1. 为了您的家庭幸福,务必遵守交通规则(Do)
2. 据报道这种野生植物含有丰富的维生素(Tt)
3. 因为大雨,校运动会不得不推迟(put off)
4. 这小孩太调皮了,使他那忙于工作的父母常常心烦意乱(So......)
5. 外出旅游时务必注意保护环境,为他人着想(sure)
6. 我不需要买新车,我的那辆旧车还很好(condition)
7. 一本书是否畅销,取决于诸多因素(Whether)
8. 我们相信农民的生活会越来越好(believe)
9. 我向她请教,她总是有求必应,而且解释得令我十分满意(satistaction)
For the sake of your family's hapiness,do obey the trafic rules
It's said that this kind of wild plant contains lots of vitamines
The school sports meeting is put off becase of the heavy rain
The child is so naughty that he always annoy his parents
When going out for travel,we shall make sure of protecting the encironment for the sake of others
I don't want to buy a new car because the old one is still in a good condition
Whether the book is selling well or not deponds on many factors
We believe that farmers will live better and better
Whenever I ask her for help,she will reponse to me and make the explanation meet my satisfaction
In the physics class,he fails to understand professor wang