

答案:3  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-24 03:45
  • 提问者网友:謫仙
  • 2021-04-23 15:24

function CreateGUID(valLength)
 if CodeType = 1 then
  strValid = "A0B1C2D3E4F5G6H7I8J9K8L7M6N5O4P3Q2R1S0T1U2V3W4X5Y6Z7"
  strValid = "0516273849"
 end if
 tmpGUID = vbNullString
 tmpChr = vbNullString
 for cGUID=1 to valLength
   tmpChr = Mid(strValid, Int(Rnd(1) * Len(strValid)) + 1, 1)
  loop while CStr(tmpChr) = CStr(Right(tmpGUID,1))
  tmpGUID = tmpGUID & tmpChr
 CreateGUID = tmpGUID
end function

function FakeWord(valLength)
 cVowel = 0
 cConsonant = 0
 tmpWord = vbNullString
 for cWord=1 to valLength
  if (cWord=2) or ((valLength > 1) and (cWord = valLength)) then
   ixChars = 1-ixChars
  elseif (cVowel < 2) and (cConsonant < 2) then
   ixChars = Int(Rnd(1) * 2)
  elseif (cVowel < 2) then
   ixChars = 0
  elseif (cConsonant < 2) then
   ixChars = 1
  end if
  Pattern = arrChars(ixChars)
  tmpWord = tmpWord & Mid(Pattern, Int(Rnd(1) * Len(Pattern)) + 1, 1)
  if ixChars = 0 then
   cVowel = cVowel + 1
   cConsonant = 0
   cVowel = 0
   cConsonant = cConsonant + 1
  end if
 FakeWord = tmpWord
end function

function RndInterval(valMin,valMax)
 RndInterval = Int(((valMax - valMin + 1) * Rnd()) + valMin)
end function

function GetCharMap(valChr)
 dim i, j
 j = 0
 for i=1 to UBound(FontMap(0))
  if CStr(FontMap(0)(i)) = CStr(valChr) then
   j = i
   exit for
  end if

 if j > 0 then
  GetCharMap = FontMap(j)
  GetCharMap = Array(0)
 end if
end function

sub WriteCanvas(byval valChr, byval valTopMargin)
 dim i, j, k, curPos, tmpChr, arrChrMap, strPixMap, drawPixel, pixRepeat

 'find char map
 arrChrMap = GetCharMap(valChr)
 if UBound(arrChrMap) < 1 then
  exit sub
 end if

 'write char
 for i=1 to UBound(arrChrMap)
  'get pixel map active line
  strPixMap = arrChrMap(i)
  if Left(strPixMap,1) = "&" then
   j = Mid(strPixMap,2)
   if (IsNumeric(j) = true) then
    strPixMap = arrChrMap(CInt(j))
    strPixMap = vbNullString
   end if
  end if
  strPixMap = Trim(strPixMap)

  'drawing pixel
  curPos = CursorPos
  drawPixel = false
  pixRepeat = vbNullString
  for j=1 to Len(strPixMap)
   tmpChr = Mid(strPixMap,j,1)
   if (IsNumeric(tmpChr) = true) and (j < Len(strPixMap)) then
    pixRepeat = pixRepeat & tmpChr
    'end pixel map?
    if IsNumeric(tmpChr) = true then
     pixRepeat = pixRepeat & tmpChr
    end if

    'draw pixel
    if (drawPixel = true) and (IsNumeric(pixRepeat) = true) then
     for k=1 to CInt(pixRepeat)
      curPos = curPos + 1
      Bitmap((valTopMargin + i),curPos) = TColor
    elseif IsNumeric(pixRepeat) = true then
     curPos = curPos + CInt(pixRepeat)
    end if

    'what is new command?
    if tmpChr = "#" then
     drawPixel = true
     drawPixel = false
    end if
    pixRepeat = vbNullString
   end if
end sub

sub PrepareBitmap(valSecureCode)
 dim i, j
 'image dimensions
 ImageWidth = UBound(Bitmap,2)
 ImageHeight = UBound(Bitmap,1)

