
Students will need to use all of their skills in order to understand the reading selection

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解决时间 2021-03-02 12:20
  • 提问者网友:wodetian
  • 2021-03-01 15:17

Students will need to use all of their skills in order to understand the reading selections in Reader’s Choice.
The book 36 many types of selections on a wide 37 of topics. These selections provide practice on 38 different reading skills to get the 39 of the writer. They also give students 40 in four basic reading skills: skimming, scanning, reading for 41 comprehension, and critical reading.
Skimming involves reading quickly through a text to get an overall idea of its contents. This kind of rapid reading is 42 when you are trying to decide 43 careful reading is desirable or when there is not 44 to read something carefully.
Like skimming, scanning is also quick reading. 45 , in this case the search is more 46 .To scan is to read quickly in order to 47 specific information. When you read to find a 48 date, or number you are scanning.
Reading for thorough comprehension is 49 reading in order to understand the total 50 of the passage. 51 this level of comprehension the reader is 52 to summarize the author’s ideas but has not yet made a critical evaluation of those ideas.
Critical reading demands that a reader 53 judgments about what he or she reads. This kind of reedit 54 posting and answering questions such as “Does my own experience support that of the author?”, “Do I 55 the author’s point of view?” And “Am I convinced by the author’s arguments and evidence?
36.A.contains B.uses C.put D.writes
37.A.sense B.variety C.kind D.subject
38.A.making B.understanding C.speaking D.employing
39.A.message B.secret C.content D.nature
40.A.power B.point C.practice D.opinion
41.A.better B.basic C.general D.thorough
42.A.suitable B.interesting C.wrong D.true
43.A.that B.if C.when D.why
44.A.interest B.habit C.time D.desire
45.A.Moreover B.Anyway C.However D.Therefore
46.A.funny B.concentrated C.perfect D.important
47.A.deal with B.get in C.go over D.find out
48.A.common B.different C.fine D.particular
49.A.carefully B.slowly C.quickly D.perfectly
50.A.design B.explanation C.meaning D.feeling
51.A.To B.On C.At D.In
52.A.impossible B.able C.difficult D.simple
53.A.makes B.finds C.puts D.offers
54.A.lacks B.requires C.demands D.affords
55.A.tell B.express C.share D.argue36---55 ABDAC DABCC BDDAC CBABC
  • 五星知识达人网友:十年萤火照君眠
  • 2019-04-13 01:40
(答案→)36---55 ABDAC DABCC BDDAC CBABC 解析:本文教你阅读理解的准备步骤,介绍了一些阅读方法与技巧。36.A.contain“包含”,这是本包含很多话题的文选。37.B.a variety of表示各种各样的。本题易误选D. 38.D.employ“使用,利用”。本题易误选AB.39.A.message“信息”。阅读这些文章,了解作者要表达的/传递的信息。本题易误选C.40.C.用practice表示给学生提供训练。本题易误选D.41.D.从前后动作的顺序来看先是大略地看,然后是彻底理解,再然后是批评性阅读。42.A.在这种情况下是最合适的(suitable)。43.B.从语意看这里表示“是否”合适,因此用if或whether引导宾语从句。本题易误选AC.44.C.在没有充足的时间时就用这种办法。本题依误选D.45.C.上下文表示转折关系,前面说相同,后者说不同之处,因此用however连接上下文。46.B.虽然是略读(scan),可是比跳读(skim)要更集中精力。本题易误选D.47.D.find out“寻找”(信息资料),如下面提到的寻找日期或数字等。48.D.particular“具体的,特定的”。49.A.既然是为了“彻底地了解”,那么自然是仔细地阅读。本题易误选B.50.C.理解全文的内容和“含义(meaning))。 51.C.at this level表示在这个层次面,阅读进行到这个阶段时。本题易误选BD.52.B.此时我们作者就能够(able)做到这点了。53.A.make+(a)+动词的名词形式表示该动词的含义,如:make a (an)answer/apology/living等。54.B.此时需要(require)这么做。本题易误选C.55.C.既然是critical reading,那么就是要表示自己的观点,share(分享)表示与作者有相同的观点。本题易误选D.
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