

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-11 02:58
  • 提问者网友:未信
  • 2021-03-10 18:39
80、Jane wasn’t in when Jack came, was she? No, she wasn’t, but she returned a few minutes later.
81、Readers can get along quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.
82、Hardly had I opened the door when he rushed into the office out of breath.
83、When we saw his face , we knew the news was bad .
84、The number of students in our school has increased.
85、Watch your step , or you might fall into the water .
86、The meeting is to be put off.
87、–The sea is very rough today. –C57 Yes, I’ve never seen such a rough sea before. .
88、–She’s broken her arm again . –Again ? I didn’t know she had ever broken it before .
89、–Has the wallet been returned yet ? –No , but we expect it to be returned any day now .
90、I’ve been told to pay the rent .But it has already been paid . It must have been paid by some else .
91、Montreal is larger than any other city in Canada .
92、Human’s brains are larger in proportion to their bodies than those of whales .
93、Before writing your article , you should select a topic , collect your material , and prepare an outline .
94、–I usually travel by train . –Why not try going by plane for a change ?
95、The boy lay in the street , his eyes closed and his hands trembling .
96、He will have worked here for 20 years by the end of next month .
97、I’ll do as the doctor advised .
98、Did we have to wait for Tom ?–Well , he’d have been very angry if we hadn’t waited for him .
99、Why do you insist on this being done .
100、We looked everywhere for the missing watch .
  • 五星知识达人网友:三千妖杀
  • 2021-03-10 19:29
今天的海风浪好大。–C57 是的,我以前从未见过这么大的风浪。
她的手臂又断了? 又?我不知道她的手臂以前断过
钱包被送回来了吗? 还没有,但是我们希望有一天它会被送回来。我被告知付租金,但是租金已经被付掉了,一定是别人付的。
我们是不是一定要等tom? 嗯……如果我们没有等他,他会很不高兴的。
  • 1楼网友:白昼之月
  • 2021-03-10 19:42
1. 长寿的秘诀在于平衡的饮食。(lie in)the secret of long life lies in balanced diet. 2. 与橘子相比,苹果含有更多的维他命c.(compared with) compared with oranges, apples contain much more vitamin c. 3. 我不是超人,又讨厌暴力,我能做什么呢?(not…)i am not a superman, also i hate violence, but what can i do? 4. 那些问心有愧的人晚上总是睡不好觉的。(be likely to)those who are guilty are likely to not have good sleep at night. 5. 这个中年男子没有遵守交通规则,险些被出租车撞到。(narrowly miss ,knock)that midage man hadn't obeyed the traffic rules. he narrowly missed the taxi avoiding knocking by it. 6. 我们盼望着老校友们的到来,共同庆祝我校建校60周年.。(look forward to)we are looking forword to the coming of our old schoolfellows in order to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of our school. 7. 城市的发展离不开环境的保护。(without)the development of a city is without the environmental protection. 8. 那位科学家谦虚地说他所做的不值一提。(worth) that sciencist said modestly that what he had done was not worth mentioning. 9. 在电脑的帮助下他得以顺利完成任务.(able) he was able to finish the task with the aid of a computer. 10. 你一定要准时参加明天的考试。(sure)you must take the exam tomorrow for sure. 11. 今年流行的东西明年就可能会被人遗忘。(likely)what are fashionable this year are likely to be forgotten by people next year. 12. 如果您把握不了这次机会,你将来一定会后悔的。(sure)you are sure to be regret in the future if you don't seize this chance. 13. 树大招风。(the more)the bigger the tree is, the stronger wind comes. 14. 这要你肯努力,大学的门永远向你敞开着。(open)the door of the university will always open to you as long as you work hard. 15. 人类要多久才能住进海底至今尚不清楚。(certain) it doesn't certain that how long human will live under the sea. 16. 写英文作业时最好用你熟悉的句型。(familiar)you'd better use the familiar sentence structure when you are writing your english homework. 17. 你必须准备一个笔记本随时记下生词(necessary)it is necessary for you to have a notebook to take down a new word anytime. 18. 没有现代化设备你无法在沙漠生存。(possible) it is not possible for you to live without the modernalized equippments. 19. 所有到场的人无不为英雄的汇报而感动。(present) all people presented here are moving about the representation made by the hero. 20. 老师对我们在社区的表现感到满意(satisfied) the teacher is satisfied with our performance in the community.