
Do you know the meaning of the word “relationship”? Here is an easy way of understanding 1

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-02 09:15
  • 提问者网友:美人性情
  • 2021-12-02 04:22
Do you know the meaning of the word “relationship”? Here is an easy way of understanding 1 . Whenever two people come together, even for a brief moment, they 2 looks, feelings, thoughts, ideas, and energy. Their relationship is 3 they interact (相互作用,相互影响) with each other. Everything 4 happens in the world happens through relationships. We human beings need to love and 5 , and this will come from our relationship with others. Accordingly, anyone who wishes to love and be loved will want to 6 lasting relationships.
Here are a few tips to help us 7 long-term relationships. First, know our steps. The relationship between two people is like the art of 8 . Before we can dance with a partner, we need to be able to dance 9 . We need to feel the rhythm of the music, hear how it inspires us to move and learn our unique style of 10 and expression. Second, 11 . As the key building block for enduring relationships, trust is a bond that develops 12 as two persons get to know each other and experience safety in 13 their hearts. Trust develops 14 we respect each other's needs 15 develop a history of common experience and caring. Third, be intimate (亲密的;密切的). 16 intimacy is often limited to the sexual bond, we can be intimate with many people 17 sexuality. That is, by relating heart to heart. We need to be seen and known by 18 . In this way, intimacy enables us to thrive (兴旺,繁荣) and grow. Lastly, treat relationship as an organism (有机体;生物(体);微生物). A new relationship is like an embryo (胚胎)that 19 time, care and attention to grow into whatever may develop gradually. In our proper relationship with others, we will be known and seen for who we are, and love will come out of the seeing and the 55 .
1. A. that B. one C. this D. it
2. A. exchange B. found C. transport D. charge
3. A. what B. why C. how D. where
4. A. how B. that C. which D. what
5. A. be loved B. to wish C. to expect D. be hoped
6. A. form B. develop C. make D. establish
7. A. invent B. command C. create D. devote
8. A. singing B. dancing C. running D. caring
9. A. by ourselves B. by company C. to music D. after rhythm
10. A. character B. opinion C. movement D. action
11. A. honesty B. trust C. principle D. generosity
12. A. suddenly B. gradually C. accordingly D. surprisingly
13. A. closing B. shutting C. resting D. opening
14. A. while B. as C. when D. with
15. A. and B. but C. consequently D. or
16. A. As B. But C. While D. However
17. A. without B. given C. with D. supposing
18. A. others B. no one C. ourselves D. another person
19. A. recognizes B. requires C. upsets D. bursts1-5 DACBA 6-10 DCBAC 11-15 BBDCA 16-20 CADBD
  • 五星知识达人网友:北城痞子
  • 2019-12-08 09:56
(答案→)1-5 DACBA 6-10 DCBAC 11-15 BBDCA 16-20 CADBD 解析:1.D。此题考查代词的用法。此处所指代的内容就是“relationship”,是上文所提及的内容,故使用it。2.A。此处考查动词词义。A项中exchange意思是“交流,交换”。3.C。相互关系就是如何进行人与人之间的互动。此处how引起表语从句。4.B。此题考查定语从句的关系词。Everything作先行词时,关系词应使用that。5.A。根据下文中…anyone who wishes to love and be loved will…可知,“爱人与被爱”都是人与人之间关系的内容。6.D。人与人之间存在的“爱与被爱”关系,使得人都希望“建立一种长远的关系”。7.C。此处考查动词词义。A项意思是“发明,创造”;B项意思是“发现,找到”;D项意思是“赞扬,宣传;促进,增进”,此几项意义与原文不符。C项意思是“创作;产生,引起”。8.B。根据下文的Before we can dance with a partner, we need to be able to dance…可知,应是“舞蹈艺术”。9.A。根据上文的句子Before we can dance with a partner,…可知,此处强调与舞伴的关系,下文中feel the rhythm,hear how…和learn our unique style of movement and expression都是为dance with a partner做准备的。这些准备归结到一点就是“能独舞”。故选A项by ourselves。10.C。此处指跳舞的动作与表情的运用,故用C项。11.B。根据下文As the key …, trust is a bond that develops gradually as two person…可知此处所论及的内容,均是与trust有关,故选B项。12.B。此题主要考查对上下文的理解。全句意思是“当两个人相互了解并且有了一种安全感后,信任才得以逐渐发展”。这儿强调信任不是“突然之间”就形成的,而是一种“渐进的”过程。13.D。此题指的是两者交往过程中,只有“敞开”心扉,才能相互信任。14.C。此题是考查对句子的理解。信任的不断发展,前提是两者的相互尊敬。因此,“当相互尊敬时,信任就得以发展”。15.A。此题考查连词的用法。此前后两句是并列关系,故用and,不表示转折,不使用but,也不表示选择,排除D项,consequently是一副词,不能引导句子。16.C。此题前后两句间是一种转折关系。While用于句首,表转折,译为“虽然,尽管”等。D项However后常接逗号。17.A。此句意思是“我们可以多人没有性关系而能做亲密无间”。18.D。此题考查对句子的理解。我们(朋友)需要对方来“看”,来“了解”。19.B。此处把新建立起来的关系比作“胚胎”,那是需要照顾的。“需要”的是时间,照料,等等。55.D。根据上文the seeing,指的是相互的理解,故使用与seeing并列的形式,而选用D项knowing。
  • 1楼网友:酒者煙囻
  • 2020-12-03 17:52