下载这个 http://www.verycd.com/topics/2774886/
1. Run "setup.exe" (located in the Install folder)
to install the application.
2. See Serials.txt (located in the "Crack" folder)
to license it. (ThanX to EDGE for the keys)
3. Disable the Live Updater by double-clicking
"Update_Kill.reg" (located in the "Crack" folder).
You can also disable the live updater on the registry level manually:
A. Run regedit and browse to:
B. Locate registry entry "Check Update" and change the "1" to a 0.
(Right-click "Check Update", select "Modify", change 1 to 0,then click "OK")
C. Close regedit.
4. Extract "IC4_Resource_Pack.rar" to the iClone 4 Template folder.
The default path is: C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 4\Template\
When asked if you wish to overwrite files, choose "Yes to all".