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  • 2021-04-13 12:20
About the New $50 Notes

  The new $50 note is the second note issued of the Series 2004 designs, which not only include subtle shades of color, but also highlight historical symbols of Americana. The new $50 note, which was issued in late 2004, includes shades of blue and red along with an image of a waving American flag and a metallic silver-blue star.
  Security Features
  The new $50 notes are safer, smarter and more secure: safer because they're harder to fake and easier to check; smarter to stay ahead of tech-savvy counterfeiters; more secure to protect the integrity of U.S. currency. Because security features are difficult for counterfeiters to reproduce well, they often do not try, hoping that cash-handlers and the public will not check their money.

  Color-Shifting Ink: Look at the number "50" in the lower right corner on the face of the note. When you tilt the note up and down, the color-shifting ink changes from copper to green. The color shift is more dramatic in the redesigned notes, making it even easier for people to check their money.

  Watermark: Hold the note up to the light and look for the watermark, or faint image, similar to the large portrait. The watermark is part of the paper itself and it can be seen from both sides of the note.

  Security Thread: Hold the note up to the light and look for the security thread, or plastic strip, that is embedded in the paper and runs vertically to the right of the portrait. If you look closely, the words "USA 50" and a small flag are visible along the thread from both sides of the note. This thread glows yellow when held under an ultraviolet light.

  Design Features
  To stay ahead of currency counterfeiters, the U.S. will be introducing new currency designs every seven to ten years. Not only will many of these design updates add complexity to the note and make counterfeiting more difficult, other features will help the public, particularly those who are visually impaired, to tell denominations apart.

  Symbols of Freedom: New symbols of freedom have been designed on the face of the $50 note to represent images of the American flag. The traditional stars and stripes of the United States flag are printed in blue and red behind the portrait of President Grant. A field of blue stars is located to the left of the portrait, while three red stripes are located to the right of the portrait. A small metallic silver-blue star is located on the lower right side of the portrait. The symbols of freedom will differ for each denomination.

  Color: The most noticeable difference in the redesigned $50 note is the addition of subtle background colors of blue and red to both sides of the note. Also, small yellow 50s have been printed in the background on the back of the note. The Series 2004 notes mark the first time in modern American history that U.S. cash will include colors other than black and green. Different background colors are being used for the different denominations. This helps everyone to tell denominations apart.

  Updated Portrait and Vignette: The oval borders and fine lines surrounding the portrait of President Grant on the face and the United States Capitol vignette on the back have been removed. The portrait has been moved up and shoulders have been extended into the border. Additional engraving details have been added to the vignette background.

  Microprinting: Because they are so small, microprinted words are hard to replicate. The redesigned $50 note features microprinting on the face of the note in three areas: the words "FIFTY," "USA," and the numeral "50" can be found in two of the blue stars to the left of the portrait; the word "FIFTY" can be found repeated within both side borders of the note; and the words "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" appear on President Ulysses S. Grant's collar, under his beard.

  Low-Vision Feature: The large numeral "50" in the lower right corner on the back of the note is easy to read.

  Federal Reserve Indicators: A universal seal to the left of the portrait represents the entire Federal Reserve System. A letter and number beneath the left serial number identifies the issuing Federal Reserve Bank.

