
Now that final exams are history, you seem to have that extra bounce. After all, winter 1

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 09:20
  • 提问者网友:爱唱彩虹
  • 2021-01-03 21:02

Now that final exams are history, you seem to have that extra bounce. After all, winter 1 awaits you. Get off that couch and begin the more productive life you should be living 2 our help.
Spring Festival is a 3 time to test the bonds of romance, say, with a trip to France. This idea came to Su Enlu and his girlfriend one day. They were talking about the 4 of a weekend trip when Su said, half-jokingly, that they might just go to France.
5 doing some online research and talking with people who'd been there, they decided to take the plunge. To prepare for it, they read French history and tested each other in 6 French language.
This has been one of the happiest 7 in our three-year relationship, said Su, a 22-year-old English major at the University of International Business and Economics.
Su saw no problem with asking his parents to 8 the trip for about 10,000 yuan from each side. I'm seizing the day, he said. Later, when I have that 9 money, I might not have time to enjoy it.
The couple 10 been to foreign countries. But in order to secure a visa, they went for travel agency to take care of their 11 . Moreover, they asked friends who study in France to be their contact person and arrange some cheap 12 during their stay abroad to save money as much as they can.
Some students, like 19-year-old freshman Nan Zhichao, have decided to use the winter holiday to get some 13 . Nan and a group of classmates are going on their own cycling tour of Hainan.
The Huazhong University of Science and Technology information major 14 the whole project himself. From booking accommodations 15 collecting mechanical supplies, to studying the weather forecast, to drawing out the route for each day, Nan worked hard to 16 every detail was right.
This trip is not only about pushing our limits, 17 about looking for adventure, said Nan. It's also a testament to being adults, and part of a new generation of college students.
Now in Hainan, Nan's team is pedaling 18 in T-shirts and shorts, shedding some of the 19 they gained during the fall semester, and strengthening the bond of their friendships. Said Nan: We now know each other more than we used to, even 20 months of living together.
1. A. snow B. cold C. vacation D. season
2. A. to B. for C. at D. with
3. A. great B. bad C. useful D. helpful
4. A. choice B. possibility C. break D. rest
5. A. Before B. Within C. During D. After
6. A. advanced B. basic C. middle D. official
7. A. times B. days C. months D. seasons
8. A. carry B. fund C. hold D. bring
9. A. many B. much C. few D. little
10. A. have B. don’t C. are D. haven’t
11. A. application B. work C. plan D. job
12. A. food B. accommodations C. clothes D. trip
13. A. money B. sleep C. exercise D. help
14. A. panned B. changed C. caught D. led
15. A. until B. to C. for D. at
16. A. make free B. make colorful C. make sure D. make true
17. A. but for B. as for C. only also D. but also
18. A. on B. forward C. around D. in
19. A. meat B. weight C. flesh D. sweater
20. A. after B. in C. for D. over1--20 CDABD BDBBD ABCAB CDCBA
  • 五星知识达人网友:掌灯师
  • 2021-01-03 21:56
(答案→)1--20 CDABD BDBBD ABCAB CDCBA 解析:本文用举例子的方法说明如何让你的寒假生活可以更加丰富多彩。完成本题要结合现实生活。1. C寒假(vacation)在等着你们,只有vacation是假期,雪(snow),寒冷(cold)和季节(season)和话题不符。2. D 你应该在我们的建议下(with one’s help)过寒假,对于(to),为了(for),及在……地方(at)都不和help搭配。3. A春节是考验恋人关系的好(great)时机,而不是坏的(bad),有用的(useful)和有帮助的(helpful)时机。4. B 他们正在谈论周末出游是否可行性,也就是可能性(possibility),而肯定不是抉择(choice),一段休息(break)(rest)。5. D他们在网上做了一些研究,并且同身在那里的人交谈,之后(After)他们决定冒险一试,根据常识而不是之前(Before),在此期间(Within)(During)6. B并用基本的(basic)法语对话来做训练,而不是高级的(advanced),中等的(middle)和官方的(official)法语。7. D这是我们在一起三年来最开心的时光(seasons)之一,因为是冬季,故用seasons,而不用时代(times),日子(days),和月份(months)。8. B苏恩路认为,请自己父母各进行约万元的资金(fund)来支持这次旅行时可行的,而不是携带(carry),紧握(hold),和带来(bring)旅行。9. B今后有了这么多(much)一笔钱的时候,我可能没有时间去享受这样的旅行了,而不是修饰可数名词很多的(many),很少的(few,修饰可数名词)(little修饰不可数名词)。10. D 他们二人之前没有(haven’t,构成现在完成时的否定式)出过国,而不是出过国(have,构成现在完成时的肯定式),don’t和 are不用来构成现在完成时。11. A为了确保拿到签证,他们找到旅行社来处理他们的申请(application),而不是工作(work不可数名词)(job可数名词),计划(plan)。12. B他们还安排了便宜的食宿(accommodations),而不是仅仅是食物(food),衣服(clothes)和旅行(trip)。13. C他们决定利用寒假时间来进行一些体育锻炼(exercise),根本不是钱(money),睡觉(sleep)和帮助(help)。14. A这位就读于华中科技大学信息专业的学生独立策划(也就是计划:plan)了整个活动,而不是改变(changed),抓住(caught)和领导(led)工程。15. B从预定房间到(从……到……:from……to……)整理机械装备,而不是时间直到(until),为了(for)和在……地方(at)。16. C确保(make sure)每一个细节都没有偏差,不会是使免费(make free),使多彩(make colorful)和使真实(make true)。17. D这次旅行不只是为了提升我们的极限,而且(not only……but also)出于想寻找冒险,别的都和not only不搭配。but for:要不是,as for:对于。18. C在海南到处(周围:around)骑行,on(在……上),forward(向前),in(在……里面)都不能表示这样的意思。19. B这样不仅能够减掉秋季学期时囤积的体重(weight),不是瘦肉(meat),鲜肉(flesh)和汗水(sweater)。20. A甚至比共同生活几个月之后(after)还要好,根据常理而不是在……里(in),为了(for),和在……期间(over)。
  • 1楼网友:神也偏爱
  • 2021-01-03 22:51