
be able to能接动词不定式的被动形式吗?

答案:2  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-25 17:15
  • 提问者网友:听门外雪花风
  • 2021-02-24 19:34
be able to能接动词不定式的被动形式吗?
  • 五星知识达人网友:怙棘
  • 2021-02-24 20:03
can/could/be able to用法详解 can / could / be able to 被用来谈论能力、感官能力和可能性.它们还可用于表示允许做某事.can / could 叫做情态动词,be able to为半情态动词.can和could接不带to的动词不定式,如:can do / could do. 1、否定形式 can的否定形式是cannot或can't. 注意cannot从来不写成can not. could 的否定形式是could not或couldn't. be able to 的否定形式是be not able to或be unable to. 例句: He cannot swim. She can't sew. It was so black you could not see a hand in front of your face. They couldn't sleep. We were not able to give any answers. Lucy was unable to find out what had happened. 2、表示“现在的能力” can和be able to可用来表示“现在的能力”.be able to比can更正式.例句: You can all read and write. He can play chess. We can't move this piano. It's too heavy for us. The sheep are able to move around and they can all lie down. 注意:could也可用于谈论“现在的能力”,但它有着特殊的意义.它的意思是“有能力做某事但事实上没有做”.例句: We could do a great deal more in this country to educate people. 3、表示“过去的能力” could和be able to可用于表示“过去的能力”. 可以用下列形式谈论过去的一般的能力: Andrew could walk when he was only eleven months old. Andrew was able to walk when he was only eleven months old. A lot of them couldn't read or write. I wasn't able to do these quizzes. 但是要用was / were able to (不是could) 表示特定情况下的能力,意思是有能力做某事并确实做了这件事(通常做这件事有困难或需要努力,总之,不是一般的能力),could没有这个意思: The injured man was able to walk to a phone box. 受伤的男子走到了电话亭.(肯定句) (意思是他有能力走到电话亭,而且他的确走到了那里.) was / were able to do的这一含义与succeeded in doing或者 managed to do的含义相同. 在否定句和疑问句中could和be able to这两种形式都可以用,意思没有区别: Detectives couldn't identify / weren't able to identify the murder. 侦探们无法确定凶手.(否定句) Could you get / Were you able to get tickets for the show? 你买到演出的票吗?(疑问句) 如果想要表示“(过去)有能力做某事但事实上没有做”这一意思,可用could have done这种形式,例句: He could have walked there, but he was too lazy. 他太懒了,他本可以步行去那里的. You could have given it all to me.你本可以将它整个都给我的. 如果想要表示“因没有能力做某事,所以没做成某事”这一意思,可用could not have done这种形式,例句: I couldn't have gone with you, because I was in London at the time. 如果想表示“过去有能力做某事但现在没这种能力做某事”这一意思,可用used to be able to do这种形式,例句: You used to be able to see the house from here. 通常could(不是was / were able to)还和感官动词及思维动词连用: I could see smoke on the horizon. We could understand that Emily was feeling upset. could还可以作would be able to The factory could produce a lot more if it was modernized. 如果这家工厂经过了现代化改造,它的产量会高得多. 4、表示“将来的能力” be able to可用来表示将来的能力: I shall be able to answer that question tomorrow. 5、用在间接引语中表示能力 He said he could speak English. 6、be able to放在其他词后表示能力 be able to可用在might、will之类的词后面,也可放在want、hope这类词后面: 现在完成时 Mr Fry has been ill. He hasn't been able to work for some time. 过去完成时 I arrived late because I hadn't been able to find a taxi. 带to的不定式 I'm having a wonderful holiday. It's nice to be able to relax. 动词-ing形式 Being able to speak the language is a great advantage. 用在will后面 Take this course and you will be able to impress others with your sparkling conversation. 用在would后面 I woul
  • 1楼网友:青尢
  • 2021-02-24 21:19