
My husband Sid and I were never able to have children. I had always wanted a family and th

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解决时间 2021-12-31 07:15
  • 提问者网友:姑娘长的好罪过
  • 2021-12-30 16:20
My husband Sid and I were never able to have children. I had always wanted a family and that feeling 36 after his death. He was all I had. When he 37 , I felt like I had lost my entire family. I never 38 I would finally get the family I had always wished for. A few years later I met Tom. When we married, I 39 got four grown children and eight grandchildren.
I was 40 about my first meeting with his children. My worries melted away when I realized that they 41 me and were more than willing to bring me into their family. And when his daughters 42 me if their children could call me “Mimi,” I was excited, Tom was divorced, and 43 I was also concerned about the 44 that the children already had two grandmothers. Would the little ones understand 45 I fit into the family?
At our first extended family gathering, I 46 our six-year-old grandson Jim staring at me with a 47 look. He seemed to be thinking about something serious. 48 sporting a big grin(咧嘴笑),he jumped and said, “I know who you are! You are our 49 grandma!” At that moment, I know it was time to just relax and enjoy my new 50 .
People say when a door close, God opens a window. Now I know what that 51 . I lost so much joy when Sid died, 52 now I have a new happy life. I am enjoying so many things I 53 got to experience before like reading bedtime stories. My refrigerator is covered with drawings, and my walls are 54 with photos of the kids. I may be an instant “extra” grandma in Jim’s eyes, but I am just as 55 any other “regular” grandma I know.
【小题1】A.disappearedB.deepenedC.improvedD.worsened【小题2】A.diedB.returnedC.recoveredD.divorced【小题3】A.dreamedB.foundC.forgotD.regretted【小题4】A.unwillinglyB.merelyC.naturallyD.surely【小题5】A.excitedB.crazyC.curiousD.anxious【小题6】A.doubtedB.praisedC.likedD.changed【小题7】A.challengedB.askedC.promisedD.tested【小题8】A.as a resultB.in other wordsC.from then onD.in the end【小题9】A.troubleB.behavior C.choiceD.fact【小题10】A.whenB.whereC.whatD.why【小题11】A.allowedB.noticedC.ignoredD.hated【小题12】A.frightenedB.sadC.happyD.confused【小题13】A.GenerallyB.EventuallyC.GraduallyD.Suddenly【小题14】A.newB.extraC.distantD.great【小题15】A.causeB.partnerC.roleD.job【小题16】A.containsB.determinesC.meansD.matters【小题17】A.andB.butC.orD.so【小题18】A.everB.stillC.onceD.never【小题19】A.decoratedB.replacedC.coveredD.filled【小题20】A.proudB.busyC.carefulD.healthyB
  • 五星知识达人网友:不想翻身的咸鱼
  • 2021-12-30 17:22
(答案→)B 解析:文章讲述的是作者一直梦想有一个完整的家庭,可是后来丈夫去世了。幸运的是,后来遇到了一个愿意接纳她的新的家庭,在新的家庭里找到了幸福。【小题1】句意理解,我一直想要一个完整的家庭,这种想法在丈夫去世以后更加强烈了,deepen意为使强烈,使加深【小题2】上下文,根据前面的after his death可知,他的丈夫死掉了。【小题3】句意理解,在丈夫去世以后,我从来也无法想象还可以得到我一直盼望的家庭【小题4】句意理解,根据下文可知,是tom带来的孩子,所以作者很自然地就算是有了几个孩子和孙子辈。【小题5】上下文,根据下文的My worries可知,作者很担心,焦虑【小题6】上下文,根据后文的 were more than willing可知,他们非常愿意接受我作为家庭的一员,所以他们喜欢我。【小题7】上下文,根据后文的if their children could call me “Mimi,” 可知,他的女儿们在问我这样一个问题【小题8】词组,as a result因此 in other words换句话说from then on从那以后 in the end最终,句意为,他离婚了,因此我担心的是他的孙子已经有了奶奶了,这些小家伙会理解为什么我要来到这个家吗。【小题9】同位语从句,他的孙子已经有了奶奶了这个事实【小题10】同43空。【小题11】句意理解,我注意到我们的小孙子在用一种疑惑的表情看着我【小题12】上下文,根据后面小孙子说的话可知,他终于明白了,所以此处是他很疑惑【小题13】句意理解,突然他笑起来了,跳着说,你是我们的另外一个奶奶。【小题14】上下文,根据最后一段 I may be an instant “extra” grandma in Jim’s eyes可知,extra指的是额外的,另外一个【小题15】句意理解,那时,我知道是我放松,享受我在这个家庭中的新角色的时候了【小题16】句意理解,此时我终于理解了这句话是什么意思。【小题17】前后表示转折,前面是失去的,后面是获得的【小题18】我在享受着从来没有经历过的,比如给孩子读睡前故事【小题19】句意理解,家里的墙上都是用孩子们的照片装饰着【小题20】句意理解,虽然我在jim的眼中是另外一个奶奶,但是我和其他常规奶奶一样感到骄傲。
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