

答案:1  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-10-15 11:52
  • 提问者网友:聂風
  • 2021-10-15 02:36
  • 五星知识达人网友:夜余生
  • 2021-10-15 03:54
寿司   (日语平假名:すし,sushi,也作“鮨”或“鮓”音(SUSI)或(sushi)既可以作为小吃也可以作正餐,花色种类繁多。配料可以是生的,也可以是熟的;或者腌过的。视乎配料的不同,不同寿司的价格、档次差距甚大。 日本人常说“有鱼的地方就有寿司”,这种食物据说来源于亚热带地区,那儿的人发现,如果将煮熟的米饭放进干净的鱼膛内,积在坛中埋入地下,便可长期保存,而且食物还会由于发酵而产生一种微酸的鲜味,这也就是寿司的原型(即:鲋寿司)。 现在日本的寿司,主要是由专门的寿司店制作并出售。店中身着白色工作服的厨师,会根据顾客的要求,将去了皮的鲜鱼切成片和其它好材料码在等宽的米饭块上,由于各类鱼虾的生肉颜色不同,寿司也是五颜六色,十分好看。 另外,日本家庭也会在特殊的场合,自制寿司款待宴客;但作法大都比较简单,并可在卷米饭的同时加入烤紫菜或鸡蛋片,咸菜之类。寿司寿司在日本以外地区也十分流行,世界各地回转寿司式的寿司店也多不胜数。不过外国人有时会误把“寿司”与“刺身”(sashimi,生鱼片)混为一谈,这也是日本料理典型的印象之一。   Sushi.   (Japanese sushi, Taiwanese し hiragana: ", also Yi "or" Zha "(SUSI) or (sushi) can be as snack can also be dinner, phyletic and can be born.Ingredients, can also is ripe; or pickled.Depending on the ingredients and different prices, the scale of sushi great gap.Japanese often said" the fish are sushi ", this kind of food is derived from the subtropical area, there will be found if boiled rice in clean, fish in underground, beside the altar of embedding, and long-term preservation will be food will also because of fermentation and create a slightly sour taste, this also is the sushi prototype (i.e., Fu sushi).Now, Japanese sushi, is mainly composed of specialized production and sale sushi dressed in white smock.Store of cook, can according to customer's request, will go to the fish slices and other material code in width of rice blocks, because of different kinds of fish and meat color is colorful, very good sushi.In addition, the Japan family will also on special occasions, home-made sushi hospitality; but most competitive approach is simpler, and can also add in the roll rice, eggs or roast laver pickle etc.In Japanese sushi and sashimi popular outside, the world of sushi circumgyrate is numerous.But sometimes "foreigners" and "body sushi and sashimi sashimi" (with), it is typical of the impression of Japanese cuisine.