

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-31 11:41
  • 提问者网友:斑駁影
  • 2021-12-30 17:48
完形填空 What is true friendship? True friendship doesn’t mean that when you need your friends’ help, you will 1 them to dinner, and you will put your friends in a difficult 2 when you have to protect yourself. 3 true friendship is understanding of the souls and the 4 of the hearts. True friends are connected in hearts every minute whatever the 5 is.True friendship involves 6 : doing something for someone else while expecting nothing 7 ; sharing thoughts and feelings 8 fear of judgment or negative criticism.9 is essential to true friendship. We need to be able to 10 our deepest secrets with someone, without worrying that those secrets will 11 on the Internet the next day! Failing to 12 those secrets can destroy a friendship in a hurry. True friendship has 13 to do with fame, power, or possessions. True friends 14 contact you at usual time, but come to you 15 you need their help. They care not 16 you are, but who you are. You’re not his stepping-stone to 17but are his walking stick to 18 difficulties. When you are happy, you are 19 to forget him, but when you are in trouble, he is the first one you will 20 for help.1.A.informB.regardC.treatD.advise2.A.situationB.stateC.occasionD.surrounding3.A.In a wordB.On the contraryC.In a nutshellD.On average4.A.considerationB.connectionC.attractionD.communication5.A.distanceB.destinationC.positionD.ambition6.A.promiseB.actionC.beliefD.words7.A.in turnB.at timesC.in returnD.at no times8.A.withB.withoutC.despiteD.beyond9.A.TrustB.HonestyC.KindnessD.Humor10.A.keepB.uniteC.shareD.realize11.A.take upB.end upC.come upD.bring up12.A.keepB.preventC.protectD.remain13.A.somethingB.nothingC.anythingD.everything14.A.frequentlyB.regularlyC.seldomD.usually15.A.all the timeB.any timeC.each timeD.by the time16.A.whereB.whoC.howD.what17.A.dreamB.futureC.successD.aim18.A.live throughB.put throughC.break throughD.look through19.A.possibleB.likelyC.probableD.impossible20.A.turn toB.bring inC.set outD.look up
  • 五星知识达人网友:平生事
  • 2021-12-30 19:07
CABDA BCBAC CABCC DCABA解析1.C。treat 常与to 连用,此处意思是“请客,款待”;此处要表示的是真正的友谊并不是你 需要朋友帮助的时候就去请他们吃饭。inform 通知;regard 看作;advise 建议。2.A。根据上句的意思,此处应用situation,表示“使你的朋友陷入困难境地”。situation“情 境,情况”,常指由于人为因素造成的情况;environment 指情况,环境;occasion 场合;surrounding环境。 3. B。联系上一句,此处应用 on the contrary 表示相反的情况。in a word 一句话,总而言 之;in a nutshell 简单地,简约地;on average 平均。 4.D。本句意思是:真正的友谊是心灵的理解与感悟和心与心的交流。故用communication“交 流”最合适。consideration 体谅,考虑,需要考虑的事项;connection 联系;attraction 吸引。 5.A。根据上下文此处应用distance, 意思是“不管距离有多远,真正的朋友的心每一分钟都 连在一起”;destination 目的地,目标;position 位置,职位;ambition 野心,雄心。6. B。根据“doing something for someone else while expecting nothing”这一句,可以 看出此处应用action,真正的友谊涉及“行动”。promise 许诺;belief 信仰,信念;words 话语,生词。 7. C。意思是“你可以为别人做些事情,但却不求得到什么报答”,所以用 in return, 意思 是“作为报答”。in turn 依次,轮流;at times 有时;at no time 决不。 8. B。本句意思是:和朋友分享思想和感情但却并不害怕受到(对方的)评判和否定的批评,故 用without。despite 尽管,不管;beyond 超越,在那边。9.A。根据下文此处应用A 项, 意思是“信任在真正的友谊中是必需的”。 10.C。此处应用share, 本句意思是:我们需要和朋友分享一些我们隐藏得很深的秘密。keep保持; unite 联合;realize 意识到。11.C。此处应用come up“出现”。本句意思是:而不必担心第二天(那些秘密)会出现在网络 上。take up 致力于,从事;end up 结束;bring up 抚养,养育。 12.A。保密应说成:keep the secret。其他搭配不合适。13.B。与……无关应说成: have nothing to do with. . . 。其他搭配不合适。14.C。句子意思为:真正的朋友即便平时很少联系,但是每次在你需要的时候他们都会来到你 的身边。 15.C。根据上题的讲解,可知此处应用each time。 16.D。他们在乎的不是你是干什么的。 教育资源 教育资源17.C。C 是最佳选项。根据本句意思:你不是他通向成功的垫脚石,而是帮他渡过困难的拐杖。 所以应用success。 18.A。根据上题的解析可知应选live through,意思是“经历过;经历……而未死”。put through使穿过,从事,经受;break through 突围,突破;look through 看穿,审核。 19.B。当主语是人时,表示“可能”应用likely,而不用possible 或probable。20.A。turn to 求助于,转向;bring in 引进,挣得;set out 出发;look up 查阅。
  • 1楼网友:孤老序
  • 2021-12-30 19:54