

答案:4  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-07 23:26
  • 提问者网友:一抹荒凉废墟
  • 2021-03-07 04:58
  • 五星知识达人网友:孤独的牧羊人
  • 2021-03-07 06:32

In 1966, President Charles De Gaulle decided to withdraw France from NATO’s integrated military structure. This reflected the desire for greater military independence, particularly vis-à-vis the United States, and the refusal to integrate France’s nuclear deterrent or accept any form of control over its armed forces.

In practical terms, while France still fully participated in the political instances of the Organization, it was no longer represented on certain committees, for instance, the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group. This decision also led to the removal of French forces from NATO commands and foreign forces from French territory. The stationing of foreign weapons, including nuclear weapons, was also banned. NATO’s political headquarters (based in Paris since 1952), as well as the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe or SHAPE (in Rocquencourt since 1951) moved to Belgium.

Despite France’s withdrawal from NATO’s integrated military structure, two technical agreements were signed with the Alliance, setting out procedures in the event of soviet aggression. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, France has regularly contributed troops to NATO’s military operations, making it one of the largest troop-contributing states. It is also NATO’s fourth biggest contributor to the military budget.

From the early 1990s onwards, France distanced itself from the 1966 decision with, for instance, its participation at the meetings of defence ministers from 1994 (Seville) onwards and the presence of French officers in ACO and ACT structures from 2003. At NATO’s Strasbourg/Kehl Summit, April 2009, France officially announced its decision to fully participate in NATO structures¹.
  • 1楼网友:一秋
  • 2021-03-07 08:12
北大西洋公约组织(简称北约组织或北约,nato)是一个为实现防卫协作而建立的国际组织,于1949年4月4日在美国华盛顿签署《北大西洋公约》后成立,为与以前苏联为首的东欧集团国成员相抗衡,使成员国一旦受到攻击时,其他成员国可以作出即时反应。但这一条条款在九一一事件之前,一直都未有动用过。及至前苏联解体以后,华沙条约组织宣告解散,北约就成为一个地区性防卫协作组织。北约的最高决策机构是北约理事会。理事会由成员国国家元首及政府首脑、外长、国防部长组成。总部设在布鲁塞尔。 法国(1966年退出北约,1992年重新加入)
  • 2楼网友:归鹤鸣
  • 2021-03-07 07:20
  • 3楼网友:一袍清酒付
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