

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-23 21:36
  • 提问者网友:几叶到寒
  • 2021-03-22 21:53
完形填空 One Christmas Eve, my husband made his way home from work.1, he worked the entire day but let his stuff go2so that they could be with their families.He drove down the street and made the3towards our home. On one side of the road, an old man stood, drenched to the bone (被雨淋得湿透了), with his hand 29. The rain had been 30heavily that day. My husband stopped, and asked him where he was4. He wanted to go about five miles past our home, but my husband still told him to5. My husband chatted with him, drove6our house and took him home for his Christmas Eve.7turned out that this poor man was what we now8as a “slow learner” and the only job he could get to9him and his elderly mother was at the bakery near where my husband worked. He worked from10a.m. until11o’clock in the12. Not only that, but that poor man had been standing there trying to get a ride on Christmas Eve for about13hours14my husband picked him up.15else would give him a ride because they didn’t want to get their seats 40.Over the years my husband16to give him a ride home whenever he saw him trying to get a ride. When he passed17, my husband went to his funeral.18my husband didn’t know his family, they knew of him. Even his twin sister who19in the state of Washington knew who my husband was and everyone thanked him for his20toward one who had so little.An act of kindness can make another person’s day, or even their life.1.A.As wellB.As usualC.If possibleD.If so2.A.earlyB.nowhereC.altogetherD.late3.A.cornerB.changeC.crossingD.turn4.A.movedB.raisedC.arisenD.risen5.A.pouringB.flowingC.droppingD.pointing6.A.wanderingB.stayingC.goingD.working7.A.get outB.get offC.get downD.get in8.A.pastB.forC.fromD.near9.A.WhatB.ThatC.ItD.We10.A.round upB.refer toC.conclude withD.name after11.A.protectB.satisfyC.defendD.support12.A.morningB.afternoonC.eveningD.night13.A.beforeB.afterC.becauseD.while14.A.SomeoneB.AnyoneC.EveryoneD.No one15.A.tightB.wetC.cosyD.free16.A.persuadedB.claimedC.continuedD.appointed17.A.downB.awayC.byD.out18.A.AlthoughB.WhetherC.SinceD.Before19.A.traveledB.arrivedC.remainedD.lived20.A.wealthB.effortsC.kindnessD.attention
  • 五星知识达人网友:琴狂剑也妄
  • 2021-03-22 23:02
BADBA CDACB DBADB CBADC解析1.as usual“象平常一样”句意是:爸爸象平常一样下班回家。选B 。As well也, If possible如果可能If so如果这样。2.从后面的句子:so that they could be with their families.“为了让他们能和家人在一起,所以是让他们早些回家。选A。3.make the turn是转弯,选D。4.with one’s hands raised“举着手”,选B。5.词义辨析:pouring倾泻,flowing流动,dropping滴下,pointing指着,A符合句意:雨水倾泻而下。6.句意是:我爸爸停下来,问他去哪里?选C。7.get out出去,get off下车,get down下来,get in进来,句意是:爸爸让他进来。选D.8.这题考查介词的用法:past是“经过”,符合句意:爸爸开车经过家里。选A。9.这题考查句型:It turned out that…“结果是”。选 C。10.考查词组:refer to sb as“称某人为”选B 11.选D,这里的support表示“养活”。12.前面的时间段from 5 a.m. until 1 o’clock 看出这是下午一点。选B。13.句意是:在我爸爸接他之前,等了5个小时。选A。14.从后面的because they didn’t want to get their seats wet看出是其他没有人愿意载他。选D。15.因为是雨天,会把座位弄湿了,选B。16.时间是Over the years 爸爸是继续载他回家,选C。17.从后文的his funeral.说明他是去世了,pass away。选B。18.这两句话:我丈夫不认得他们,他的家人知道我爸爸,是转折的关系。选A。19.live in “生活在”选D。20.句意是:每个人都感谢他的好意。选C。
  • 1楼网友:冷風如刀
  • 2021-03-22 23:41