
寻找梦幻岛的经典台词,给我几句。速度 ..

答案:1  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-10-15 09:08
  • 提问者网友:欲劫无渡
  • 2021-10-14 11:20
寻找梦幻岛的经典台词,给我几句。速度 ..
  • 五星知识达人网友:封刀令
  • 2021-10-14 12:30
Sylvis L. Davies(Mother): You should have been in bed half an hour ago, Yound Men. I am afraid i've grown hopelessly too lax in my own discipline. (孩子们,你们半小时之前就应该上床休息了。我怕我平时太纵容他们了。) J.M. Barrie: Nonesense, young boys should never be sent to bed. They always wake up a day older. And then before you know it, they are grown. (不要这样说,孩子们不该被强迫去睡觉。当他们醒来的时候又老了一天。 忽然之间,你就发现他们已经长大了。)Peter D.: What did you bring me over here for? it is absurb. it is JUST a dog. (带我来这里干什么?荒谬,这只是一只狗) J.M. Barrie: Just a dog? JUST? Porthos, don't listen to him. (walk near Peter) Porthos dreams of being a bear. And you want to dash those dreams by saying "he's just a dog"? What a horrible candle-snuffing word! That's like saying "He can't climb that moutain, he's just a man" Or " That's not a diamond, it's just a rock." Just? (只是一只狗?只是?porthos,不要听他说。Porthos一直想成为一只熊。然后你却无情地说 “他只是一只狗”,把他的梦想打得支离破碎。这是多么伤心、扼腕的话语啊。那就像是说, “他不能翻越那座山,他只是一个人”或者“那不是钻石,只是一颗石头。” 只是?) Peter D.: Fine then, Turn him into a bear, if you can. (好啊,你能的话,就把它变成熊啊!)Peter D.: What did you and Mother decide to tell us this time? "It's only a chest cold?" (这一次有你和妈妈有打算要告诉我们什么?“只是着凉了”吗?) J.M. Barrie: We havn't decided anything. (我们还没有决定。) Peter D.: Stop lying to me. I am sick of grown-ups lying to me. (不要再说谎了。我讨厌大人对我说谎。) J.M. Barrie: i am not lying to you. I don't know what's wrong. (我没有骗你。我也不知道哪里不对。) Peter D.: "Father might take us fishing" that's what she said," in just a few weeks." And he died the next morning. (她告诉我,爸爸可能几个星期后就带我们去钓鱼。然后他第二天就死了。) J.M. Barrie: It wasn't a lie, Peter. That was your mother's hope. (这并不是一个谎言,peter,这也是你妈妈的心愿啊。) Peter D: He barely moved for a week... but i started planning our fishing trip. (他一个星期都没有动静了。而我却开始计划我们的钓鱼之旅。) J.M. Barrie: I will never lie to you. i promise you that. (我保证我不会骗你。) Peter D.: NO. All you'll do is teaching me is to make up stupid stories and pretending that things aren't happenning until... i am not blind. i won't be made a fool. (不!你只会叫我编造一些无聊的故事,然后假想一切都安好,直到…… 我不是瞎子,我也不要被当作傻瓜了。)Mrs Snow: i am afraid it's all the work of the ticking crocodile, isn't it? Time is chasing after all of us, isn't that right? (我想是那鳄鱼的功劳,不是吗?时间一直在追赶着我们,不是吗?)J.M Barrie: Sit down, Peter. (坐下吧。) Peter D.: Mother pasted it back together after i ruined it. and then i saw the play. i just started writing and i haven't been able to stop. (我把本子毁了后,妈妈都把它粘好了。我看过那场戏了。 我又开始写了,我会继续写下去,不会半途而废。 J.M. Barrie: She would be very pleased to know that. Listen, i've just spoken to your grandmother and i am staying for good. (她知道你这么做,一定很高兴。我刚刚跟你祖母说了,我会永远和你们在一起。) Peter D.: I am sorry i was so horrible. (抱歉我刚刚态度那么差。) J.M. Barrie: Don't worry. (别放在心上。) Peter D.: it's just... i thought she'd always be here. (我只是以为,她会永远陪伴着我们。) J.M. Barrie: So did I. But in fact, She is because she's on every page of your imagination