。 从2001年起,ACCA对报考ACCA专业资格考试的人员的英语水平没有硬性要求,即不要求提供英语水平证书,只要申请人认为自己的英语水平可以胜任ACCA的考试就可以。但是,如果学员在注册时选择参加牛津·布鲁克斯大学学位项目(即希望在通过前9门课程后申请该大学的应用会计理学士学位),则应按该大学的要求提供ACCA认可的英语水平证明,如CET-6、TOEFL、GMAT或IELTS 6.5证书等。注册时没有提交英语水平证明的,会影响原先可能获得的免试科目(如需放弃1.3的免试)。 大专学生是否可以报考? 可以,与本科生同等对待。 要提供成绩单原件吗?一定要中英文的吗? 符合下列情形之一者,可以不提供成绩单: ① 会计学专业
  • 2楼网友:玩世
  • 2021-03-17 16:09
I really wanted to like Superman Returns. I'm a big fan of Superman and when I want to like a film, most of the time I do. But not this time. I'm sorry, but all I can rate this film is two stars... and I'm being EXTREMELY generous there! Basically, one star is for the special effects, the other star is for Kevin Spacey's Lex Luthor. However, even with Kevin Spacey there are still areas to criticise. Firstly, the Clark/Lois/Superman love triangle... Where was it? Superman occupied the whole screen and it was almost as if he had no personal life outside Superman at all! There's a quote he uses in the comics: 'I'm Clark Kent first and Superman second'. That certainly DID NOT come across at all. One of the things I liked about Spiderman and Batman Begins, is that it didn't just focus on the lives of the heroes, it also focused on their alter ego's lives. Routh was on the screen as Clark for what must have been overall, about ten minutes! Not just that, but in the comics, it was Clark who managed to win Lois over and marry her, not Superman. By the end of the film Clark has absolutely no chance at all of getting with Lois! Anyways moving on, Lex Luthor! I like Kevin Spacey a lot. His Lex Luthor, brought a smile to my face with his little evil one-liners. However, in an interview with Kevin Spacey I'd read, he said he was going to play his Lex Luthor dark/ruthless... I watched the original Superman film the day before I went to watch Superman Returns and Spacey played his Lex Luthor EXACTLY THE SAME. Third point... I was under the impression after watching The Hulk, that the only good which came from that film, was that it taught film makers that they have to keep the comic fans happy. So how come Lois had a son? Not only that, but how on Earth can that kid pass as under five years old? The kid looked and acted about 7. Not just that, you have to take into account the fact that Superman was gone for five years. Within them five years, Lois would have had to meet her husband, eventually get to the point were there that much in love they need to have a kid, then there's the nine months it takes to have a kid. With that in mind, plus the 'superboy' revelation which takes place around the middle of the film, you can see that either there must have been a weird time-flux, or the man Lois married is just thick as bricks! On the acting front, Kate Bosworth did her best as Lois Lane and full credit to her. However, I think that her being Lois Lane was bad casting. She just didn't appear to be the Lois in the comics or in the previous films at all. Criticism number 4. The plot. It was as if, they were making it all up as they went along. Crystals? I'm not being funny, but isn't the Fortress of solitude, made up of crystals? The crystals react with water and the fortress is in the North Pole, surrounded by snow which IS essentially water. So how come, the whole Northen region of the planet isn't engulfed by bloody crystals? It doesn't take a bloody idiot to notice that, never mind if you're actually one of the film makers spending a whole year producing it! And HOW, oh HOW... did nobody click on to the fact that Clark and Superman have both been gone for exactly the same amount of time, they both have the same hair/height/facial features, and they both have a weird fixation with Lois? Clark works at a bloody newsroom for God's sake! How did nobody in the Daily Planet, not figure it out? It's a place full of journalists! Anyways... I left the very small amount of compliments till the end. Basically the special effects were fantastic. The bullet in the eye, the falling shuttle when the wing snaps off, the heat vision, the freeze breath and the x-ray vision... basically if it weren't for the special effects, I would have angrily walked out the theatre about half way through. Advice for all comic heroes... unless your the X-men, do NOT let Brian Singer direct your movies. I cannot wait to see how they manage to pull off the next film!