
根据对话内容,在每个标有题号的空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整,合乎情景。M---Mike W---Jenny K---a worker in the supermarketM

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 16:36
  • 提问者网友:记得曾经
  • 2021-01-03 20:05
M---Mike W---Jenny K---a worker in the supermarket
M: Tina, Jenny’s birthday is coming.
W: Really? 【小题1】When is her birthday?/ When is it ?/What’s the date(of her birthday)? ?
M: It’s on Saturday, June 29th. I want to give her a gift, but I don’t know what I can buy for her.2
【小题2】Can you give me some advice?/Can you help me? ?
W: OK. What does she like doing?
M: She likes listening to music.
W: Why not get her a CD player?
M: 【小题3】 . I don’t have enough money.
W: What about an album of popular songs?
M: That’s a great idea! Thanks, Tina.
(At a supermarket.)
K: Can I help you?
M: Yes, please. 【小题4】That’s too expensive. .
K: Well, how do you like this one? It sells well these days.
M: I think it’s wonderful. 【小题5】I want to buy an album of popular song./I’d like an alburn of popular songs. ?
K: $15.
M: I’ll take it. Here is the money.
  • 五星知识达人网友:几近狂妄
  • 2021-01-03 21:25
解析:对话的内容是分两个场景进行的,第一个场景:两个好朋友在谈论对另一个朋友准备什么礼物,她喜欢音乐,想为其买一个音乐播放机但是价格贵,最后商定为其买唱片。第二个场景:在超市为朋友买唱片与超市的服务员之间的对话。【小题1】联系下文,提到Jenny的生日时间,因此问题是什么时间是她的生日。有三种问法,故填:When is her birthday?/ When is it ?/What’s the date(of her birthday)?【小题2】联系前文,我想给她买礼物,但是不知道买什么?联系下文,又相互问了她喜欢什么?猜出是想让对方给一些建议或者让对方帮忙。故填:Can you give me some advice?/Can you help me?【小题3】联系上下文,上文Why not get her a CD player?句意:为什么不给她买一个CD播放机。下文:I don’t have enough money.句意:我没有足够的钱。说出购买物品是昂贵的。故填:That’s too expensive.【小题4】联系前文,两人在商讨之后决定要去买一张流行歌曲的唱片。下文的场景是在一家超市,超市的服务人员问想要买什么,顾客一定会说此行的目的,常用短语是I want to do sth.或者I’d like sth.故填:I want to buy an album of popular song./I’d like an alburn of popular songs.【小题5】联系下文,超市的服务人员说出价格,顾客说要买,并且付了钱,因此上文是问物品的价格。问价格有三种,它是多少钱?/它的价格是多少?/它值多少钱?故填:How much is it?/What’s the price of it?/ How much does it cost?
  • 1楼网友:上分大魔王
  • 2021-01-03 21:31