
kind of 的用法

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解决时间 2021-01-27 14:14
  • 提问者网友:杀生予夺
  • 2021-01-27 02:49
kind of 的用法
  • 五星知识达人网友:独行浪子会拥风
  • 2021-01-27 04:08
kind of
A cocoon is a kind of silk covering made by an insect.
Nettle is a kind of common wild plant.
I hate this kind of cheap emotion.

a kind of (infml 口) (used to express uncertainty 用以表示不确): I had a kind of (ie a vague) feeling this might happen. 我隐约感到这事可能发生. * He's a kind of unofficial adviser, but I'm not sure exactly what he does. 他像个非官方的顾问, 但说不好他究竟是干什麽的. kind of (infml 口) slightly; to some extent 稍微; 有点儿; 有几分: I'm not sure why, but I feel kind of sorry for him. 不知为什麽, 我有点为他惋惜. * `Is she interested?' `Well, kind of.' ‘她感兴趣吗?’‘嗯, 有点儿.’ nothing of the `kind/sort not at all like it 一点都不像; 毫无类似处: People had told me she was very pleasant but she's nothing of the kind. 人家告诉我她很可爱, 可是她根本不是那样. of a kind (a) very similar 很相似的; 同一类的: They look alike, talk alike, even think alike they're two of a kind/they're very much of a kind. 他们长得很像﹑ 说话很像﹑ 连想法都很像--他们俩完全是一个类型. (b) (derog 贬) of an inferior kind 低劣的; 差劲的: The town offers entertainments of a kind, but nothing like what you'll find in the city. 镇上有些所谓的娱乐, 但与城里的截然不同. something of the kind something like what has been said 类似所说的某事: Did you say they're moving? I'd heard something of the kind myself. 是你说他们要搬家吗? 我也听到过这样的话.
1 After kind of/sort of it is usual to have a singular noun 在kind of/sort of之後通常有个单数名词: What kind of/sort of tree is that? 那是什麽树? * There are many different kinds of/sorts of snake in South America. 南美洲有很多种蛇. Informally, it is possible to use a plural noun thus 口语中可以用复数名词: I have met all kinds of/sorts of salesmen, tourists, etc. 我见过各种各样的售货员﹑ 游客等. In more formal usage the plural noun can be put in front 在比较庄重的用语中, 复数名词可放在前面: People of that kind/sort never apologize. 那种人从来不向人道歉. * Snakes of many kinds/sorts are found in South America. 南美洲有很多种蛇.
2 Kind of/sort of are also used informally to indicate that somebody or something is not genuine or of good quality, or to suggest vagueness 口语中 kind of/sort of还可指某人或某事物的情况不是真的或不那麽好, 或表示说不准: I had a kind of/sort of holiday in the summer but I couldn't really relax. 我算是放了暑假了, 但却未能真正休息. * He gave a kind of/sort of smile and left the room. 他像是笑了一下就离开了房间.
3 Kind of and sort of are used in very informal English as adverbs. *kind of和sort of在极通俗的口语中可用作副词. They mean `to some extent' 这两个词组的意思都是‘在某种程度上’: She kind of/sort of likes him. 她有点儿喜欢他.
  • 1楼网友:琴狂剑也妄
  • 2021-01-27 06:31
kind 作名词时,是可数名词,有复数形式,也可以与 a 连用。具体用法如下: 1、( a )kind of 后面的名词通常用复数,且该名词前不用冠词或其它限定词。例如: Is this kind of car made in China? 2、kinds of 后面的名词可用复数,也可用单数,但其后的动词要用复数。例如: There are all kinds of flowers in the park. 3、kind of 后面的名词前有时也可以加限定词,但意义有所不同。例如: 1)What kind of werker is he? (问职业) 2)What kind of a worker is he? (问效率、能力等) ( DAVID 提供)
  • 2楼网友:英雄的欲望
  • 2021-01-27 05:54
ofafriendly,generous,orwarm-heartednature. 友善的,好心的:友好的、宽宏大量的或热情的天性 showingsympathyorunderstanding;charitable: 宽厚的,温和:表示同情或理解的;温和的: akindword. 宽厚的话语 humane;considerate: 仁慈的;体贴的: kindtoanimals. 对动物很仁慈 forbearing;tolerant: 宽容的;容忍的: ourneighborwasverykindaboutthewindowwebroke. 我们的邻居对我们打破玻璃表现得很宽容 generous;liberal: 宽宏大量的;慷慨的: kindwordsofpraise. 毫不吝啬的赞美 agreeable;beneficial: 令人愉悦的;有益的: adryclimatekindtoasthmatics. 干燥的天气有益于气喘病患者 agroupofindividualslinkedbytraitsheldincommon. 同种,同类:因具有共同的特性而联系在一起的个体的集合 aparticularvariety;asort: 特定的种类;类别: whatkindofsoapdoyoulikebest?seesynonymsattype 你最喜欢哪一种肥皂?