
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-15各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In a small village, there lived

答案:2  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 04:51
  • 提问者网友:战皆罪
  • 2021-01-03 10:24
In a small village, there lived a potter(陶工) who had a donkey. Every day his donkey would carry soil from the 1 to his house. Since the field was quite far off, the potter would 2 under a tree midway, tying(拴) his donkey nearby.
One day, the potter 3 to take the rope with which he tied the donkey every day. When he reached the 4 , he became worried and didn’t know what to do. At that time, a saint(圣人) 5 to be passing by. When the potter told the saint what his 6 was, he said, “Take the 7 to the place where you tie him every day. 8 to tie him using an imaginary rope. He won’t run away.” The potter did what the saint had said.
When he woke up, to his 9 and relief, he found the donkey standing in the 10 place. But to his frustration, when he prepared to leave for 11 , the donkey did not move. 12 , the potter saw the wise saint again and told him about the donkey’s 13 behavior. The saint said, “Go and pretend to untie the rope.” The potter 14 the saint’s advice.
Now the donkey was ready to leave for home. The potter thanked the wise saint and went home 15 his donkey.
1. A. factory B. garden C. field D. village
2. A. stand B. rest C. sing D. dance
3. A. forgot B. decided C. expected D. agreed
4. A. stone B. tree C. bridge D. house
5. A. failed B. attempted C. happened D. managed
6. A. animal B. plant C. problem D. result
7. A. bird B. flower C. donkey D. rope
8. A. Believe B. Learn C. Wish D. Pretend
9. A. surprise B. disappointment C. anger D. regret
10. A. similar B. special C. same D. wrong
11. A. field B. school C. home D. hospital
12. A. Quickly B. Luckily C. Unfortunately D. Badly
13. A. funny B. foolish C. proper D. strange
14. A offered B. followed C. refused D. received
15. A. happily B. sadly C. seriously D. casually1-5 CBABC 6-10 CCDAC 11-15 CBDBA
  • 五星知识达人网友:一秋
  • 2021-01-03 10:49
(答案→)1-5 CBABC 6-10 CCDAC 11-15 CBDBA 解析:可联系答.案.网客服索取。
  • 1楼网友:未来江山和你
  • 2021-01-03 12:06