The balances after each of the first six transactions of Reflex Center,which is owned and operated by Dr.Kelvin,are shown below in an accounting equation identified by letters.Dsecribe briefly the transactions that took place.
ASSETS Liabilities Owner's cash Medical Office Furniture Office Accounts Notes Equity
Equipment Supplies &Fixtures Equipment Payable Payable Kelvin,Capital
a.500 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 2,000
b.500 1,500 15 0 0 15 0 2,000
c.495 1,500 15 25 0 15 20 2,000
d.495 1,500 15 25 80 15 20 2,080
e.480 1,500 15 25 80 10 10 2,080
f. 480 1,500 14 25 80 10 10 2,079