  Serial Numbers: The unique combination of eleven numbers and letters appears twice on the face of the note. On the new $50 note, the left serial number has shifted slightly to the right, compared with previous designs.
  • 1楼网友:孤独的牧羊人
  • 2021-04-13 14:25
美国1776年建国,不久开始发行国家货币,名称美元,国际标准化组织制定的货币符号为USD,辅币进位为100美分等于l美元。元以上主币全为纸币,元以下铺币全为金属币。美元现钞流通面较广,在世界各地的美元现钞有百亿。美元的假钞也较多,美国为保持美钞在世界上的声誉和地位,在保持票面外表格调稳定的前提下,不断设计防伪性能较高的新版美钞。现在流通的美钞,主要是1945年以后发行的联邦储备券。面值有1、2、5、1O、2O、50、100元7种,其中2元券美国人大都不喜欢用,故发行量很少,成为收藏者难觅之品。美钞在外形上有三个统一:第一,各面值的票幅没有大小区别,统一为 156 * 66毫米;第二,各面值票面没有采用分色区别,正面主色调都为黑色,背面主色调统一为绿色;第三,钞纸的构造和厚度各面值基本统一,都较坚韧、挺括,用旧时一般不起毛。 自 1928年起,对美钞各面值的正面人像作了固定安排,一种面值固定印一个人物像,背面印一个与正面人物相关的图案。数十年来,美钞虽为提高防伪功能,进行过多次改版,但仅对人像大小、正侧位角度、位置等略有调整外,人物对象及背面主图一直没有变动。 1996年起,各面值美钞的右侧加入了与票面人像相同的水印,并把票面人像放大,人像部位全用雕刻凹版印刷,使人像更趋生动逼真,在人像周边增印了“美利坚合众国”的缩微英文,大大提高了防伪能力。美国人十分熟悉美元上的人像,成了区分面值和识别真假的重要特征。各面值正面的人像及背面主图分别固定为:l美元正面是美国第一任总统乔治·华盛顿像,背面是国玺正、背图(图1)。2美元正面是美国第三任总统托马斯·杰斐逊像,背面为宣告独立图(图2)。5美元的正面是美国第16任总统阿伯拉罕·林肯像,背面是林肯纪念堂(图3)。10美元正面是美国首任财政部长亚历山大·汉密尔顿像,背面是美国财政部大楼图(图4)。20美元正面是美国第7任总统安得鲁·杰克逊像,背面是美国白宫(图5)。50美元正面是美国第18任总统尤利塞斯·辛普森格兰特像,背面是美国国会大厦图(图6)。100美元正面是美国科学家本杰明·富兰克林像,背面是美国独立堂图景(图7)。 美钞的防伪技术是不断发展的,现在流通的联邦储备券自1945年始发至今,主要防伪设计大体经历了三个阶段: 第一阶段.1945~1990年之间的主要防伪设计: 1.防伪用纸。美钞纸张用特殊纤维制造,纸质坚韧、挺度和耐磨力好,长期流通纤维不松散、不起毛、不断裂,并有细微的红、蓝色纤维掺入纸中。 2.雕刻凹版印刷。钞面层次丰富,线纹隆起,手摸有凹凸感。如正面的肖像、边框、面额等和背面的图景等采用凹版印刷。这项技术便于民众手摸自鉴。 3.复杂精细的财政部印章。财政部印章(又称库印)在美钞正面右侧,圆形,翠绿色,外周有均等的齿,圆中心是一个盾牌,盾牌被一个倒“V” 字分为上下两部分,上半部为天平,下半部为一把钥匙,钥匙孔有一个“T”字形暗记。此印设计精细复杂,印迹清晰不间断,采用凸印工艺印刷。1990年以后印章内结构略有变化,但总体形态未变。 第二阶段是1990~1996年之间的主要防伪设计: 除保留并完善原有防伪技术外,又增加了两项重要防伪措施: 1.1990年起,增加了“附带缩微文字安全线”。在联邦储备银行印章的左侧嵌入了一条附带缩微文字的安全线。以1990年100元为例,安全线沿表面垂直方向自上而下多次出现“USA 100”字样,灯光下或迎光透视即可见到。其后除有些版别位置有些变动外,技术原则一样。 2.缩微文字。在美钞正面肖像边缘设计有重复出现的雕刻凹版印刷的缩微英文字母“THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”(美利坚合众国),字很小,借助放大镜可见。 第三阶段是1996年至今的主要防伪设计: 在保留和完善以前各项防伪功能外,1996年起又设计了新版,增加了新的防伪设计: 1.肖像放大共增加了与肖像相同的水印。肖像放大,使人像清晰逼真,位置略向左移,右侧钞纸中迎光可见同肖像水印。 2.同心细纹。正面的肖像和背面图的背景采用雕刻凹版印刷工艺的同心精细线纹。此项技术一般较难仿制。 3.变色油墨。正面右下角面额字是用光变油墨印刷的。从正面看呈绿色,从侧面看呈黑色。 美钞的防伪设计除以上主要点外,还有多处一般防伪措施,难于—一说清。
  • 2楼网友:玩世
  • 2021-04-13 13:49
The US$ banknotes defends the false characteristic ( A)Appropriation paper:The paper of the greenback mainly is to be copy by the cotton, fiber of 麻 to build but become.The paper is tough and resilient and stands the 括 , having no fluorescence reaction under the purple and outside light. ( Two)Fix the portrait watermark:The version US$ paper joined to face the person head watermark that was like the pattern homology with ticket in 1996. ( Three)Red and blue and colorful fiber:Rise from the version of 1885, joined the red and blue and colorful fiber silk in the greenback paper.From the version of 1885 to the red and blue and colorful fiber of the version greenback of 1928 is to adopt the definite direction to spread of, the namely red and blue fiber silk distribute at bill exact center, from up go to the bottom to become two longs to take. Version in 1929 and later the red and blue and colorful fiber silk within each version then distributed random in the whole bill. ( Four)Safe line of writing:Rise from the version of 1990, USD 5 went to join in the paper of each face value of USD 100 banknotes an all cover up the safe line of writing.The safety is on-line to print the numerical certain context of single phrase face value of" USA" and Arabia or Englishs.Version in 199650, the 20 USDses safety was on-line to still increase the American national flag pattern.Safe line of the safe line is still a fluorescence of