
A flock of hungry pigeons were flying across the sky in search of food. Having traveled a

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-14 13:14
  • 提问者网友:情歌越听越心酸
  • 2021-01-13 23:32
A flock of hungry pigeons were flying across the sky in search of food. Having traveled a long distance, they felt tired and settled down on a tree. Just below the tree, they saw grains strewn (撒满) all over the ground. The pigeons were happy to have found enough food to eat. All the pigeons came down from the tree and started eating the grains. As they were doing so, a huge net fell on them and trapped them all.
The pigeons were taken aback. They noticed a hunter sitting at a distance from the tree, a bow and arrow in hand. The pigeons realized it was the hunter who had trapped them in the net. The hunter got up and began to move towards the pigeons.
The leader of the pigeons spoke, “Friends, we are in great trouble. The hunter will catch us if we do not act swiftly in a few seconds. There is only one option available at this moment. Let all of us use our force together and fly up along with the net. If all of us use our force and fly together, we can fly carrying the net along with us. Let us start now.”
All the pigeons agreed with him and flew high carrying the net along with them. After traveling enough distance away from the hunter, the pigeons settled on a tree and carefully came out of the net one by one and thus escaped the evil design of the hunter.
【小题1】Who strewed the grains over the ground?A.A villager.B.The hunter.C.The pigeon.D.The writer.【小题2】The word “ ”has the closest meaning to the underlined word “option”.A.reasonB.choiceC.actionD.opinion【小题3】How did the pigeons react when they got trapped?A.They didn’t know what to do.B.They tried to fly in all directions.C.They remained rather calm.D.They decided to fight for their lives.【小题4】This story wants to tell us that .A.two heads are better than one.B.confidence will save everyone.C.teamwork can work wonders.D.actions speak louder than words.B
  • 五星知识达人网友:神也偏爱
  • 2020-01-03 13:49
(答案→)B 解析:一群饥肠辘辘的鸽子在觅食时中了猎人的圈套,领头的鸽子临危不惧,镇定自若,带领其他鸽子最终从网中成功逃出。 【小题1】细节理解题。根据第二段第三句中的内容They noticed a hunter sitting at a distance from the tree, a bow and arrow in hand. The pigeons realized it was the hunter who had trapped them in the net.可知在地面上抛洒谷物的是那个“猎人”。 选B【小题2】猜测词义题。上一段的最后提到猎人朝鸽子走过来,再结合领头鸽所说的话可推测它们此刻只有一种“选择”。 选B【小题3】推理判断题。结合第三段领头鸽所说的话以及下一段第一句中的内容可推测它们落入圈套后相当镇静。根据常识可知如果鸽子朝四面八方飞,他们就不可能将网带起来,所以B 项不正确。 选C【小题4】主旨大意题。群鸽在生命危急之时在领头鸽的带领下共同努力,最终摆脱了猎人的邪恶圈套,由此可知本文的主旨是“团队协作可以创造奇迹”。 A 项表示“两个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”;B 项表示“自信可挽救每一个人”;D 项表示“事实胜于雄辩”,都不能很好地概括文章大意。选C
  • 1楼网友:轻雾山林
  • 2020-02-12 02:21