图是我将chrome os格了之后的状态.
图中磁盘1 就是我的U盘.貌似安装chrome os后被格式化为一个未知的格式,导致系统识别为移动硬盘了
图是我将chrome os格了之后的状态.
图中磁盘1 就是我的U盘.貌似安装chrome os后被格式化为一个未知的格式,导致系统识别为移动硬盘了
附上一个Chromium OS开发者的正解:(注:引自Hexxeh,这个人很有名的,知道Chromium OS的人都应该听说过吧)
直接给链接吧: http://chromeos.hexxeh.net/wiki/doku.php?id=faq
"I tried formatting my USB drive after trying this out and it's smaller than it was! What gives?"
You need to repartition your USB drive. Use the appropriate tool on your OS to create one large partition in place of the three small ones. For Windows use DiskPart. At the command line type “Diskpart”. Then type “List Disk”. Make a note of the number for your USB drive (make SURE you get this right or you'll be crying when you screw your primary disk). Type “Select Disk=n” where n is the number of your USB drive. Type “Disk Detail” and make sure it describes your USB drive before proceeding. Type “Clean” (this removes all the partitions). Then type “exit”. Your USB drive is now ready to be formatted any way you like. (Mac: use Disk Utility, Linux: use fdisk)
简单的说,就是先cmd(明白),输入diskpart,回车启动DiskPart,稍等片刻等待启动完成后,输入list disk,回车,会列出所有的磁盘(硬盘和U盘都在),看准容量(U盘必然是小的那个,注意单位哦),前面写的是Disk n(n是某个数字),然后再输入select disk=n(n就是前面提到的那个),回车,再输入clean,回车,OK,接下来可以输入exit关闭DiskPart,或者直接点窗口右上角的关闭也行。现在你的U盘就是一整块“未分配”了(全是黑色的),再用Windows的磁盘管理器新建卷并格式化就可以了。