
Is losing weight as simple as doing a 15-minute writing exercise? In a new study, women wh

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解决时间 2021-04-08 05:17
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Is losing weight as simple as doing a 15-minute writing exercise? In a new study, women who wrote about their most important values, like close relationships or religion, lost more weight over the next few months than women who didn't. We have this need to feel self-integrity (正直,诚实),” says Christine Logel of the University of Waterloo. When something threatens your sense that you're a good person, like failing a test, we can buffer(缓冲) that self-integrity by reminding ourselves how much we love our children, for example.
For this study, the researchers recruited 45 female undergraduates, of whom 58% were overweight. Each woman was weighed, and was then given a list ofimportant values, like creativity, music or relationships with friends and family members. Each woman ranked the values in order of how important they were to her. Then half the women were told to write for 15 minutes about the value that was most important to her. The other half, a control group, were told to write about why a value far down on their list might be important to someone else.
The women came back months later to be weighed again. Women who had written about an important value lost an average of 3.41 pounds, while women in the control group gained an average of 2.76 pounds.
How we feel about ourselves can have a big effect, Logel says. Maybe when one of the women who wrote about an important value went home that night, she felt good about herself and didn't eat to make herself feel better. Over a few months, that could make a real difference in her life,
【小题1】How can a 15-minute writing exercise ofimportant values affect people?A.They will feel proud of themselves and gain weight gradually.B.They may feel good about themselves and then eat less than usual.C.They may continue writing and decide to become a professional writer.D.They will never have meals at night to make themselves lose weight.【小题2】What were the females required to do in the study?A.Only the control group was given a list ofimportant values.B.Both groups ranked the values in order of importance to them.C.Each woman was weighed three times in the process of the study.D.The overweight women wrote about the value most important to them.【小题3】Which of the following persons may lose weight according to the new study?A.Mary who wrote about her own adventure.B.Catherine who described her illness in her writing.C.Shirley who wrote how much she loved her children.D.Alice who complained her boss in her diary.【小题4】Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A.Writing Benefits Women a LotB.Losing Weight Is Very SimpleC.Writing Contributes to Losing WeightD.Women Values Losing WeightB
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(答案→)B 解析:文章是关于一项研究—写东西有助于减肥。【小题1】B 细节题。根据文章最后一段第三行she felt good about herself and didn't eat to make herself feel better.说明B正确。【小题2】B 细节题。根据第二段最后三行Then half the women were told to write for 15 minutes about the value that was most important to her. The other half, a control group, were told to write about why a value far down on their list might be important to someone else.说明B正确。【小题3】C 推理题。C项中Shirley是写她有多么爱孩子,这是她的价值观里好的一面,对自己感觉好,就会少吃一点以维持这样的感觉,就会瘦得多一点,故C正确。【小题4】C 主旨大意题。文章是关于一项研究—写东西有助于减肥。故C正确。
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