
We have completed our first month of preschool. Matthew seems to 26 it. He is catching on

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-23 22:06
  • 提问者网友:聂風
  • 2021-01-22 23:34
We have completed our first month of preschool. Matthew seems to 26 it. He is catching on to the routine quite nicely. I didn’t leave him there 27 much the first couple weeks. I am finding if I’m not there he behaves much better.
In this class a little German boy, who does not speak 28 ,cried all the time at first and now cries occasionally.
The Monday of the second week the little fellow just cried and cried. He was sitting 29 Matthew. I thought Matthew was going to start 30 and join in. I stood by and watched, ready for the rescue. Matthew kept turning around and 31 the boy. Then he reached his hand back and 32 him on the leg. He was comforting the boy! Later Matthew was playing with a 33 and the boy with blocks. Actually he was just standing by and crying. Matthew drove his truck over to the blocks, 34 it, picked up a few of the blocks and started handing them to 35 . They then together started 36 towers on the table and the little boy 37 crying.It seemed 38 Matthew knew what the little guy needed.Here was the little guy,who can’t speak English,and Matthew,who 39 playing together,like they were best 40 .
One of the days when I stayed,they were at lunch and Matthew was 41 at the table. I pulled up a chair to sit next to him.He smiled,then grabbed his book bag and took off running 42 the cafeteria.I took off after him.When we reached the wall he just giggled (咯咯笑),turned around and looked at me. I bent 43 to blame him for leaving his seat and running. He suddenly 44 a big wet kiss right on my cheek and smiled at me.All I could do was to take his hand and 45 him back to his seat.Then I turned my back and couldn’t help laughing.
【小题1】A.escapeB.hateC.enjoyD.avoid【小题2】A.outB.inC.off D.alone【小题3】A.SpanishB.EnglishC.Chinese D.Japanese【小题4】A.behindB.besideC.in front of D.far from【小题5】A.over againB.any momentC.even harderD.loudly【小题6】A.beatingB.shouting atC.1ooking at D.1earning from【小题7】A.helpedB.hitC.held D.patted【小题8】A.toyB.dollC.truck D.train【小题9】A.parkedB.repairedC.brokeD.threw【小题10】A.meB.the teacherC.himself D.the little boy【小题11】A.addingB.climbingC.building D.putting【小题12】A.continuedB.enjoyedC.began D.stopped【小题13】A.whereB.asC.whenD.as if【小题14】A.signsB.startsC.teaches D.1earns【小题15】A.brothersB.childrenC.friends D.people【小题16】A.standingB.runningC.sittingD.jumping【小题17】A.acrossB.intoC.out of D.through【小题18】A.upB.downC.in D.towards【小题19】A.leftB.receivedC.shouted D.showed【小题20】A.forceB.walk C.pushD.driveC
  • 五星知识达人网友:春色三分
  • 2021-01-23 00:35
(答案→)C 解析:【小题1】C.由下一句,他对常规理解得很好,看出他对学前班生活是喜欢(enjoy)的。【小题1】D.由下一句,“我不在时他表现得很好”,可看出开始时我并没有让他独自待着。【小题1】B.从第三段最后一句“who can’t speak English”可知选B项。【小题1】A.第6个空前“Matthew kept turning around”(回头),看出小男孩坐在Matthew后面,应选A项(behind)。【小题1】B.文章意思是作者担心Matthew也会突然加入小男孩(和他一起哭),该空在加入(join in)之前Matthew并没有哭,排除C、D两项,文中并没有提及Matthew哭过,排除A项。【小题1】C.后文中看出Matthew在安慰小男孩,此刻他注视着(looking at)小男孩或许正在想办法。A、B、D三项与文题不符。答案:C【小题1】D. Matthew伸出手用手背轻轻拍打小男孩的腿,pat“轻拍,抚摸”;hit“打,打击”。【小题1】C.下文Matthew开着小卡车,看出应选C项。答案:C【小题1】A. Matthew驾驶着他的小卡车,驶过积木,停下车,捡起几块积木,又开始载着它们驶向小男孩。【小题1】D.由后文中“They then together...”看出Matthew是想通过小卡车把积木运给小男孩。【小题1】C.积木运到后,他们一起开始堆塔楼(build towers)。【小题1】D.从后文可知小男孩被Matthew的游戏吸引,停止了哭泣。【小题1】D.正是因为Matthew和小男孩玩的游戏,才使得这个一直都在哭的小男孩停止了哭泣,所以说“这看起来就像(as if) Matthew知道小男孩需要什么”。【小题1】A.由于两个人的语言不通,所以需要通过sign“作手势”来一起玩。【小题1】C.句意:就像他们是最好的朋友(best friends)。【小题1】C.由下文我搬了把椅子挨着他坐(sit),看出Matthew是坐在桌前的。【小题1】A.因为当时正在吃午饭,本来就在餐厅,排除B项。Matthew跑过(run across)餐厅,下文中可看出他是到了墙下,并没有跑出餐厅,排除C项。D项中through不与run搭配。【小题1】B.我弯下身子到了他的高度(level)来批评他。【小题1】A. planted a big wet kiss right on my lips“热情地吻了我”。【小题1】B.从全文看出作者是很喜爱Matthew,以及最后情不自禁的举动也可以看出,该空处应该是举着他的手,走回他的位置。
  • 1楼网友:深街酒徒
  • 2021-01-23 02:01