
Megan's Library of Love book drive began in 2006, in memory of a student who passed away.

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解决时间 2021-01-03 09:38
  • 提问者网友:佞臣
  • 2021-01-02 22:51
Megan's Library of Love book drive began in 2006, in memory of a student who passed away. The_ 21 to send books to a school _22 _was created by Megan's classmates at Cedar Grove-Belgium Middle School as a tribute(悼念)to her.
The project formed out of the desire to23 _Megan, to help our community heal, and to make a _24 in the life of others. Students have many 25_ of Megan, but the most vivid was her love for her family and the diligent 26 she gave to her classmates. They combined this with her _27_ for learning and reading to create the Library of Love. This project honors Megan's special qualities. In the _28 of one of her classmates, Megan was, “A good daughter, a good student, a good friend. ”We are all blessed to have been a _29_ of Megan's life.
Every February, on Megan's birthday, fifth graders at Cedar Grove-Belgium Middle School _30 _donations of newly purchased books and send them to a school in need. The “Love books” are truly a 31 of love meant to _32_ reading and learning. Students earn the money for postage by writing letters to local _33 _.The fifth graders also have the _34_ of labeling every book with a Library of Love sticker(标签), _35_ the books into categories(类别), and _36_ all the books for shipping.
In the two years since the Library of Love _37 _began, students have collected over 5000 newly purchased books to send to schools in need. In 2006, 3419 books were sent to St. Bernard's Parish to help _38 their school library after Hurricane Katrina destroyed the community. In 2007, 1613 books were sent to White Mountain School in Alaska, who _39 _their high school in a fire. Students look forward to sending the gift of _40 _to other schools in the future.
【小题1】A.moveB.thoughtC.ideaD.offer【小题2】A.in needB.in troubleC.in difficultyD.in pain【小题3】A.helpB.honorC.keepD.save【小题4】A.contributionB.markC.differenceD.start【小题5】A.imagesB.picturesC.storiesD.memories【小题6】A.effortB.adviceC.helpD.example【小题7】A.interestB.passionC.preferenceD.determination【小题8】A.caseB.ideasC.wordsD.look【小题9】A.companyB.witness C.partD.friend【小题10】A.getB.countC.seekD.collect【小题11】A.measure B.forceC.giftD.mark【小题12】A.pushB.rewardC.inspireD.connect【小题13】A.familiesB.communities C.factoriesD.businesses【小题14】A.chanceB.responsibilityC.pleasureD.work【小题15】A.dividingB.placingC.sortingD.passing【小题16】A.cleaningB.checkingC.packingD.examining【小题17】A.planB.organizationC.campaignD.project【小题18】A.repairB.rebuildC.removeD.restart【小题19】A.lostB.ruinedC.closedD.escaped【小题20】A.comfortingB.readingC.encouragingD.writingC
  • 五星知识达人网友:枭雄戏美人
  • 2021-01-02 23:34
(答案→)C 解析:【小题1】C 词义辨析。A移动B想法C主意D提供;给别人捐书这是一个好的主意。【小题2】A 上下文串联。根据下文31空前a school in need说明是给那些需要书的学校送书。【小题3】B 动词辨析。A帮助B纪念C保持D挽救。他们进行这样的活动是为了纪念Megan【小题4】C 固定词组。Make a difference起作用,有影响;他们这样做为了对别人的生命有影响。【小题5】D 名词辨析。A形象B图片C故事D回忆;学生们对Megan有很多的记忆。【小题6】C 名词辨析。A努力B建议C帮助D例子。学生们记得Megan给他们的无私帮助。【小题7】B 名词辨析。A案件B激情C偏爱D决心;指她对学习和阅读的热情。【小题8】C 固定词组。In the words of sb用某人的话来说。【小题9】C 名词辨析。A公司B见证者C部分D朋友;学生们都很开心能成为Megan生活的一部分。【小题10】D 上下文串联。根据下文37空后的collected说明学生们收集了很多的书。【小题11】C 名词辨析。A措施B武力C礼物D痕迹;指这些书是给那些学生的礼物,鼓励他们阅读和写作。【小题12】C 动词辨析。A推B酬谢C激励D联系;句意同上句解释。【小题13】D 名词辨析。A家庭B社区C工厂D生意;他们联系当地的各种生意人筹集资金。【小题14】B 名词辨析。A机会B责任C快乐D工作;指他们负责在书上贴好标签。【小题15】C 固定词组。Sort out…把…分类;【小题16】C 动词辨析。A清除B核对C整理D检查;指他们要把书整理好由船运送到各地学校。【小题17】D 上下文串联。根据上文可知这是一个Megan's Library of Love book送书的活动。【小题18】B 动词辨析。A修理B重建C清除D重新开始;指重建新的图书馆。【小题19】A 动词辨析。A失去B毁掉C关闭D逃跑;指在大火中失去了学校的图书馆。【小题20】B 名词表现。A安慰B阅读C鼓励D写作;他们送书给别人,是给了别人阅读的礼物。故B正确。
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