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解决时间 2021-02-06 00:10
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什么专业啊?建议去wendu网校看看 哪里有详细的资料介绍
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法国巴黎一大(索邦大学) UNIVERSITY PARISI(SORBONNE UNIVERSITY) 在职班 MBA项目 Part Time MBA Program 为什么申请此项目?Why this program? l 历史长 Long History 1991年在中法政府支持下创办,国内最早的中外合作MBA项目之一。 Under the support of both Chinesse and French governement, this Sino-French MBA programe by UIBE was estabished in 1991, and was one of the earliest joint MBA programs in China. l 高效率Efficient Learning 十八个月打造专业及语言优势,适度紧凑的管理课程助力商道攻略。 18-month intensive study to create business professionalism and foreign language abilities l 国际性Internationalism 巴黎一大研修部分课程,亲处巴黎文化氛围;师从国际知名教授,融入国际校友网络,拓展职业发展空间。 Courses at University Paris I (Sorbonne University) and given by the world-class professors enable students to experience French culture, to be part of an international alumni network, and to enhance professional competitiveness. l 强品牌Brand Influence 中外名校联袂打造,高质量管理课程助您驰骋职场! Cooperation between prestigious universities in France and China guarantees the program’s high quality. 谁可以申请此项目?Who are our candidates ? l 具有学士学位 Graduates with a bachelor’s degree. l 具有至少三年以上的工作经验 With minimum 3 years’working experience 注:大专(三年制)毕业生需要至少五年以上的工作经验 Note : Junior college (three-year schooling) graduates without bachelor’s degree can apply, provided they have at least 5 years’ working experience.The acceptance of their application will be assessed by the selection committec. l 英语熟练 English language proficiency 在哪里上课?Where to have class ? 中国对外经济贸易大学,法国巴黎一大,企业移动课堂 Uniersity of International Business and Economics, Paris I , Enterprise Mobile Classroom. 入学考试形式?What kind of exams ? 笔试 Test 英语自命题,形式参考GMAT模式 A test in English similar to GMAT is arranged by IFCM. 注:GMAT成绩550分以上者可申请免试 Note: Candidates who get more than 550 in GMAT can apply for the test exemption. 面试 Interview 面试小组由中法双方教授及企业代表组成,以英语进行,重点考察应试者的工作经历和个人发展潜力。 An admission committee comprising Chinese and French professors and corporate representatives will evaluate the applicant’s working experience and career potential. The interview is conducted in English. 如何申请?How to apply the program? *申请者提交申请材料Submission of application materials *学院进行资格审核 Initial review and evaluation *考生参加入学考试 Take IFCM entrance examination *考生参加面试 Interview *录取学生Enrollment *学院发送入学通知 Admission Notification *被录取者确认报到 Enrollment Confirmation 申请材料有哪些? What application materials you need provide? 申请表(电子版和打印版) 学位证书复印件及学历证书复印件 身份证复印件(中国学生)或者护照(国际学生)复印件 毕业学校官方开具的成绩单 中文版和英文版简历 3张一寸免冠照片及其相应电子版(正装蓝底免冠) 其他材料(包括专业证书,获奖证书等) 开设什么课程?What subjects do we offer ? 课程名称 学分 商务导论 Introduction to Business 4 商务决策的定量方法学 Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions 4 经济学与欧洲商务 Economics and European Business 4 企业法律环境 Legal Environment of Business 4 营销管理 Marketing Management 4 金融会计 Financial Accounting 4 生产与运营管理 Process and Operations Management 4 公司理财 Corporate Finance 4 人力资源管理与企业社会责任 Human Resources Management& Corporate Social Responsibility 4 品牌管理 Brand Management 4 公司数字化管理 Managing the Digital Firm 4 战略管理与组织结构 Strategic Management and Organizational Structure 6 论文答辩 Thesis Preparation 6 总计 60学分