 'char and text width
 redim arrTextWidth(CodeLength)
 arrTextWidth(0) = 0
 for i=1 to CodeLength
  arrTextWidth(i) = CInt(GetCharMap(Mid(secureCode,i,1))(0))
  arrTextWidth(0) = arrTextWidth(0) + arrTextWidth(i)
 arrTextWidth(0) = arrTextWidth(0) + ((CodeLength - 1) * CharTracking)

 'text height
 TextHeight = CInt(FontMap(0)(0))

 'left margin
 LeftMargin = Round((ImageWidth - arrTextWidth(0)) / 2)

 'top margin
 redim arrTopMargin(CodeLength)
 arrTopMargin(0) = Round((ImageHeight - TextHeight) / 2)
 if RndTopMargin = true then
  for i=1 to CodeLength
   arrTopMargin(i) = RndInterval(Int(arrTopMargin(0) / 2),(arrTopMargin(0) + Round(arrTopMargin(0) / 2)))
  for i=1 to CodeLength
   arrTopMargin(i) = arrTopMargin(0)
 end if

 'color selection
 i = RndInterval(0,UBound(ColorMap))
 BColor = ColorMap(i)(0)
 NColor = ColorMap(i)(1)
 TColor = ColorMap(i)(2)

 'Apply background effect
 if NoiseEffect = 3 then
 end if

 'write text
 for i=1 to CodeLength
  'calculate cursor pos
  CursorPos = 0
  for j=(i-1) to 1 step -1
   CursorPos = CursorPos + arrTextWidth(j) + CharTracking
  CursorPos = LeftMargin + CursorPos

  'write active char
  WriteCanvas Mid(secureCode,i,1),arrTopMargin(i)
end sub

sub DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, valClr)
 'Reference from Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics C Version
 dim m, b, dx, dy

 if (NoiseEffect = 4) and (Bitmap(y0,x0) = TColor) then
  clrNoise = vbNullString
  clrNoise = valClr
 end if
 Bitmap(y0,x0) = clrNoise

 dx = x1 - x0
 dy = y1 - y0
 if Abs(dx) > Abs(dy) then
  m = (dy / dx)
  b = y0 - (m * x0)

  if dx < 0 then
   dx = -1
   dx = 1
  end if

  do while x0 <> x1
   x0 = x0 + dx

   if (NoiseEffect = 4) and (Bitmap(Round((m * x0) + b),x0) = TColor) then
    clrNoise = vbNullString
    clrNoise = valClr
   end if
   Bitmap(Round((m * x0) + b),x0) = clrNoise
 elseif dy <> 0 then
  m = (dx / dy)
  b = x0 - (m * y0)

  if dy < 0 then
   dy = -1
   dy = 1
  end if

  do while y0 <> y1
   y0 = y0 + dy

   if (NoiseEffect = 4) and (Bitmap(y0,Round((m * y0) + b)) = TColor) then
    clrNoise = vbNullString
    clrNoise = valClr
   end if
   Bitmap(y0,Round((m * y0) + b)) = clrNoise
 end if
end sub

sub AddNoise()
 dim median, i, j, x0, y0, x1, y1, dx, dy, dxy

 if NoiseEffect = 1 then
  clrNoise = vbNullString
  clrNoise = NColor
 end if

 for i=1 to NoiseLine
  x0 = RndInterval(1,ImageWidth)
  y0 = RndInterval(1,ImageHeight)
  x1 = RndInterval(1,ImageWidth)
  y1 = RndInterval(1,ImageHeight)

