

答案:2  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-12-18 21:46
  • 提问者网友:自食苦果
  • 2021-12-17 23:41
阅读理解 Eating too much fatty food, exercising too little and smoking can raise your future risk of heart disease. But there is another factor that can cause your heart problems more immediately: the air you breathe.
Previous studies have linked high exposure (暴露)to environmental pollution to an increased risk of heart problem, but two analyses now show that poor air quality can lead to heart attack or stroke (中风)within as little as a few hours after exposure. In one review of the research, scientists found that people exposed to high levels of pollutants (污染物)were up to 5% more likely to suffer a heart attack within days of exposure than those with lower exposure. A separate study of stroke patients showed that even air that the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers to be of “moderate” (良好)quality and relatively safe for our health can raise the risk of stroke as much as 34% within 12 to 14 hours of exposure.
The authors of both studies stress that these risks are relatively small for healthy people and certainly modest compared with other risk factors such as smoking and high blood pressure. However, it is important to be aware of these dangers because everyone is exposed to air pollution regardless of lifestyle choices. So stricter regulation by the EPA of pollutants may not only improve environmental air quality but could also become necessary to protect public health1.The text mainly discusses the relationship between A.heart problems and air qualityB.heart problems and exercisingC.heart problems and smokingD.heart problems and fatty food2.The underlined word “modest” in Paragraph 3 most probably means A.relatively highB.extremely lowC.relatively lowD.extremely high3.What can we learn from the text?A.Eating fatty food has immediate effects on your heartB.The EPA conducted many studies on air qualityC.Moderate air quality is more harmful than smoking,D.Stricter regulations on pollutants should be made
  • 五星知识达人网友:雪起风沙痕
  • 2021-12-18 00:22
1.A 主旨大意题。根据本文的主题段第一段的内容But there is another factor that can cause your heart problems more immediately: the air you breathe.说明本文主要讲述的是空气污染导致人们的健康受到威胁,故A正确。
2.C 推理题。根据本句A separate study of stroke patients showed that even air that the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers to be of “moderate” (良好)quality and relatively safe for our health can raise the risk of stroke as much as 34% within 12 to 14 hours of exposure.说明这里的“moderate”与下句的relatively safe形成呼应的关系,故C项正确。
3.D 细节题。根据文章最后一句So stricter regulation by the EPA of pollutants may not only improve environmental air quality but could also become necessary to protect public health.可知要求我们制定严格的规章制度来保证空气质量,故D正确。
  • 1楼网友:像个废品
  • 2021-12-18 00:58