

答案:2  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-20 23:34
  • 提问者网友:疯子也有疯子的情调
  • 2021-03-20 17:41
完形填空 The Catherine family enjoyed the good things in life as much as anyone else. They1games, books, music, toys, good food and good times. But sometimes2seemed, especially to Mrs. Catherine who3the house, that they had too much stuff in the closets, in the drawers, in the basement, and almost4. It made Mrs. Catherine a little5. One day, at breakfast, Mrs. Catherine made a(n)6. “This family,”she said firmly, “has too much stuff. It's time to get7of some of them. ”The three children all8with this idea and helped pile used things and unused things they were never going to use into the car. Their first9was Home for the Aged where the older went to live. Nurses and doctors looked after them, but sometimes the older got a little lonely and10. They liked visitors and things to do. When the family arrived at Home for the Aged, they11out their games and puzzles to the older and then sat down to play games and do puzzles with them. They had a12time and they were sorry when it was time to leave. Their next stop was the Young Cubs Hospital. The Catherine family dropped13their load of used toys which were very welcome. The hospital workers said the toys would be given out at the hospital14party. Their last stop was People Who Care store. This was a store that sold things to15money for those who needed warm clothes and good food. The Catherine family lugged all their old clothes and furniture into the store. After that, the Catherine family16home with warm feelings about what they had done.17they drove along, they passed the lighted18of supermarkets which were beautifully decorated for Christmas. There was window after window of the very latest things, but they were so filled with special thoughts about helping others that they19noticed the wonderful things in the windows except maybe out of the20of their eyes. 1.A.readB.playedC.enjoyedD.shared2.A.thereB.theyC.itD.this3.A.knewB.boughtC.soldD.managed4.A.anywhereB.everywhereC.nowhereD.somewhere5.A.uneasyB.difficultC.readyD.happy6.A.announcementB.amusementC.noticeD.report7.A.awayB.outC.holdD.rid8.A.decidedB.agreedC.arguedD.dealt9.A.placeB.arrivalC.stopD.departure10.A.boredB.disappointedC.excitedD.determined11.A.handedB.carriedC.foundD.let12.A.fineB.badC.sadD.sorry13.A.ontoB.intoC.outD.off14.A.ThanksgivingB.HalloweenC.ChristmasD.Eastern15.A.riseB.ariseC.raiseD.arouse16.A.headedB.arrivedC.leftD.felt17.A.ThoughB.AsC.SinceD.Before18.A.closetsB.housesC.doorsD.windows19.A.nearlyB.hardlyC.closelyD.immediately20.A.cornersB.sidesC.edgesD.covers
  • 五星知识达人网友:長槍戰八方
  • 2021-03-20 18:02
CCDBA ADBCA AADCC ABDBA解析 1.C考查动词。对应上文的enjoyed the good things。此处是上文的具体说明。他们喜欢游戏、图书、音乐、玩具、可口的食物和美好的时光。2.C考查代词。it seems that...似乎……;好像……。3.D考查动词。manage the house当家;管家。4.B考查副词。与前面的in the closets, in the drawers, in the basement构成递进关系,“几乎到处都是”。5.A考查形容词。 结合上文此处Mrs. Catherine应是感觉不好。家里到处太多stuff(材料,原料)的 使Mrs. Catherine有点不舒服uneasy。uneasy adj.心神不安的;不稳定的;不舒服的。6.A考查名词。make an announcement宣布;声明。7.D考查名词。get rid of 除去;消除。8.B考查动词。结合下文的helped可知三个孩子都同意Mrs. Catherine的想法。9.C考查名词。与下文的next stop和last stop相呼应。10.A考查形容词。老人之家的老人们有时感到寂寞lonely和无聊bored。lonely和bored相呼应。11.A考查动词。hand out sth to sb把某物分发给某人。12.A考查形容词。have a fine time过的开心。13.D考查副词。 drop sth. off 卸下(丢下)某物.14.C考查名词。结合下文的decorated for Christmas可知此处应是“圣诞晚会” 。15.C考查动词。raise money for为…募捐。16.A考查动词。 “三站活动”结束后,自然是回家。Head此处是动词,意思是“朝……行进;出发;向……方向移动”。head home 回家。17.B考查连词。此处意思是“在开车回家的过程中”。 as当……的时候。 18.D考查名词。结合下文的window after window可知此处应是“超市的橱窗”。19.B考查副词。他们一直在想帮助别人,一致与没有注意橱窗子最新的东西。 20.A考查名词。out of the corner of one’s eye.用眼角余光。
  • 1楼网友:行雁书
  • 2021-03-20 18:17