
About a month ago, while in the drive through at Starbucks, I noticed a woman in a car beh

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 05:05
  • 提问者网友:听门外雪花风
  • 2021-01-03 18:57
About a month ago, while in the drive through at Starbucks, I noticed a woman in a car behind me who appeared to be having a bad day. There were two kids in the back who seemed to have too much at 8 am on a Sunday morning, because they were shouting loudly. The moved slowly and at one point while I was pulling the car forward, the sad woman behind me my car. I could tell this her. The entire time that I waited in line for my coffee this woman didn’t .
Looking back at her I could tell she was wondering “Why me? Why today?” When I up and paid for my coffee I requested that the barista(咖啡吧员) of Starbucks give the woman behind me a smile card and paid for her coffee.
Just 30 minutes later I was again in line at Starbucks. I heard a slam of a car door but thought nothing of it. I was when the same woman came up to my driver’s side window. She me a twenty-dollar bill and the same smile card I had given to her. She smiled and said, “These are for you. You are the one who gave these to me , right? All I need you to do is ask the barista to give the back to me.” It was amazing! It was as if this woman had been waiting to show her for what I had done!
When she got back into her today she was all smiles. I could tell she had the same feeling as I had on that early Sunday morning. It was nice to have my coffee paid for, but what made me feel even better was seeing the happiness and smile on her face.
As I pulled out of the drive-thru, she waved and yelled out, “Have a day!” I yelled back “You too!” and waved her goodbye.
【小题1】A.forceB.strengthC.powerD.energy【小题2】A.lineB.timeC.sunD.bus【小题3】A.knockedB.touchedC.kickedD.watched【小题4】A.excitedB.calmedC.worriedD.entertained【小题5】A.apologizeB.smile C.complainD.bother【小题6】A.pulledB.lookedC.turnedD.walked【小题7】A.standingB.waitingC.parkingD.pacing【小题8】A.amusedB.confusedC.disappointedD.shocked【小题9】A.handedB.owedC.presentedD.asked【小题10】A.cleverB.kindC.honest D.modest【小题11】A.privatelyB.secretlyC.originallyD.totally【小题12】A.cardB.change C.billD.coffee【小题13】A.considerationB.respectC.desireD.appreciation【小题14】A.officeB.homeC.carD.room【小题15】A.freeB.quietC.regularD.goodD
  • 五星知识达人网友:痴妹与他
  • 2021-01-03 19:04
(答案→)D 解析:作者在排队买咖啡时,从后面的车里出来一个女人,她敲了一下作者的车,作者认为她今天心情不好,在付咖啡钱时,作者帮那个女人付了钱并嘱咐吧员送她一个微笑卡。后来,让作者感到惊讶的是,那个女人一直在等着作者,向作者感示感谢。【小题1】考查名词辨析。A力量;B体力;C权力,能力;D能量。who seemed to have too much at 8 am on a Sunday morning, because they were shouting loudly.两个孩子在星期天上午似乎特别有精神,一直在大声叫喊。故选D。【小题2】考查名词辨析。A线,行,(等车)队伍;B时间;C太阳;D公交车。根据下一句“The entire time that I waited in line”可知,这里指的是排队候车的队伍,故选A。【小题3】考查等车辨析。A敲;B触碰;C踢;D观察。根据第三段“when the same woman came up to my driver’s side window.”可知,那个女人来到作者车前敲了敲作者的车,故选A。【小题4】考查动词辨析。A使兴奋;B使冷静;C使担忧;D使开心。根据第一段“who appeared to be having a bad day...the sad woman”可知,这个不开心的女人似乎等得不耐烦了,故选C。【小题5】考查动词辨析。A道歉;B微笑;C抱怨;D打扰。this woman didn’t 作者在排队等咖啡期间,那个农村人一直都没有笑,故选B。【小题6】考查动词辨析。A拉,停车;B看;C转向;D步行。根据“paid for my coffee”可知,作者是停车付钱,故选A。【小题7】考查动词辨析。A站立;B等待;C停车;D步行。根据第一段“I waited in line for my coffee”可知,作者又来排队买咖啡,故选B。【小题8】考查形容词辨析。A娱乐的;B困惑的;C失望的;D吃惊的。I was when the same woman came up to my driver’s side window当同一个女人来到作者车前时,作者感到了吃惊,故选D。【小题9】考查动词辨析。A递给;B归功于;C赠送;D询问。She me a twenty-dollar bill and the same smile card I had given to her.她递给作者20美元和之前作者送她的微笑卡,故选A。【小题10】考查形容词辨析。A聪明的;B友好的;C诚实的;D谦虚的。根据“who gave these to me”可知,作者帮这个女人买了咖啡,还送给她微笑卡,因此她认为作者是友善的,故选B。【小题11】考查副词辨析。A私下地;B秘密地;C起初,原来;D完全。这里的意思是“这些是你原先给我的东西吧?”,故选C。【小题12】考查名词辨析。A卡片;B改变,零钱;C账单,钞票;D咖啡。All I need you to do is ask the barista to give the back to me.我需要你做的是让吧员把找零还给我,change在此是“找零”的意思,故选B。【小题13】考查名词辨析。A体贴;B尊敬;C欲望;D欣赏,感激。It was as if this woman had been waiting to show her for what I had done!这个女人似乎是一直在等着我,向我表达感激之情,故选D。【小题14】考查名词辨析。A办公室;B家;C汽车;D房间。根据第三段“I heard a slam of a car door”可知,那个女人也开着一辆车,故选C。【小题15】考查形容词辨析。A免费的;B安静的;C定期的,经常的;D好的。“Have a day!”祝你度过美好的一天!故选D。
  • 1楼网友:冷風如刀
  • 2021-01-03 19:57