the version US$ in 1996, presented a color of dissimilarity under the purple and outside light,100,50,20,10, the safe line of USD 5 was red, yellow, green respectively, palm tree and blue. ( Five)Carve the intaglio printing:The US$ portrait, building, frame and the face value numeral etc. of the positive back all adopts the carvings intaglio printing.Touch to have the obviously cave and convex feeling by hand.The portrait enlargement of the version US$ in 1996, the image also lived a new life to move. ( Six)Letterpress:The database of the US$ banknotes print and the hat characters code is to adopt the letterpress, correspond the part to touch by hand and can feel the cave and convex feeling in the bill back. ( Seven)Fine thread printing:The version US$ adopted the fine thread design in the background of the background and back building of the positive portrait in 1996, should design to have to defend to copy the result very strongly. ( Eight)Cave print the tiny writing of 缩 :Rise from the version of 1990, increase in the US$ portrait edge a from cave print the 缩 wreath line of the tiny writing organization, the tiny writing of 缩 is" THEUNITEDSTATESOFAMERICA".The version USD 100 and USD 20s still distinguished to increase the tiny writing of" USA100" and" USA20" certain context 缩s in the Cape face value numeral under the front side leftly in 1996, USD 50 was then in positive two side laceses tiny writing of the increment" FIFTY" certain context 缩 . ( Nine)Hat characters code:The US$ banknotes front side all prints two horizontal numbers, the color is a jade-green color.The US$ hat characters code of version past was constitute by a hat word,8 numerals and a suffix letter of alphabet in 1996, the US$ of the version increased a hat word in 1996, representing the title of resign in order to. ( Ten)The light changes the face value numeral:Version in 1996100,50,20,10 USDs the positive left bottom Cape face value numeral is to used up to change the printing ink printing of, while facing the perpendicular angle observation with ticket present the green, tilt to one side bill the certain angle then changed into the black. (11)Magnetism printing ink:The US$ front side is cave to print the printing ink to take the magnetism, use the magnetism examination instrument and can examine a magnetism. US$ of true false discriminate So, how discriminate the US$ true false?Want first to each version do not really the ticket of the 钞 faces the characteristic and defends the false characteristic to carry on the overall understanding and controls masterly, then adopt the direct contrast method( see, touch, the ear hear) and instruments to examine the method to carry on discriminate, namely usually" on see, two touch, three hear, four measure" say. ( A)See to see the color that ticket face first.The positive main tone of true 钞 is a jet-black, the back is the dark yellowish green color(1963 version later version), the hat characters code and databases print for the jade-green color, and all take the soft and smooth luster.Opposite and not enough pure and unadulterated of the counterfeit money color, the color and luster is also more obscure;The next in order, it is a printing result that sees the ticket face the pattern, lines.The true bill faces the pattern all is from order, the line constitute, the lines is clear and clean( some lineses contain slight phenomenon of 滋墨 , belong to normal), the pattern layer and the person facial expressions are abundant, the person vision contain absolute