
关于way的短语的问题有什么:in the way / on the way/in one's wa

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解决时间 2021-02-15 16:40
  • 提问者网友:星軌
  • 2021-02-15 04:14
关于way的短语的问题有什么:in the way / on the way/in one's wa
  • 五星知识达人网友:封刀令
  • 2021-02-15 05:46
① make one’s way:The team slowly made their way through the jungle.这一队人艰难地行走在丛林中.② push one’s way:He pushed his way through the crowd.他推开人群挤出去了.③ lose one’s way:He lost his way in the big city.在这个大城市里,他迷失了方向.④ pick one’s way:He had to pick his way along the muddy path.在泥泞的小路上,他只得择路而行.⑤ fight one’s way:The surrounded soldiers fought their way out.这些被包围的士兵杀出了一条生路.⑥ feel one’s way:We couldn’t see anything in the cave,so we had to feel our way out.我们在洞里什么也看不到,只得摸着出去.⑦ inch one’s way:On seeing the snake,he inched his way backwards.一看到那条蛇,他就缓慢地退走了.⑧ laugh one’s way:He laughs his way through life.他一辈子笑待人生⑨ wind one’s way:The path winds its way to the top of the mountain.这条小路蜿蜒通向山顶.⑩ elbow one’s way:He elbowed his way to the front of the queue.他(用肘)挤到队前面.⑪ grope one’s way :He drank too much and then groped his way back to the bedroom.他喝得太多了,踉踉跄跄得摸进卧室.⑫limp one’s way:He was hurt in the left leg so that he had to limp his way home.他的左腿受伤,只得一瘸一拐地走回家.⑬dig one’s way:Mark Twain began digging his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter.作为一名记者,马克•吐温开始在当地崭露头角.by way of someplace.途径某地get in the way.妨碍show somebody the way.为某人引路lead the way.带路set in one's ways.旧习难改mend one's ways.改邪归正the way of the world.世俗just the other way.恰恰相反in any way.无论如何in no way.无论如何不;决不put it another way.换言之in a/the family way.不拘礼节地go/take one's own way.一意孤行give way (to).退让on the way.在途中on one's way to…….到……去的途中
  • 1楼网友:归鹤鸣
  • 2021-02-15 06:36