

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-03 19:18
  • 提问者网友:贪了杯
  • 2021-01-03 13:58
阅读理解 A new system that scans customers’ fingerprints and subtracts(减去)the grocery bill from their bank accounts has taken supermarkets in Germany to use the new system. “Almost a quarter of our customers pay with their fingers,” said an employee at the headquarters. Edeka has tried the system at 70 of its supermarkets. It says it will introduce it at 200 others because customers like it.“At first we thought that only the young who really keep up with the latest technology would be interested, but we were wrong,” said Stefan Sewoester from IT Werke. “Almost two-thirds of the people who use the system are 40 and older,” he said.IT Werke, a computer company, is one of the pioneers of fingerprint payment software in Germany. It has helped about 150 shops, canteens and bars to put in the fingerprint scanning machines. Each costs about 2,000 euros.To sign up for the service, customers must have their fingerprints taken and leave their addresses and banking details with the shop. The shop then takes the cost of goods directly out of the customer’s bank account.“It is especially a good thing for elderly people. Now they do not have to remember their pin to pay with their bank cards, or to scratch around for their glasses or cash.” Sewoester said.The stores benefit from the system too. It saves more than time in the check-out line. It also cuts out the hidden costs of accepting electronic card payments.1.According to the passage, the fingerprint system______.A.was invented by the Edeka supermarket chainB.has caused payment revolution in GermanyC.is more popular with young peopleD.is preferred by most American customers2.To apply to pay with fingers, customers are required to do all of the following EXCEPT______.A.have their fingerprints takenB.leave their addressesC.give the shop information about the bank accountsD.have their phones connected with computers3.Why do elderly people benefit much from the fingerprint machine?A.They will spend less time on shopping..B.They are not forgetful.C.They don’t like to pay in cashD.They always fail to find their bank cards.
  • 五星知识达人网友:人類模型
  • 2021-01-03 15:38
BDA解析文章讲述的是德国进行的一次通过指纹进行付钱的系统的革命。1.推理题。根据第一段3,4行Edeka has tried the system at 70 of its supermarkets. It says it will introduce it at 200 others because customers like it.可知这种系统已经有了很大的影响。2.细节题。根据文章第4段内容可知AB正确,C是常识,要付钱必须要有所购买物品的相关信息。3.细节题。根据文章最后两行It saves more than time in the check-out line. It also cuts out the hidden costs of accepting electronic card payments.内容可知A正确。
  • 1楼网友:鱼忧
  • 2021-01-03 16:38