
One afternoon, I went to pick up my mother from work.I got there a little early, so I (41

答案:2  悬赏:50  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 06:58
  • 提问者网友:暗中人
  • 2021-01-03 21:20

One afternoon, I went to pick up my mother from work.I got there a little early, so I (41) my car by a small park, and (42) for her.
As I looked outside the car window, I saw a little boy, around two years old, running (43) on the grass as his mother (44) from a short distance. The boy had a big smile on his face as if he had just been (45) free from some sort of prison .The boy would then fall to the grass , (46) up , without looking back at his mother , run as (47) as he could ,again , still with a smile on his face ,as if nothing had happened.
At that moment, I thought to myself , “why aren’t most adults this way ?” Most adults, when they fall down, make a big deal out of it and don’t even (48) a second attempt. They would be so (49) that they would not try again if someone saw them fall .Or , because they fall , they would find a good (50) for themselves that they’re not fit for it . They would end up too afraid to attempt again for fear of failure.
However, with kids, when they fall down, they don’t consider their falling down as a failure, instead, they treat it as a (51) experience. They try again and again until they (52) .The answer must be that they have not connected“falling down” with the word “failure”. As a (53), they are not discouraged in any way .Besides, they (54) think to themselves that it’s quite okay to fall down and that it’s not wrong to do so. In other words ,they allow themselves to make (55), so they remain energetic.
I was deeply impressed by the boy’s persistence (坚持不懈) and the manner in which he did.
【小题1】A.leftB.stoppedC.repairedD.drove【小题2】A.waitedB.cared C.preparedD.looked【小题3】A.carefully B.anxiously C.freely D.easily【小题4】 A.watched B.noticed C.surveyedD.supported【小题5】 A.cutB.kept C.found D.set【小题6】A.hold B.getC.end D.pick【小题7】A.well B.long C.fastD.soon【小题8】 A.makeB.provide C.practice D.discover【小题9】 A.confused B.embarrassedC.exhaustedD.surprised【小题10】A.cause B.sign C.chance D.excuse【小题11】 A.learning B.running C.teaching D.falling【小题12】 A.progress B.improve C.achieve D.succeed【小题13】A.decision B.result C.reason D.matter【小题14】.A.hardly B.perfectly C.probably D.nearly【小题15】.A.mistakes B.choices C.plans D.wishes【点评】此题的选材注重选择与孩子们生活很接近的教育性故事,教会孩子如何面对失败。做题过程中要学会根据上下文来推测答案,有时在文中甚至可以找到原词,所以遇到不会的题目不必害怕,做好记号,沉着应对。B
  • 五星知识达人网友:十鸦
  • 2021-01-03 21:50
(答案→)B 解析:【小题1】.stop my car“停住车”。【小题2】固定词组wait for“等待”。【小题3】根据下文可知“自由的在草上跑 ”。【小题4】根据句意“妈妈在其身后看着他”。【小题5】.固定词组set free “释放”。【小题6】固定词组get up“爬起来”。【小题7】根据句意run fast“跑得快”。【小题8】根据句意“再做一次尝试”。【小题9】根据句意“感到尴尬”。【小题10】根据句意“为自己找个借口”。【小题11】.根据句意“作为学习的经验”。【小题12】.根据句意“他们一遍一遍的尝试直到成功”。【小题13】.习惯词组as a result“作为一个结果”。【小题14】.根据句意“他们可能自己认为”。【小题15】固定词组make a mistake“犯错误”。
  • 1楼网友:鸽屿
  • 2021-01-03 23:14