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解决时间 2021-01-03 11:28
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Excellencies, distinguished officials, ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning!
I am Li Bingbing, goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Environment Program. I am pleased to be here today because, like many of you, I deeply care about climate change. And I am keen to see leaders take immediate and ambitious action.
Carbon emissions are at unprecedented levels. Human activity and consumer demand are causing so much devastation, including the illegal trade in wild life, another serious concern of mine.
However, I remain optimistic that this climate summit will be about action and solutions as we pursue our common goals of low carbon economy. We have an expression in Chinese, "有志者事竟成". This means "where there is a will, there is a way".
Young people around the world are so eager to see leaders take action on climate change and asking hard questions. The "Why / Why not" campaign" of "Climate Reality Project" asked the young people to submit additional videos asking those questions for a chance to attend this summit. 2,500 videos were submitted from more than 80 countries. The seven winners are here today. And the film you are about to see highlight some of their questions.
Thank you for your kind attention.
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一、演讲内容: 1. 英文:Excellencies,distinguished officials,ladies and gentlemen,Good morning!I am Li Bingbing,goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Environment Program.I am pleased to be here today because,like many of you,I deeply care about climate change.And I am keen to see leaders take immediate and ambitious action.Carbon emissions are at unprecedented levels.Human activity and consumer demand are causing so much devastation,including the illegal trade in wild life,another serious concern of mine.However,I remain optimistic that this climate summit will be about action and solutions as we pursue our common goals of low carbon economy.We have an expression in Chinese,"有志者事竟成".This means "where there is a will,there is a way".Young people around the world are so eager to see leaders take action on climate change and asking hard questions.The "Why / Why not" campaign" of "Climate Reality Project" asked the young people to submit additional videos asking those questions for a chance to attend this summit.2,500 videos were submitted from more than 80 countries.The seven winners are here today.And the film you are about to see highlight some of their questions.Thank you for your kind attention. 2. 中文:各位阁下,尊敬的代表们,女生们、先生们,早上好!我是联合国环境规划署亲善大使李冰冰。今天我很高兴来到这里,因为我深深地关心气候变化议题;像你们一样,我亦希望看到各国领导人立刻采取雄心勃勃的行动。二氧化碳排放量在今时今日达到了史无前例的水平。人类活动和过度消费需求带来了许多对环境的破坏,这其中还包括我关心的另一个议题,即非法野生动物贸易。不过,我仍乐观地认为,这气候峰会将促进采取行动并为我们追求的共同目标之低碳经济提供解决方案。我们中国有句俗话:“有志者事竟成”!全世界的年轻人都迫切地看到领导人在气候变化问题上采取行动并且提出了他们的问题。“气候现状项目”的“为什么/为什么不”宣传活动邀请了年轻人提交视频发问他们所关心的问题。我们收到了来自80多个国家的2500个视频。今天,七位优胜者带着他们的微电影来到了气候峰会,与你一起分享他们的忧与思。感谢大家的关注! 二、简介: 1. 李冰冰(Li Bingbing),1973年2月27日(农历:正月二十五)出生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市五常市,中国内地著名女演员。1997年毕业于上海戏剧学院表演系本科班。 2. 2000年,因主演电视剧《少年包青天》而被观众所知;同年,凭电影《过年回家》获13届新加坡国际电影节最佳女主桂冠。 2004年,参演电影《天下无贼》,凭借角色艳贼小叶入围百花奖女配角。2005年,主演电视剧《八大豪侠》;同年,凭借电影《云水谣》获2007年第12届中国电影华表奖及2008年第29届大众电影百花奖。2009年,主演《风声》,荣膺46届台湾电影金马奖。从2008年起,她因出演好莱坞电影《功夫之王》、《雪花秘扇》、《生化危机5》跻身国际影坛。2012年,担任上海国际电影节评委,年底签约美国经纪公司UTA。2010年起,她成为联合国环境规划署(UNEP)的首位中国籍全球亲善大使、世界自然基金会(WWF)全球大使、国际气候组织“百万森林”亚太区大使等。2013年,被委任濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)全球大使,全国中小学安全形象大使。2018年1月19日,其参演的动作冒险电影《谜巢》在中国大陆上映。 3. 2017年1月4日晚,李冰冰在微博中晒出与许文楠在海边的照片,并写道:“一切都是最好的安排。”正式公开恋情。