

答案:2  悬赏:50  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-11 06:10
  • 提问者网友:战魂
  • 2021-03-10 19:12
Mr. Brown was tired of living in the big city where he worked. He wanted to move to the country and live in a house from which he could get to his office in the city easily every day. He was looking for such a house until he saw an advertisement in a newspaper one day. The advertisement said that a suitable (合适的) house in a quiet area was at a reasonable (合理的) price and the house was within a stone's throw of a railway station from which there were frequent trains to the big city.

"That's exactly(准确地)what I need. "Mr. Brown said to himself. So he called the house agency (代理) and arranged(安排)to go down by train the next day to have a look at the house.

The house agent met him at the station and they started walking. It took them at least 15 minutes to get to the house. When they reached, Mr. Brown said angrily ,"1 should be very interested to meet the man who threw the stone you mentioned in the newspaper!"

( )16 Mr. Brown wanted to find a house in the country because _________.

A. the life in the big city was not interesting B. he liked living in the country

C. he was tired of with the life in the big city D. he wanted to get to his office easily

( )17. The newspaper said the house was within a stone's throw of a railway station. This means

A. the house was close to the railway station

B. the house was near to the station as you threw a stone

C. the newspaper was making fun of people

D. it just took them 15 minutes to get to the house from the station

( )18、Mr. Brown decided to have a look at the house because _________.

A the house was very cheap

B the house was rather quiet

C. the house was just the one he was looking for

D. the house was in a good place and the price was reasonable

( )19. From the story we know that _________.

A. Mr. Brown was satisfied(满意) with the house

B. Mr. Brown thought the house was far away from the city

C. Mr. Brown found a house in the country

D. Mr. Brown thought the house agent was telling a lie in the newspaper
  • 五星知识达人网友:封刀令
  • 2021-03-10 20:44
1D 从这句看出He wanted to move to the country and live in a house from which he could get to his office in the city easily every day
2A the house was within a stone's throw of a railway station from which there were frequent trains to the big city.
3C That's exactly(准确地)what I need
4D When they reached, Mr. Brown said angrily
  • 1楼网友:胯下狙击手
  • 2021-03-10 22:10
那个...不知道你是怎么学英语的... 就我个人来说,阅读题很多就是考的原文中的细节,所以,如果做出来的与答案不一样,那就看看它考的是哪一段吧,把原文再找出来读一下(答案上面一般会说“文章中...”)也就是让你仔细地读文 如果它考的是概括题(就是wecaninferfrom...之类的)那你就应该读读题目的选项,先把显然不可能的排除掉,再根据剩下的答案,在文章里面找细节判断,切勿断章取义,这样做准确率就比较高了,因为这种题目有些主观色彩,所以一旦因为粗心之外的原因做错,看答案也是白搭,很难理解答案为什么是对的... 至于阅读辅导资料...我个人不太赞同英语搞题海战术,所以当时我们老师给订的很有分量的一本“英语高考题库阅读”除了故事类我做了以外,其它都是抄的...如果平时多听多说。听歌听故事都可以,听没听进去无所谓,主要是要坚持听。睡觉的时候放,听着听着睡着了都没关系。