答案:2 悬赏:50 手机版
解决时间 2021-02-10 16:24
- 提问者网友:风月客
- 2021-02-09 18:40
- 五星知识达人网友:傲气稳了全场
- 2021-02-09 19:53
Impression of a book of 'Great Expectation'
Went to the bookstore during the holiday, I chose a book from a lot of world masterpieces, named Great Expectation, when I pick up this book, I have not expected that such an English book will have a so great impact on me, making my thoughts and feelings very deep, I think that the form and content of this book are all very outstanding.
It is written by Charles Dickens,a famous writter from England,and it is not important.Now I will turn to the topic on how it can attract me.
The character in this masterpiece left me the deep impression is Pip.He falls in love with Estella.He studied as hard as he could.Educating himself for her.Why did he love Estella so much? Just for her beautiful face? because she is pretty? She is rich? She is proud? In fact, I think Pip pay out so much for the love.She didn't treat him well and even that she didn't respect him at all! She put the food for him as a dog,but he didn't hate her. On the contrary, he left from his home and his friends. He just want to be a gentleman.He abandoned a lot than he got. I can't understand why he do it in this way. I think it's not worth at all. If one person don't like you or not respect you,you needn't do everything for her. So it made me quite sad.I feel sorry for Pip. He had a very difficult life...
Miss Havisham is aslo a character who left me a deep impression.She was a pitiful lady.Her mother died young.Her farther was very rich and very proud.with only one child,Miss Havisham,by his first wife.In fact, she should have a nice life,but her wedding was destroied by her fiance.He broke her heart and she was angry.She want to retaliate all men.She was really a abject woman.But she chose a wrong way to continue her life..She wanted to hurt other persons.And she had done.This is no good for her.Only made her feel a little comfortable.and there was more victims in the world.there are so many persons in the world.when they were hurt they want to hurt other innocent persons.Athough this is no good for them,but they did so.I do not know why they did so.Revenge?Made the world full of hateness.It is difficult to understand.
That's my thought.
Went to the bookstore during the holiday, I chose a book from a lot of world masterpieces, named Great Expectation, when I pick up this book, I have not expected that such an English book will have a so great impact on me, making my thoughts and feelings very deep, I think that the form and content of this book are all very outstanding.
It is written by Charles Dickens,a famous writter from England,and it is not important.Now I will turn to the topic on how it can attract me.
The character in this masterpiece left me the deep impression is Pip.He falls in love with Estella.He studied as hard as he could.Educating himself for her.Why did he love Estella so much? Just for her beautiful face? because she is pretty? She is rich? She is proud? In fact, I think Pip pay out so much for the love.She didn't treat him well and even that she didn't respect him at all! She put the food for him as a dog,but he didn't hate her. On the contrary, he left from his home and his friends. He just want to be a gentleman.He abandoned a lot than he got. I can't understand why he do it in this way. I think it's not worth at all. If one person don't like you or not respect you,you needn't do everything for her. So it made me quite sad.I feel sorry for Pip. He had a very difficult life...
Miss Havisham is aslo a character who left me a deep impression.She was a pitiful lady.Her mother died young.Her farther was very rich and very proud.with only one child,Miss Havisham,by his first wife.In fact, she should have a nice life,but her wedding was destroied by her fiance.He broke her heart and she was angry.She want to retaliate all men.She was really a abject woman.But she chose a wrong way to continue her life..She wanted to hurt other persons.And she had done.This is no good for her.Only made her feel a little comfortable.and there was more victims in the world.there are so many persons in the world.when they were hurt they want to hurt other innocent persons.Athough this is no good for them,but they did so.I do not know why they did so.Revenge?Made the world full of hateness.It is difficult to understand.
That's my thought.
- 1楼网友:十鸦
- 2021-02-09 20:07
离尘嚣》的主人公应是芭思希芭,一个有别于传统(隐喻一种对传统和现代改良的结合体),对传统以男性为中心的宗法社会有“反叛”的一面,也是有相当强烈独立自主意识的乡村姑娘,企图(带有自然本性的无意识)寻找自己的幸福,在各种力量的压迫面前,最终“失败”不得不“回归”乡村传统,“泯然众人”而结束。 在《远离尘嚣》中,芭思希芭的“回归”经历了一个“本性”——“追求”——“回归”——“泯然”的过程。本性的芭思希芭与19世纪维多利亚时代英国传统女性是形成相当大反差的。她不是那种一心按照社会习俗和标准生活的女性,也不是“以温顺胆小、循规蹈矩、逆来顺受、信教敬神为美德”③,而是一个向往自我的乡村姑娘,能较自觉地把握自己跳动脉搏和追求理想的女子,更是一个使性的女人,似乎“一个女人倘然一点不知道反抗,她会终生被人愚弄似的。”④ 首先巴思希芭青春美丽、自尊自强、骄傲和跃动着青春的气息,有那么一点执拗、虚荣,体现桀骜不驯的气质。相信大家不会忘了芭思希芭在马背上那灵活而令人眼花缭乱的杂耍,那姿势不太适合一个规矩的女性而让奥克吃惊。她那不受约束的活力与沉郁呆滞的爱敦荒原形成鲜明对比。她有少女的虚荣,非常注重自己的形象在别人眼中的想法,容不得自己输给任何人特别是男人,时刻要“占上风”而拒绝别人的施舍,有一种盛气凌人的味道。 除此,她也不是一个整日埋头农活的一无所知的村姑,芭思希芭受过教育、聪明伶俐,知识丰富、富有教养,这为她后来执意管理农场并经营得不错奠定了基础。正式接管她叔叔的农场后,更表现了强大的男性气质的魄力,“使人感觉到,在这柔软的身体中,隐藏着一种惊人的,可以使女性做出伟大业绩的潜力,而且她敢于把这种潜力表现出来”⑤,她跨越了当时社会对妇女从事的事业的局限(家庭教师、新闻业及服装业),成为镇上唯一出现在谷物集市这样一个女性禁地中的女性,其风采盖过许多男性。她也不顾众人的看不起而不任用任何管家,企图凭借自己管理农场,喊出了“我就是不要管家,我就是要自己做主”的口号。在情感上,她真诚而自信,任性骄傲却有主见,不听任何人的摆布或威胁,“憎恶别人把她当作男人的财产”。她向往爱情,厌恶人们习以为常的、成为传统的、庸俗平板的乡村婚姻生活,即奥克的“生上许多孩子”,“你一抬眼,看见的总是我,我一抬眼,看见的总是你”⑥的乏味生活,所以她会拒绝作为典型农人的奥克和严肃无趣的乡绅博尔伍德伍的求婚。正因为向往高雅、充实、浪漫的爱情,才会被特洛伊这个爱敦荒原的闯入者、享乐的纨绔弟子的花言巧语、阿谀奉承所欺骗,却自得其乐地认为得到了幸福。虽然周围的气氛凝重而具备压力,虽然弱小如她,仍认为自己能不被左右,而脱离传统的生活轨道,能把命运掌握在自己手中——这是让传统汗颜的“反叛”。