

答案:2  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-21 01:00
  • 提问者网友:做自己de王妃
  • 2021-12-20 04:11
完形填空 I remember vividly the call that changed my life. It was Tuesday, February 18, when the1rang in the kitchen of my Los Angeles home. On the 2was Marty Bandera, a literary agent to whom I had sent a draft(草稿) of my novel three weeks earlier. “ I have a couple of3,” Bandera said.“First, how old are you?” “I’m 48,” I replied.“Are you in good 4?” “Yes, excellent. What’s this about?”“I’ve sold your novels 5one and a half million dollars.”I sat down in 6. I had written over fourteen novels in twenty years, but each one had been 7 by the publishers. I suppose many people would have been 8, but not me. Each time, I just 9 writing another one. My husband advised me to find something else to do, but I refused to 10. Seeing this book 11was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It’s a mystery story (like all the others) and it was on the best-seller 12two weeks after publication!I got my first lesson in story 13from my grandmother. She used to read me stories. She was the one who gave me a 14of words. She sparked(激发) my 15and she has been a 16influence on me. I always had stories running through my 17and as soon as I could write I 18them down on paper.I married young and I have three children, but I never stopped writing, 19novels between doing the diapers(婴儿的尿布) and dishes. I am writing another novel now. Yes, my 20has changed my life。1.A.phoneB.bellC.clockD.alarm2.A.stepB.lineC.sideD.doorway3.A.novelsB.thingsC.questionsD.problems4.A.wealthB.healthC.careD.order5.A.toB.inC.onD.for6.A.needB.joyC.delightD.astonishment7.A.rejectedB.receivedC.judgedD.lost8.A.worriedB.angryC.discouragedD.excited9.A.couldn’t helpB.got down toC.got used toD.went on10.A.shut downB.find outC.give upD.set aside11.A.soldB.publishedC.printedD.passed12.A.booksB.shopsC.recordD.list13.A.writingB.organizingC.tellingD.reading14.A.useB.loveC.meaningD.respect15.A.hopeB.effortsC.novelsD.imagination16.A.lastingB.normalC.carefulD.general17.A.mindB.bookC.voiceD.work18.A.pulledB.putC.brokeD.looked19.A.thinkingB.readingC.developingD.translating20.A.friendB.ageC.successD.failure
  • 五星知识达人网友:行雁书
  • 2021-12-20 05:27
ABCBD DACBC BDCBD AABCC解析试题解析:1.由第一句I remember vividly the call ...可知这里应该是电话铃声,故选A phone.2.on the line 在线,打电话的是,由上一题可知在打电话,故选B.3.由下面的两个问句可推测Bandera有 两个问题,故选questions.4.由下面I’ve sold your novels for one and a half million dollars.可知Bandera害怕作者因太惊喜而承受不了。故选health。5.固定用法,sell sth for +钱数,以什么价格卖掉,故选for.6.由后一句作者的小说从没被出版社接受过,故作者很震惊,故选astonishment震惊。7.由前后句可推测出作者被出版社拒绝了,故选rejected 拒绝。8.worry 担心;angry 生气;discourage沮丧;excited兴奋,根据句意我想很多人在这种情况下都已经沮丧了,但是我不会。故选C.9.get down to 开始认真做某事;get used to 常常做;go on 继续做根据句意每一次我都认真开始写下一部小说。故选B.10.根据上一题可知作者没有放弃,故选give up 放弃。11.由第一段可知作者这本书被出版社接受了,故是这本书的出版对作者来说是最好的事情。故选B。12.best-seller list 畅销书单句意是这本书出版后连续两周在畅销书单上排名。13.根据句意我学习到的讲故事的第一课是跟我的祖母学的。story telling 讲故事.14.love of words对文字的热爱。句意是她就是让我对文字产生热爱的那个人。15.imagination 想象力,句意是她激发了我的想象力,她对我的影响是持续的。16.lasting 持续的,句意同上。17.mind 头脑,句意是我的脑子里一直就有故事在酝酿,而且只要能写我就立即把它们写在纸上。18.put sth down 写下,记下,句意同上。19.developing 发展,这里意思是构思,句意是我从来没有停止写作,在洗尿布时,我还构思小说。20.success 成功,句意是我的成功改变了我的生活。考点:考查的是记叙文。点评:整个完形填空大题,设空科学合理,考生不难从中领会大意,从而下手会比较顺利,从选项中可以看出,本大题主要还是考查了词汇的辨析与运用,但更加注重综合语言能力的运用,需要根据故事情节,了解词汇用法的同时,结合语境,做出准确的判断。
  • 1楼网友:杯酒困英雄
  • 2021-12-20 06:25