  'Check minimum line length
  dx = Abs(x1 - x0)
  dy = Abs(y1 - y0)
  median = Round(Sqr((dx * dx) + (dy * dy))/2)
  if median < MinLineLength then
   dxy = MinLineLength - median

   if x1 < x0 then
    dx = -1
    dx = 1
   end if

   if y1 < y0 then
    dy = -1
    dy = 1
   end if

   for j=1 to dxy
    if ((x1 + dx) < 1) or ((x1 + dx) > ImageWidth) or ((y1 + dy) < 1) or ((y1 + dy) > ImageHeight) then
     exit for
    end if
    x1 = x1 + dx
    y1 = y1 + dy
  end if

  'Draw noise line
  DrawLine x0,y0,x1,y1,clrNoise
end sub

function FormatHex(byval valHex,byval fixByte,fixDrctn,valReverse)
 fixByte = fixByte * 2
 tmpLen = Len(valHex)
 if fixByte > tmpLen then
  tmpFixHex = String((fixByte - tmpLen),"0")
  if fixDrctn = 1 then
   valHex = valHex & tmpFixHex
   valHex = tmpFixHex & valHex
  end if
 end if

 if valReverse = true then
  tmpHex = vbNullString
  for cFrmtHex=1 to Len(valHex) step 2
   tmpHex = Mid(valHex,cFrmtHex,2) & tmpHex
  FormatHex = tmpHex
  FormatHex = CStr(valHex)
 end if
end function

sub SendHex(valHex)
 for cHex = 1 to Len(valHex) step 2
  Response.BinaryWrite ChrB(CByte("&H" & Mid(valHex,cHex,2)))
end sub

sub SendBitmap()
 if (ImageWidth mod 4) <> 0 then
  BmpEndLine = String((4-(ImageWidth mod 4))*2,"0")
  BmpEndLine = vbNullString
 end if
 BmpInfoHeader = Array("28000000","00000000","00000000","0100","0800","00000000","00000000","120B0000","120B0000","00000000","00000000")
 BmpInfoHeader(1) = FormatHex(Hex(ImageWidth),4,0,true)
 BmpInfoHeader(2) = FormatHex(Hex(ImageHeight),4,0,true)
 BmpInfoHeader(6) = FormatHex(Hex((ImageHeight * ImageWidth) + (ImageHeight * (Len(BmpEndLine) / 2))),4,0,true)
 BmpInfoHeader(9) = FormatHex(Hex(Len(BmpColorMap)/8),4,0,true)
 BmpInfoHeader(10) = BmpInfoHeader(9)
 BmpHeader = Array("424D","00000000","0000","0000","00000000")
 BmpHeader(1) = FormatHex(Hex((Len(Join(BmpHeader,"")) / 2) + (Len(Join(BmpInfoHeader,"")) / 2) + (Len(BmpColorMap) / 2) + (ImageHeight * ImageWidth) + (ImageHeight * (Len(BmpEndLine) / 2))),4,0,true)
 BmpHeader(4) = FormatHex(Hex((Len(Join(BmpHeader,"")) / 2) + (Len(Join(BmpInfoHeader,"")) / 2) + (Len(BmpColorMap) / 2)),4,0,true)

 Response.Buffer = True
 Response.ContentType = "image/bmp"
 Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=captcha.bmp"
 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
 Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"
 Response.Expires = -1

 for y=ImageHeight to 1 step -1
  for x=1 to ImageWidth
   tmpHex = Bitmap(y,x)
   if tmpHex = vbNullString then
   end if
end sub

'#Generate captcha
if CodeType < 2 then
 secureCode = CreateGUID(CodeLength)
 secureCode = FakeWord(CodeLength)
end if
Session(SessionName) = secureCode
if (NoiseEffect > 0) and (NoiseEffect <> 3) then
end if

  • 五星知识达人网友:独钓一江月
  • 2021-04-23 17:02


呵呵。。一楼的朋友说了,你在做提交表单后的验证时,用lcase   把你接收到的验证码的session里面验证码都转换成小写,那不就是可以了嘛。。

  • 1楼网友:北城痞子
  • 2021-04-23 19:50


  • 2楼网友:山君与见山
  • 2021-04-23 18:35

