
Earthquakes strike suddenly at any time of the day or night, but there’s no way to tell th

答案:2  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 06:14
  • 提问者网友:皆是孤独
  • 2021-01-04 02:54
Earthquakes strike suddenly at any time of the day or night, but there’s no way to tell them. If an earthquake happens, it may 11. many deaths and injuries and great damage. Decide how and where your family will get together if 12. . Choose an out-of-state friend or relative that the family members can 13. after the quake to report where they are and how they are. Know the 14. places in each room: under the 15. tables, desks, or against inside walls. Keep enough food, water and other things, 16. a flashlight, a radio medicines and clothing.
During the earthquake, you should 17. a clear head and never be too nervous to know what to do. Protect your 18._ and neck with your arms. If possible, take a book, a pillow or any other things to 19. yourself from falling glass and ruins. If you are 20. , you must immediately lie under any strong furniture. If outdoors, move to an open area away form tress, buildings, walls and power poles. If you are in a narrow valley, move to the center of it and look up for falling 21. . If you are in a car, move to the side of the road and stop the car. Do not stop near buildings, power lines or on or under bridges. Stay in your car until the shaking stops.
Do not move a badly 22. person unless he is in great danger after the earthquake. Do not use the telephone 23. unless there is a serious injury or fire. Turn on your radio for instructions and news reports. Be prepared for aftershocks. If you want to 24. your home, post a message inside your home 25. family members where you can be found.
  • 五星知识达人网友:一叶十三刺
  • 2021-01-04 04:28
(答案→)C 解析:1. 地震的发生会导致死亡和受伤,cause是导致的意思。2. 此句是说如果分开之后要决定如何和在哪里与家人会合,separate是分离的意思。3. call是打电话的意思,就是说要找个在外面的朋友或是亲戚能够给家人打电话。4. 此处很明显是找个安全的地方,这是个常识题,选safe.5. 如果地震的话,肯定会找结实的桌子什么的,strong就是这个意思。6. including包括在内,分词作状语。7. keep a clear head为固定搭配,意为保持头脑清醒。8. 肯定是保护头head,这也是个常识题。9. protecting doing sth意思保护做某事,此处也是个固定说法,意为保护你自己防止倒塌。10.从下文的if outdoor可知此处是indoors.11.这里指当心要落下的石头。12.injured指的是受伤,但wound一般指的是刀伤或是枪伤。13.这里是说除非受伤严重,不然的话不要马上就使用手机,immediately表示立刻马上,目的是为了节约电池。14.如果你想离开家,就请给家人发信息告诉家人在哪可以找到你。此处用leave.15.正如上题所讲,留信息是告诉家人在哪里可以找到你。
  • 1楼网友:孤独的牧羊人
  • 2021-01-04 06:00