came cost did drove ate fell got gave went heard knew left met put rode ran said saw spoke stood stole took taught wore
came cost did drove ate fell got gave went heard knew left met put rode ran said saw spoke stood stole took taught wore
Mom came to school to see me.
This T-shirt cost me 50 bucks.
How did your hand get hurt?
Jenny drove me home after school.
I ate a lot this morning.
Mike fell down from his bike.
I got a letter from my sister.
I went shopping yesterday.
I heard that Jenny had a dog.
I knew I could got a high mark.
I left my key at school.
I met Jenny in the street last night.
She put a coat on.
She rode a bike yesterday.
She said that she loved me.
She saw a cat in her room.
She spoke to me this afternoon.
I stood up and answered the quesion.
A theif stole the bike.
I took a picture with her.
She taught us that we should be nice to others.
She wore a coat yesterday.
I came in his house and saw a beautiful girl there.
It cost me 25 yuan.
I did my homework yesterday.
I drove my car to Beijing yesterday.
I ate a piece of bread just now.
He fell down the car and hurt himself .
I got two pens for my daughter.
He gave me a pencil.
I went to school yesterday.
I heard this news yesterday.
He knew the man.
He left his school 20 years ago.
I met him this morning.
I put on my coat this morning.
My mother rode her bike for work.
He ran the first.
I said that he was a good student.
I saw him yesterday.
He spoke to me this morning.
He stood there with tears.
The theaf stole my car .
It took me 2 minutes.
He taught me how to learn English.
I wore my coat this morning.
She came from Beijing..
It cost me 15RMB
I did remember the name of he.
My mother drove to shopping center half an hour ago.
I ate a humberger for breakfast.
She fell down from her bike.
They got to there at 8 o'clock.
Jim gave his paper to his boss at 3 o'clock yesterday.
I went to Beijing when I was six years old.
I heard the good news on my school way .
He knew it as soon as he arrive there.
You left it at my home last Sunday.
I met her at park weeks before.
My grandmother put a lot of candy in my pocket.
We rode into the midst of the forest
Who ran quickest?
Well said!
I only saw Mary, ie I saw Mary and no one else
She never spoke to him from that day on
We knew they stood in need of funds
He stole the money when no one was by
He took off his raincoat and took out the key
Science has taught us how atom is made up.
Everyone at the rally wore red ribbons as favours
He came here at 5:00pm yesterday.
The book cost me 5 yuan.
She did quicher than her sister.
I ate two apples yesterday.
He fell down carelessly yesterday.
I got up 7:00 yesterday.
He went to Lily"s home.
I heard from him last month.
I knew him.
She left me alone yesterday.
I met him in the morning.
He put the book on my desk yesterday.
She rode there .
He ran so fast in the exam.
He said that he saw Lily yesterday
She spoke english and now she speak Chinese
He stood outside because he was late for school
She stole a wallet in the market
She took it from him yesterday
He taught her english when she is a child
She wore a beautiful dress yesterday