
The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be fou

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-06 20:30
  • 提问者网友:ミ烙印ゝ
  • 2021-04-05 22:24

The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.
— Thomas Macaulay
Some thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York. One day, Mrs. Nantette O’Neill gave an arithmetic 1 to our class. When the papers were 2 she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the 3 mistakes throughout the test.
There is nothing really new about 4 in exams. Perhaps that was why Mrs. O’Neill 5 even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to 6 after class. I was one of the twelve.
Mrs. O’Neill asked 7 questions, and she did not 8 us either. Instead, she wrote on the blackboard the 9 words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to 10 these words into our exercise-books one hundred times.
I don’t 11 about the other eleven boys. Speaking for 12 I can say: it was the most important single 13 of my life. Thirty years after being 14 to Macaulay’s words, they 15 seem to me the best yardstick(准绳), because they give us a 16 to measure ourselves rather than others.
17 of us are asked to made 18 decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle. But all of us are called 19 daily to make a great many personal decisions. 20 the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket 21 turned over to the policeman? Should the 22 change received at the store be forgotten or 23 ? Nobody will know except 24 . But you have to live with yourself, and it is always 25 to live with someone you respect.
1. A. test B. problem C. paper D. lesson
2. A. examinedB. completed C. marked D. answered
3. A. easy B. funny C. same D. serious
4. A. lying B. cheating C. guessing D. discussing
5. A. didn’t B. did C. would D. wouldn’t
6. A. come B. leave C. remain D. apologize
7. A. no B. certain C. many D. more
8. A. excuse B. reject C. help D. scold
9. A. above B. common C. following D. unusual
10. A. repeat B. get C. put D. copy
11. A. worry B. know C. hear D. talk
12. A. myself B. ourselves C. themselves D. herself
13. A. chance B. incident C. lesson D. memory
14. A. referred B. shown C. brought D. introduced
15. A. even B. still C. always D. almost
16. A. way B. sentence C. choice D. reason
17. A. All B. Few C. Some D. None
18. A. quick B. wise C. great D. personal
19. A. out B. for C. up D. upon
20. A. Should B. Must C. Would D. Need
21. A. and B. or C. then D. but
22. A. extra B. small C. some D. necessary
23. A. paid B. remembered C. shared D. returned
24. A. me B. you C. us D. them
25. A. easier B. more natural C. better D. more peaceful1---25 ACCBA CADAD BACDB ABCDA BADBC
  • 五星知识达人网友:雾月
  • 2021-04-05 23:16
(答案→)1---25 ACCBA CADAD BACDB ABCDA BADBC 解析:文章主要讲作者 30 年前读中学时因考试舞弊所接受的特殊教育对自己后来一生的重大影响。1. A。根据本段最后一句的 mistake throughout the test)可显然看出。2. C。mark 用作名词,表示“分数”,用作动词,表示“给…打分”。本句中的 marked 表示“打分”或“批改”。3. C。老师认为其中12个男生舞弊,其依据就是他们试卷上的错误“完全一样(exactly the same)”。4. B。/ 5. A。此处的语境是:由于当时考试舞弊(cheating)并不是什么新鲜事,所以老师对此只字未提(didn’t even say a word about it)。6. C。remain 在此表示“留下”。7. A。注意下文的 not…either(也没有…),它表明上文应该表示否定意义。8. D。此句语境为:老师既没有质问我们,也没有处罚(scold)我们。(这是为下文作铺垫)9. A。根据本句后面的 by Thomas Macaulay 可知,此处提到的就是文章开头的那句话,故填 above。10. D。根据常识和比较四个选项,可知此题 D 最佳。11. B。比较四个选项,只有 know 与空格后的介词 about 搭配在此合符语境。12. A。由于不知道其他同学的情况,所以就谈“我自己”(myself)。13. C。此处句意为“这是我一生中最重要的一课(lesson)”。14. D。请注意 introduce sb to sth 这一结构,不要把它直译为“把某人介绍给某物”,其实际意思是“使某人认识或了解某事物”,其被动式 be introduced to sth 表示(某人)认识或了解某事物。15. B。根据上下文的意思和作者的在文中的态度可知,老师要我们抄写的 Macaulay 的这句话,对我来说现在“仍然(still)”是最好的准绳。16. A。way 的意思是“方法”,a way to measure oneself 在此表示“检测某人行为的方法”。17. B。/ 18. C。根据一般常识:关于国家与军队参战这样的决定不一般人能作出的(故用 few of us 与语境较吻合),同时这样的决定显然属于重大的(great)决定。19. D。此处语境是:我们虽然不作出国家或军队参战这样的重要决定,但我们每天都要作出一些个人的小决定。句中涉及的句型 call upon sb to do sth 表示要求某人做某事。20. A。注意第 20 至 23 题所涉及的两个句子的句型相为相似,注意互相参照。第 20 空填 should 即可从第 22 空前的 should 得到启示。21. B。此题填 or 可从第 23 空前的 or 得到启示。22. A。extra change received at the store 在此指在商店被多找的零钱。此句意为:在商店被多找(extra)的零钱是应该被忘记(forgotten)还是应该退给(returned)店主?23. D。比较四个选项并结合一般常识可知 D 最佳。24. B。根据下文 But you have to live with yourself… 可知此处应选 you,否则上下文人称不一致。25. C。根据本句句意可推知答案。
  • 1楼网友:醉吻情书
  • 2021-04-05 23:23