
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, the favorite t

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解决时间 2021-04-08 04:42
  • 提问者网友:鐵馬踏冰河
  • 2021-04-07 07:18

At the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, the favorite team in the four-man canoe race was the United States team. One member of that team was a young man by the name of Bill Havens.
As the time for the Olympics 36 it became clear that Bill’s wife would give birth to their first child about the time that the U.S. team would be 37 in the Paris games. In 1924 there were no jet airliners from Paris to the United States, only 38 ocean-going ships. And so Bill found himself in a 39 . Should he go to Paris and 40 not being at his wife’s side when their baby was born? Or should he 41 from the team and remain with his family?
Bill’s wife 42 that he go to Paris. 43 , competing in the Olympics was his life long 44 . But Bill felt 45 and, after much 46 searching decided to withdraw from the competition and remain home, where he could 47 his wife when the child arrived.
As it 48 , the United States four-man canoe team won the gold medal in Paris. And Bill’s wife was 49 in giving birth to their child. She was so late, 50 , that Bill could have competed in the event and returned home in time to be with her when she gave birth.
People said, “What a shame.” But Bill said he had no 51 . For the rest of his life, he believed he had made the 52 decision. Bill Havens knew what was most 53 to him. Not everybody figures that out. And he acted on what he believed was best. 54 everybody has the strength of character to say no to something he or she truly wants in order to say yes to something that truly 55 . But for Bill, it was the only way to peace; the only way to no regrets.
【小题1】A.nearedB.startedC.ended D.narrowed【小题2】A.practisingB.competingC.entering D.trying【小题3】.A.expensiveB.heavyC.large D.slow【小题4】A.hurryB.puzzleC.dilemmaD.trouble【小题5】A.avoidB.riskC.bearD.missed【小题6】A.breakB.keepC.wanderD.withdraw【小题7】A.complainedB.preferredC.insistedD.promised【小题8】.A.After allB.Above allC.In allD.At all【小题9】.A.purposeB.struggleC.opportunityD.dream【小题10】A.disappointedB.conflictedC.confused D.encouraged【小题11】A.memoryB.decisionC.soul D.peace【小题12】.A.supportB.watchC.comfort D.raise【小题13】A.fed backB.pointed outC.came outD.turned out【小题14】A.effortlessB.sorryC.late D.hard【小题15】.A.at lastB.in factC.without doubtD.in brief【小题16】A.painsB.sufferingsC.defeatsD.regrets【小题17】A.betterB.biggerC.worseD.more【小题18】.A.obviousB.trueC.importantD.close【小题19】A.AlmostB.CertainlyC.SurelyD.Not【小题20】.A.1astsB.mattersC.worksD.rewardsA
  • 五星知识达人网友:鸽屿
  • 2021-04-07 08:58
(答案→)A 解析:【小题1】A 动词辨析。A靠近B开始C结束D变窄;随着奥运会的解决,他的妻子也要生孩子了。【小题2】.B 动词辨析。A练习B比赛,竞争C进入D尝试;孩子出生时间正好是他所在的队伍参加比赛的时间。【小题3】D 形容词辨析。A昂贵B重C大D慢;当时没有飞机,只有越洋大轮船。【小题4】C 名词辨析。A匆忙B困惑C进退两难的境地D麻烦;对于他来说,他陷入了进退两难的境地。【小题5】.B 动词辨析。A避免B冒险C承受D错过;他应该去巴黎而冒着不在妻子身边的危险吗?【小题6】.D 动词辨析。A打破B徘徊C闲逛D退出;或者是从队伍中退出和家人在一起。【小题7】.C 动词辨析。A抱怨B宁愿C坚持要求D表扬;妻子坚持要求他取参加奥运会。【小题8】A 短语辨析。A毕竟终究B首先,最重要C共计D全然;毕竟参加奥运会是他一生的梦想。【小题9】D 名词辨析。A目的B奋斗C机会D梦想;毕竟参加奥运会是他一生的梦想。【小题10】.B 形容词辨析。A失望B矛盾C困惑D鼓励;Bill感觉非常矛盾。【小题11】.C 名词辨析。A记忆B决定C灵魂D和平;指经过灵魂的斗争,他决定退出奥运会。【小题12】A 动词辨析。A支持B注视C安慰D提高;当孩子出生的时候,他会在家里支持她。【小题13】D 短语辨析。A反馈B指出C出版,发行D结果是;正如结果那样;美国队赢得了冠军。【小题14】C 形容词辨析。A容易B难过C晚D困难;指她的妻子分娩较晚。【小题15】B 短语辨析。A最后B事实上C毫无疑问D简洁地;实际上Bill本可以参加奥运会以后也能陪妻子。【小题16】D 名词辨析。A努力B失败C痛苦D遗憾;Bill说他没有遗憾。【小题17】A 形容词辨析。A更好B更大C更糟糕D更多;他认为他可以做出更好的决定。【小题18】.C 形容词辨析。A明显的B真的C重要的D亲密的;Bill知道什么对自己更重要。【小题19】.D 句意分析。并不是每个人对于自己真正想要做的事情有说不的勇气。【小题20】.B 动词辨析。A持续B重要C工作D酬谢;为了对那些真正重要的事情说是。
  • 1楼网友:有你哪都是故乡
  • 2021-04-07 10:26