

答案:1  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-08 11:06
  • 提问者网友:雨不眠的下
  • 2021-02-07 17:19
  • 五星知识达人网友:独行浪子会拥风
  • 2021-02-07 18:08
问题一:关于焚烧秸秆的英语作文 billowing smoke formed patches of scorched earth, tears, burned beneficial microorganisms in the soil, to a city image of the environment is the biggest failure  Benefits, respirable particulate matter pollution index reached a peak value of three, may lead to severe bronchitis.  If nothing else, easily ignite surrounding combustibles, especially in the mountains nearby, the concentration of nitrogen dioxide.问题二:不要焚烧太多的秸秆英文 不要焚烧太多的秸秆
Don't burn too much straw
Don't burn too much straw问题三:关于"焚烧秸秆的好处与坏处"的相关英语作文 好处:焚烧秸秆有三大好处:
危害一:污染空气环境,危害人体健康。有数据表明,焚烧秸秆时,大气中二氧化硫、二氧化氮、可吸入颗粒物三项污染指数达到高峰值,其中二氧化硫的浓度比平时高出1倍,二氧化氮、可吸入颗粒物的浓度比平时高出3倍,相当于日均浓度的五级水平。当可吸入颗粒物浓度达到一定程度时,对人的眼睛、鼻子和咽喉含有黏膜的部分刺激较大,轻则造成咳嗽、胸闷、流泪,严重时可能导致支气管炎发生。危害二:引发火灾,威胁群众的生命财产安全。秸秆焚烧,极易引燃周围的易燃物,尤其是在山林附近,一旦引发大火,后果将不堪设想。危害三:引发交通事故,影响道路交通和航空安全。由于大部分高速公路两旁有大量的农田,焚烧秸秆形成的烟雾,造成空气能见度下降,可见范围降低,容易引发交通事故。危害四:破坏土壤结构,造成农田质量下降。焚烧秸秆使地面温度急剧升高,能直接烧死、烫死土壤中的有益微生物,影响作物对土壤养分的充分吸收,直接影响农田作物的产量和质量,影响农业收益。危害五:焚烧秸秆所形成的滚滚烟雾、片片焦土,对一个城市的环境形象是最大的破坏。撇开其他不说,就是为了家园的日丽景明,禁止露天焚烧秸秆也是势在必行的选择。问题四:关于燃烧秸秆的英语倡议书 friendss:? Another year to the autumn harvest, hard sweat into the harvest the fruit. Every year after the autumn harvest, however, most abandoned or straw burning, environmental pollution, endangering people's health and traffic safety. In order to protect our survival environment, beautify our home, we sent the whole school students initiative:? A positive publicity burning straw. Apply what we learn the knowledge of the publicity of the dangers of burning straw for parents, do straw burning harm a household name.? Second, we must take the lead in the burning of straw dissuaded from relatives and friends. Start from the side, start from the friends and relatives, discourage parents, neighbors, relatives and friends to stop burning straw, take the lead in response to the government called on, out of a force to protect the environment.? Third, we need to protect the environment responsibility .问题五:写一篇关于禁止焚烧秸秆的800字的英语作文 好处:焚烧秸秆有三大好处:
危害一:污染空气环境,危害人体健康。有数据表明,焚烧秸秆时,大气中二氧化硫、二氧化氮、可吸入颗粒物三项污染指数达到高峰值,其中二氧化硫的浓度比平时高出1倍,二氧化氮、可吸入颗粒物的浓度比平时高出3倍,相当于日均浓度的五级水平。当可吸入颗粒物浓度达到一定程度时,对人的眼睛、鼻子和咽喉含有黏膜的部分刺激较大,轻则造成咳嗽、胸闷、流泪,严重时可能导致支气管炎发生。危害二:引发火灾,威胁群众的生命财产安全。秸秆焚烧,极易引燃周围的易燃物,尤其是在山林附近,一旦引发大火,后果将不堪设想。危害三:引发交通事故,影响道路交通和航空安全。由于大部分高速公路两旁有大量的农田,焚烧秸秆形成的烟雾,造成空气能见度下降,可见范围降低,容易引发交通事故。危害四:破坏土壤结构,造成农田质量下降。焚烧秸秆使地面温度急剧升高,能直接烧死、烫死土壤中的有益微生物,影响作物对土壤养分的充分吸收,直接影响农田作物的产量和质量,影响农业收益。危害五:焚烧秸秆所形成的滚滚烟雾、片片焦土,对一个城市的环境形象是最大的破坏。撇开其他不说,就是为了家园的日丽景明,禁止露天焚烧秸秆也是势在必行的选择。问题六:禁烧禁抛用英语怎么说 禁止焚烧
Prohibit Burning
prohibit burning out in the open
No Littering
Prohibit Littering问题七:假如你是李华,周末你和父母到乡下旅行,看到一些农民在焚烧秸秆。本周你们班英语班会的主题是保护环境, when we arrived at grandparents 'home they welcomed us warmly and treated us with fresh farm foods such as strawberries and sweet potatoes .after having some tea and snacks ,my parents and i went to the land where my grandparents grow the corps ,and i help to water the plants and my fater dig out water chestnuts and my mom collect the vegetables .i was very tired when all of things were done by us ,but i saw my grandparents were very happy ,which made me feel everything i did is worth.
now we are at our own home ,and i m recalling the weekend spent in grandparents' ,and i think children like us need to go back to visit grandparents more ,as for one thing we can help them to do some work in land ,and another we have enjoy the happiness of getting together !问题八:小麦秸秆餐具用英语怎么说 小麦秸秆餐具
Wheat straw tableware
英 [?teib(?)lwe?] 美 [?teb?l?w?r]
n. 餐具; 食具;