

答案:1  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-25 18:47
  • 提问者网友:世勋超人
  • 2021-02-25 06:59
  • 五星知识达人网友:骨子里都是戏
  • 2021-02-25 08:39
问题一:吹单簧管用英文怎么说 吹单簧管
clarinet问题二:乐器或单簧管(黑管)英文怎么说 乐器 musical instrument
单簧管(黑管)clarionet(clarinet)问题三:黑管用英语怎么说啊 clarinet
它不仅是黑管的意思範有时还做:单簧管,竖笛 的意思 ,但是不常用问题四:黑管的组成部分(要英文) 这是英文的,有点长哟。。。
Clarinet bodies have been made from a variety of materials including wood, plastic, hard rubber, metal, resin, and ivory. The vast majority of clarinets used by professional musicians are made from African hardwood, M'Pingo or grenadilla, rarely (because of diminishing supplies) Honduran rosewood and sometimes even cocobolo. Historically other woods, notably boxwood, were used.
Most modern inexpensive instruments are made of plastic resin, such as ABS. These materials are sometimes called resonite, which i亥 Selmer's trademark name for its particular type of plastic.
Metal soprano clarinets were popular in the early twentieth century, until plastic instruments supplanted them; metal construction is still used for the bodies of some contra-alto and contrabass clarinets, and for the necks and bells of nearly all alto and larger clarinets.
Ivory was used for a few 18th century clarinets, but it tends to crack and does not keep its shape well.
Buffet Crampon's Greenline clarinets are made from a composite of wood powder and carbon fiber. Such instruments are less affected by humidity than wooden instruments, but are heavier. Hard rubber, such as ebonite, has been used for clarinets since the 1860s, although few modern clarinets are made of it. Clarinet designers Alastair Hanson and Tom Ridenour are strong advocates of hard rubber. Hanson Clarinets of England manufactures clarinets using a grenadilla compound reinforced with eboni......余下全文>>问题五:竖笛用英语怎么说? 竖笛recorder
古筝Chinese zither
肯定对,我们英语书上有问题六:给我一小段关于“我会吹单簧管”的英语小短文! Clarinet is my favourite musical instrument. I very much enjoy playing it.
单簧管是我最喜爱的乐器。我非常享受吹奏单簧管。问题七:琴用英语怎么说 泛指的话,就是instrument,可复数单词,表示“乐器”
木管乐器 —— woodwind instrument
长笛 —— flute
短笛 —— piccolo
单簧管 —— clarinet
萨克斯管 —— saxophone
双簧管 —— oboe
英国管 —— English horn
大管 —— bassoon
铜管乐器 —— brass instrument
圆号 —— French horn
小号 —— trumpet
短号 —— cornet
长号 —— trombone
大号 —— tuba
弦乐器 —— stringed instrument
小提琴 —— violin
中提琴 —— viola
大提琴 —— violoncello
低音提琴 —— double bass
竖琴 —— harp
吉他 —— guitar
钢琴 —— piano,全称pianoforte
定音鼓 —— timpani
木琴 —— xylophone
铁琴 —— glockenspiel管钟 —— tubular bells
大鼓 —— bass drum
小军鼓 —— snare drum
铃鼓 —— tambourine
三角铁 —— triangle
沙槌 —— maracas
响板 —— castanet
锣 —— gong
钹 —— piatti
口琴 —— harmonica
风琴 —— accordion
管风琴 —— pipe organ问题八:求一个介绍单簧管的英语ppt 急求 谢谢 还应说着远行人。