being.The counterfeit money lines hair falsely, hair flower, throw the point, line of circumstance, the pattern lacks the layer, the person facial expression is stagnant, eye have no absolute being.Again, see the light change the face value numeral.The version USD 10 in 1996 the above true 钞 all adopted the light to change the face value numeral, transformation observation angle, can see the color from green become black.Counterfeit money or did not change countenance the result, or change countenance the result not enough obvious, the trueer 钞 of color also has the difference.End, deeply the light sees the paper, watermark and safety lines.The US$ paper contain the net 纹 of the exact square, the veins is clear, there is anomaly in the paper colorful fiber that distribute;The version rose the US$ paper to join to face the person head watermark that was like the pattern homology with ticket in 1996, the watermark layer is abundant, having the stronger and stereoscopic feeling;The version rose USD 5 to join the safe line of writing in the above face value banknotes in 1990, the clean and on-line writing of lines is clear. On the counterfeit money paper or have no net 纹 , or the net 纹 is iner great disorder;The watermark pattern lacks the layer and stereoscopic feelings, the safe and on-line writing lines is fine not evenly, the form of written transform. ( Two)Touch an is to uch the paper of 钞 .True paper of 钞 pretty the 括 , smooth degree is feat, comparing good of tenacity.But the opposite 绵 of the counterfeit money paper is soft, standing the degree worse, have of be partial to thin, have of be partial to thick, the smooth degree is perhaps higher, perhaps lower.Two is to uch cave to print the hand feeling.The main view pattern and frame etc. of positive back of true 钞 all adopts the intaglio printing, touching have the obviously cave and convex feeling.Counterfeit money or the adoption flat plate offset lithograph, basically have no cave print the hand feeling.Or even adopt the intaglio printing, its version 纹 compare the true 钞 and want to be shallow, cave print the hand feeling with true the 钞 compares to still have the certain margin. ( Three)Hear tremble to move by hand or point to play to move the paper by hand, true the 钞 will send out the clear and crisp voice ring, the voice of the counterfeit money then compares for the tediousness loudly. ( Four)Measure on observing with the magnifier cave print the tiny writing of 缩 .Rise from the version of 1990, the above face value banknotes of USD 5 printed more copies cave print the tiny writing of 缩 , under the magnifier observation, the writing is clear can 辨 .The tiny writing of the 缩 of the counterfeit money then compares for the faintness.Two is to use the magnetism examination instrument examination magnetism.The black of the true 钞 is cave to print the printing ink to imply the magnetism material, using the magnetism examination the instrument can examine a magnetism.The counterfeit money has no magnetism perhaps, or the magnetism strength with true the 钞 have do not.Three is to use the purple and outside light irradiation ticket noodles.The true paper of 钞 has no fluorescence reaction, the counterfeit money have of have the obvious fluorescence reaction;The safe line of the version US$ thered will be the bright fluorescence reaction in 1996, the safe line of counterfeit money had without the fluorescence to respond, have of if ever the fluorescence respond, but the bright degree is darker, color also falsely.(