
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 Improve your memory, improve your life Mark bega

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-05 05:10
  • 提问者网友:送舟行
  • 2021-01-04 05:24
Improve your memory, improve your life
Mark began to introduce the guest speaker to the audience, but then he paused in horror. 【小题1】
Barbara hid her jewelry when she went on vacation. When she came back, she couldn’t remember where she’d put it.
【小题2】 . Most people have. But memory can be developed.
First, relax. If you’re overanxious about remembering something, you’ll forget it. 【小题3】 .Take a deep breath and tell yourself that you have all the time in the world to remember.
Second, avoid being negative. If you keep telling yourself that your memory is bad, your mind will come to believe it and you won’t remember things. When you forget something, don’t say, “ Gee, I need to have my brain rewired(重装电线).”
To improve your memory, you’ll need to take an active role. Like your body, your memory can be strengthened through exercise. 【小题4】 For example, if you’re learning a language, try to actively remember irregular verbs.
You may also want to make associations, or links, between what you’re trying to remember and things you already know. For example, if you need to catch a plane at 2:00pm, you can imagine a plane in your mind and notice that it has two wings. 【小题5】 .
Don’t worry.
He had forgotten her name.
Perhaps you’ve had experiences like these.
Look for opportunities to exercise your memory.
Jokes like this will have a negative effect on your memory.
You are now ten times more likely to remember the take-off time.
Relaxing will help improve your awareness and ability to concentrate.B
  • 五星知识达人网友:过活
  • 2021-01-04 07:01
(答案→)B 解析:【小题1】从后面的句子:but then he paused in horror.可知是忘了客人的名字。选B【小题2】从后面的句子:Most people have. 可知你可能有这样的情况。选C【小题3】从前面的句子:First, relax. If you’re overanxious about remembering something, you’ll forget it.可知放松可以让你提高专注的能力。选 G【小题4】从前面的句子:Like your body, your memory can be strengthened through exercise.可知我们要找机会锻炼自己的记忆。选D【小题5】从前面的句子:you can imagine a plane in your mind and notice that it has two wings. 可知这样你就不可能忘记起飞时间。选F
  • 1楼网友:老鼠爱大米
  • 2021-01-04 07:17