
A flock of wild ducks were flying in formation, heading south for the winter. They formed

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-23 10:22
  • 提问者网友:战皆罪
  • 2021-03-22 18:46
A flock of wild ducks were flying in formation, heading south for the winter. They formed a beautiful V in the sky, and were admired by everyone who saw them from below.
One day, Wally, one of the wild ducks in the formation, spotted something on the ground. It was a barnyard with a flock of _ ducks who lived on the farm. They were waddling around on the ground, quacking merrily and eating _ that was thrown on the ground for them every day. Wally liked what he saw. It sure would be nice to have some of that corn, he thought to himself. And all this flying is very tiring. I'd like to just around for a while.
So after thinking it over a while, Wally left the formation of wild ducks, made a sharp , and for the barnyard. He landed _ the tame ducks, and began to waddle around and quack . He also started eating corn. The formation of wild ducks continued their journey South, but Wally didn't care. I'll them when they come back North in a few months, he said to himself.
Several months went by and enough, Wally looked up and spotted the flock of wild ducks in formation, heading north. They looked beautiful up there. And Wally was tired of the . It was muddy and he waddled, there was nothing but duck doo. It's time to leave. said Wally.
So Wally _ his wings furiously and tried to get airborne. But he had gained some from all his corn-eating, and he hadn't exercised his wings much either. He finally the ground, but he was flying too _ and slammed into the side of the barn. He fell to the ground with a thud and said to himself, Oh, well, I'll just wait until they fly in a few months. Then I'll rejoin them and become a wild duck again.
When the flock flew overhead once more, Wally again tried to himself out of the barnyard. But he simply didn't have the strength. Every winter and every spring, he saw his wild duck friends flying overhead, and they would to him. But his attempts to leave were all .
Eventually Wally no longer paid any attention to the wild ducks flying overhead. He hardly even noticed them. He had , become a barnyard duck.
【小题1】A.tameB.uglyC.beautifulD.wild【小题2】A.foodB.grainC.cornD.vegetable【小题3】A.restB.waddleC.walkD.fly【小题4】A.turnB.diveC.landD.circle【小题5】A.hurriedB.lookedC.leftD.headed【小题6】A.betweenB.amongC.behindD.within【小题7】A.loudlyB.sadlyC.merrilyD.eagerly【小题8】A.seeB.recognizeC.leaveD.rejoin【小题9】A.strangeB.luckyC.sureD.natural【小题10】A.barnyardB.cornC.waddlingD.quacking【小题11】A.every dayB.every timeC.everywhereD.nowhere【小题12】A.flappedB.spreadC.removed D.opened【小题13】A.strengthB.skillsC.friendsD.weight【小题14】A.got offB.got toC.got upD.got back【小题15】A.slowlyB.fastC.highD.low【小题16】A.backB.southC.north D.overhead【小题17】A.liftB.flyC.struggleD.rise【小题18】A.call outB.come backC.come overD.call back【小题19】A.in returnB.in needC.in vain D.in place【小题20】A.after allB.above allC.therefore D.howeverA
  • 五星知识达人网友:酒醒三更
  • 2021-03-22 20:02
(答案→)A 解析:一群野鸭排着整齐的队形飞往南方过冬。他们在空中组成一个美丽的“V”字,地面上的人抬头仰望,无不赞叹。队伍中的野鸭沃利看到一群农场养的家鸭在摇摆着走来走去,欢快地嘎嘎叫着,啄食着人们每天撒在地上喂它们的谷物。也想享受悠闲的生活,于是脱离了鸭群。最终,沃利不再去关注那些头顶飞过的野鸭群,甚至对他们视而不见。他终究变成了一只家鸭。这个故事告诉我们“生于忧患,死于安乐”的道理。【小题1】根据ducks who lived on the farm可知,是家养的鸭子,且根据第三段“the tame ducks”可知,用tame。A驯服的;B丑陋的;C漂亮的;D野蛮的。故选A。【小题2】根据后面的“to have some of that corn”可知,撒在地上的是corn,A食物;B谷物;C玉米;D蔬菜。故选C。【小题3】根据“They were waddling around on the ground...all this flying is very tiring”可知,Wally觉得长途飞行太累,想悠闲的在地上散步,A休息;B摇摇摆摆地走;C走;D飞。故选B。【小题4】made a sharp Wally是从空中俯冲而下,A转向;B俯冲;C降落;D盘旋。故选B。【小题5】head for前往,A匆忙;B寻找;C离开;D前往。故选D。【小题6】He landed _ the tame ducks他降落在家鸭之间,A两者之间;B三者以上之间;C后面;D在......范围内。故选B。【小题7】根据第二段“quacking merrily”可知,用merrily,A大声地;B悲伤地;C开心地;D急切地。故选C。【小题8】I'll them when they come back North in a few months等他们几个月后回来时,我再加入他们的队伍。A看见;B认出;C离开;D重新加入。故选D。【小题9】几个月过去了,Wally确信地看着天空,奇怪的;B幸运的;C肯定的;D自然的。故选C。【小题10】根据第三段“ for the barnyard”可知,Wally厌倦了场院里的生活,A场院;B玉米;C鸭子摇摆地走;D发出嘎嘎声。故选A。【小题11】Wally厌倦了场院里的生活,那里满是泥泞,所到之处都是鸭屎。A每天;B每次;C到处;D无处。故选C。【小题12】So Wally _ his wings furiouslyWally猛烈地拍打着翅膀,A拍打;B伸展;C移除;D打开。故选A。【小题13】But he had gained some from all his corn-eating但是他已经长胖了,A力量;B技能;C朋友;D体重。故选D。【小题14】根据but he was flying too可知,他飞起来了,A离开;B到达;C起床;D返回。故选A。【小题15】but he was flying too _ and slammed into the side of the barn但是飞的太低,突然撞在了谷仓的另一边上,A慢慢地;B快,迅速;C高;D低。故选D。【小题16】I'll just wait until they fly in a few months根据前文可知,野鸭群往北飞了,Wally决定等到鸭群再往南飞时再归队。A回来;B南方;C北方;D在头顶上。故选B。【小题17】Wally again tried to _ himself out of the barnyard沃利再次想离开谷仓,A举起,抬起;B飞,不及物;C挣扎;D上升,不及物。故选A。【小题18】they would to him他们会向Wally叫喊,A叫喊;B回来;C过来;D回电话。故选A。【小题19】But his attempts to leave were all .但是他的尝试都是徒劳的。A作为回报;B需要;C徒劳;D到位。故选C。【小题20】他最终成了一只家鸭。A毕竟,终究;B最重要的是;C因此;D然而。故选A。
  • 1楼网友:蕴藏春秋
  • 2021-03-22 20:51