参见type fundamental,underlyingcharacterasadeterminantoftheclasstowhichathingbelongs;natureoressence. 本质,天性:基础的和根本的特性,如一种事物归属种类的决定因素;天性或本质 adoubtfulorborderlinememberofagivencategory: 类似,某类:指定种类的不确定的或难以抉择的成员: fashionedakindofshelter;akindofbluishcolor. 形成了一点掩蔽;类似蓝色的颜色 allkindsof【非正式用语】 plentyof;ample: 大量的;足够的: wehaveallkindsoftimetofinishthejob. 我们有充足的时间完成这项工作 inkind withproduceorcommoditiesratherthanwithmoney: 以实物、货物贷款:用产品或商品而不是用钱: payinkind. 用实物支付 inthesamemannerorwithanequivalent: 以同样方法:用同样的方法或用等价物: returnedtheslightinkind. 用同样方式还以蔑视 kindof【非正式用语】 rather;somewhat: 相当;有一些: i'mkindofhungry. 我有些饿了
  • 3楼网友:神鬼未生
  • 2021-01-27 05:09
1.kind指品种,说“一种”事物常用a kind of 作定语。a kind of animal一种动物,a kind of car一种小车。animal和car前不再有冠词。说“各种各样”用various kinds of animal,various kinds of animals,animals of various kinds均可。kind侧重指“品质、性质”。如: She’s not the kind of woman to lie.她不是说谎的人。 2.a kind of常可表示不确定的“某种类似”的意思。 kinds of 是很多种; kind of 表示有点,稍稍;若变成be kind of 则表示某人友善的性格; a kind of 表示一种; all kinds of 表示各种各样的 参考:青年人外语考试网
  • 4楼网友:怙棘
  • 2021-01-27 04:18
kind of adv.有点儿 例句: A cocoon is a kind of silk covering made by an insect. 蚕茧是由昆虫制造的一种由丝组成的外包层。 Nettle is a kind of common wild plant. 荨麻是一种普通的野生植物。 I hate this kind of cheap emotion. 我讨厌这种肤浅的感情。 a kind of (infml 口) (used to express uncertainty 用以表示不确): I had a kind of (ie a vague) feeling this might happen. 我隐约感到这事可能发生. * He's a kind of unofficial adviser, but I'm not sure exactly what he does. 他像个非官方的顾问, 但说不好他究竟是干什麽的. kind of (infml 口) slightly; to some extent 稍微; 有点儿; 有几分: I'm not sure why, but I feel kind of sorry for him. 不知为什麽, 我有点为他惋惜. * `Is she interested?' `Well, kind of.' ‘她感兴趣吗?’‘嗯, 有点儿.’ nothing of the `kind/sort not at all like it 一点都不像; 毫无类似处: People had told me she was very pleasant but she's nothing of the kind. 人家告诉我她很可爱, 可是她根本不是那样. of a kind (a) very similar 很相似的; 同一类的: They look alike, talk alike, even think alike they're two of a kind/they're very much of a kind. 他们长得很像﹑ 说话很像﹑ 连想法都很像--他们俩完全是一个类型. (b) (derog 贬) of an inferior kind 低劣的; 差劲的: The town offers entertainments of a kind, but nothing like what you'll find in the city. 镇上有些所谓的娱乐, 但与城里的截然不同. something of the kind something like what has been said 类似所说的某事: Did you say they're moving? I'd heard something of the kind myself. 是你说他们要搬家吗? 我也听到过这样的话. NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 After kind of/sort of it is usual to have a singular noun 在kind of/sort of之後通常有个单数名词: What kind of/sort of tree is that? 那是什麽树? * There are many different kinds of/sorts of snake in South America. 南美洲有很多种蛇. Informally, it is possible to use a plural noun thus 口语中可以用复数名词: I have met all kinds of/sorts of salesmen, tourists, etc. 我见过各种各样的售货员﹑ 游客等. In more formal usage the plural noun can be put in front 在比较庄重的用语中, 复数名词可放在前面: People of that kind/sort never apologize. 那种人从来不向人道歉. * Snakes of many kinds/sorts are found in South America. 南美洲有很多种蛇. 2 Kind of/sort of are also used informally to indicate that somebody or something is not genuine or of good quality, or to suggest vagueness 口语中 kind of/sort of还可指某人或某事物的情况不是真的或不那麽好, 或表示说不准: I had a kind of/sort of holiday in the summer but I couldn't really relax. 我算是放了暑假了, 但却未能真正休息. * He gave a kind of/sort of smile and left the room. 他像是笑了一下就离开了房间. 3 Kind of and sort of are used in very informal English as adverbs. *kind of和sort of在极通俗的口语中可用作副词. They mean `to some extent' 这两个词组的意思都是‘在某种程度上’: She kind of/sort of likes him. 她有点儿喜欢他.